Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Knowledge and attitudes of health workers and the general population about the donation, storage and application of induced pluripotent stem cells in biomedicine

dc.contributor.advisorJovanović, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherRančić, Nemanja
dc.contributor.otherJanjić, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Vladimir
dc.creatorRaščanin, Sanja
dc.description.abstractCilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje informisanosti, znanja i stavova zdravstvenih radnika i pripadnika opšte populacije o doniranju, čuvanju i potencijalnoj primeni iPSCs. Istraživanje je dizajnirano kao kohortna studija i sprovedeno u dve faze: 1. faza- validacija konstruisanog upitnika koji se sastoji iz tri dela: Upitnik 1 odnosi se na sociodemografske odlike ispiitanika, Upitnik 2 odnosi se na informisanost o iPSCs i Upitnik 3 odnosi se na znanja o iPSCs; 2. faza- anketiranje ispitanika. Dobijeni podaci su vođeni u obliku Excel baze, kompletna statička analiza podataka urađena je uz pomoć softverskog paketa IBM SPSS version 26.0. Analizom rezultata pokazano je: Upitnik 1- najveći procenat ispitanika bio je sa visokim obrazovanjem, zaposlen u prosveti i privredi, dobrog socioekonomskog statusa, pravoslavne veroispovesti, religioznost delimično utiče na njihove odluke, imaju vrlo ili delimično liberalne ideološke stavove i da su iPSCs nedovljno ili vrlo malo zastupljene u medijima. Upitnik 2- zdravstveni radnici su više informisani o iPSCs, češće smatraju da se mogu koristiti u terapijske svrhe i da je to etički i moralno opravdano, u većem procentu bi donirali iPSCs, podržavaju istraživanja sa iPSCs i kloniranjem tkiva i organa, više su zainteresovani za dodatnu edukaciju. Obe grupe bi pristale na lečenje sa iPSCs, svesni su rizika ali veruju u izlečenje, u najvećem procentu se izjašnjavaju da bi iPSCs ostavili na čuvanje u Srbiji. Upitnik 3- zdravstveni radnici su pokazali znatno veće znanje o iPSCs u poređenju sa opštom
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to examined the information, knowledge and attitudes of health workers and members of the general population about the donation, storage and potential application of iPSCs. The research was designed as a Cohort study and was conducted in two phases: 1st phase- validation of the constructed questionnaire, which consists of three parts: Questionnaire 1 refers to the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, Questionnaire 2 refers to information about iPSCs, and Questionnaire 3 refers to knowledge about iPSCs; 2nd phase- surveying respondents. The obtained data was kept in the form of an Excel database, complete statistical data analysis was done with the software package IBM SPSS version 26.0. The analysis of the results showed: Questionnaire 1- the largest percentage of respondents had a higher education, employed in education and the economy, good socioeconomic status, Orthodox religion, religiosity partly influences their decisions, have very or partly liberal ideological views, and that iPSCs are insufficiently or very little represented in the media. Questionnaire 2- health workers are more informed about iPSCs, more often believe that they can be used for therapeutic purposes and that it is ethically and morally justified, a higher percentage would donate iPSCs, they support research on iPSCs, tissue and organ cloning, they are more interested in further education. Both groups would agree to treatment with iPSCs, they are aware of the risks but believe in a cure, and the largest percentage declare that they would leave the iPSCs for storage in Serbia. Questionnaire 3- health workers showed significantly greater knowledge about iPSCs in comparing to members of the general population.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectKljučne reči: iPSCs, upitnik, znanja, stavovi, doniranje, čuvanjesr
dc.subjectiPSCs, questionnaire, knowledge, attitudes, donation, storageen
dc.titleZnanja i stavovi zdravstvenih radnika i opšte populacije o doniranju, čuvanju i primeni indukovanih pluripotentnih matičnih ćelija u biomedicinisr
dc.title.alternativeKnowledge and attitudes of health workers and the general population about the donation, storage and application of induced pluripotent stem cells in biomedicineen

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