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Possibilities and limitations of cold-pressed oil and cake production obtainedfrom selected new sunflower hybrids

dc.contributor.advisorRomanić, Ranko
dc.contributor.otherTepić, Horecki, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherRomanić, Ranko
dc.contributor.otherKravić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherGrahovac, Nada
dc.creatorLužaić, Tanja
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije obuhvataju ispitivanja novih hibrida suncokreta. Disertacija uključuje proizvodnju hladno presovanog ulja i pogače, kao i karakterizaciju polaznog semena, dobijenih ulja i pogače. Dobijeni rezultati treba da pomognu proizvođačima semena, hladno presovanog ulja i pogače prilikom izbora novostvorenih hibrida, kao i oplemenjivačima prilikom dalje selekcije, rada sa hibridima koji su još uvek u fazi razvoja, i stvaranju novih hibrida. Pored toga, primenom neuronskih mreža izvršena ja i optimizacija procesa proizvodnje hladno presovanog ulja i dobijene optimalne vrednosti dimenzija, geometrijskih, gravimetrijskih, opštih karakteristika i čvrstoće semena potrebnih za maksimalno iskorišćenje prilikom presovanja.sr
dc.description.abstractResearch in the framework of the thesis includes trials of new sunflower hybrids. The dissertation includes the production of cold-pressed oil and cake, as well as the characterization of the obtained oils and cakes and initial seeds. The obtained results should help seeds, cold-pressed oils and cakes producers in choise of newly created hybrids, as well as breeders during further selection, work with hybrids in the development phase, and creation of new hybrids. In addition, by applying artificial neural networks, the cold-pressed oil production process was optimized and the optimal values of seeds dimensions, geometric, gravimetric, general characteristics and seed firmness required for maximum pressing yield were obtained.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectsuncokret, hibrid, seme, pogača, hladno presovano ulje, iskorišćenje, optimizacijasr
dc.subjectSunflower, hybrid, seed, cake, cold-pressed oil, yield, optimizationen
dc.titleMogućnosti i ograničenja proizvodnje hladno presovanog ulja i pogače od semena odabranih hibrida suncokreta najnovijeg sortimentasr
dc.title.alternativePossibilities and limitations of cold-pressed oil and cake production obtainedfrom selected new sunflower hybridsen

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