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Isolation, characterisation and enzymatic modification of pectic polysaccharide from butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata)

dc.contributor.advisorAntov, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherŠćiban, Marina
dc.contributor.otherAntov, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherKatona, Jaroslav
dc.contributor.otherKnežević-Jugović, Zorica
dc.contributor.otherBezbradica, Dejan
dc.creatorMilošević, Maja
dc.description.abstractU ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je ispitana mogućnost korišćenja muskatne tikve (Cucurbita moschata) za dobijanje visokovrednih pektinskih polisaharida. Pektinski polisaharidi su dobijeni konvencionalnom kiselom ekstrakcijom, enzimski potpomognutim kiselim ekstrakcijama i enzimskim ekstrakcijama, a zatim su okarakterisani. Generalno, prinos pektinskog polisaharida je, u odnosu na konvencionalnu kiselu ekstrakciju (60,6 mg/gSM), bio povećan kada je koraku sa kiselinom prethodio enzimski tretman. S druge stane, prinosi enzimskih ekstrakcija su bili slični ili niži u poređenju sa kiselom ekstrakcijom. Najveći prinos ekstrakcije (104,4 mg/gSM) je postignut nakon kisele ekstrakcije potpomognute ksilanazom, celulazom i amilazom. Primena enzima u postupku ekstrakcije je omogućila izdvajanje pektinskih polisaharida muskatne tikve koji su imali i do 3 puta veći sadržaj galakturonske kiseline u odnosu na onaj iz konvencionalne kisele ekstrakcije; najviše galakturonske kiseline je sadržao pektin dobijen u amilazom potpomognutoj kiseloj ekstrakciji (84,4 g/100 g). Isto je važilo i za sadržaj homogalakturonana, a suprotno za sadržaj ramnogalakturonana-I. Na osnovu stepena metoksilacije, svi pektinski polisaharidi, osim kiselo ekstrahovanog, su se mogli uvrstiti u niskometoksilovane pektine. Korišćenje kiseline u ekstrakciji pektinskih polisaharida muskatne tikve je imalo negativan uticaj na sadržaj ukupnih fenola, antioksidativnu i gvožđe(II)-helirajuću aktivnost. Najveći sadržaj ukupnih fenola je određen u pektinu ekstrahovanom celulazom i ksilanazom (1,16 mg FK/g). In-vitro antioksidativna aktivnost je bila najveća kod pektina ekstrahovanog celulazom, ksilanazom i amilazom (2,42 mM TE/100 g), a najveća Fe2+-helirajuća aktivnost kod onog ekstrahovanog amilazom (2,13 mM EDTA/100 g). Određivanjem molarnih masa je utvrđeno da su kiselo ekstrahovani pektinski polisaharidi u rastvoru bili skloniji agregaciji i da su enzimski ekstrahovani uzorci u proseku imali manje molarne mase od kiselo ekstrahovanih. Na viskoznost pektinskih polisaharida je veći uticaj imao izbor enzima primenjenih za ekstrakciju, nego to da li je u te svrhe korišćena kiselina; najveću viskoznost je imao pektinski polisaharid za čiju ekstrakciju je korišćena amilaza. S druge strane, rastvorljivost pektinskih polisaharida je bila najveća kod svih uzoraka kod kojih su u enzimskom koraku ekstrakcije korišćene ksilanaza i celulaza (više od 77%). Pektinski polisaharidi izdvojeni u različitim ekstrakcionim postupcima podvrgnuti su modifikacijama endo-poligalakturonazom i pektin-metilesterazom (individualno ili združeno) u cilju dobijanja pektinskih polisaharida i oligosaharida izmenjenih karakteristika i svojstava. Određivanjem Mihaelis-Mentenine konstante endo-poligalakturonaze, utvrđeno je da je ovaj enzim pokazao najveći afinitet ka pektinskim polisaharidima za čije je dobijanje korišćena kiselina; najveći afinitet je endo-poligalakturonaza pokazala ka uzorku dobijenom u amilazom potpomognutoj kiseloj ekstrakciji (KM = 13,3 mg/mL), što je bilo u skladu i sa najvećim smanjenjem Mw i viskoznosti kod uzoraka ekstrahovanih na ovaj način. Modifikacija endo-poligalakturonazom je imala pozitivan efekat na povećanje in vitro antioksidativne i Fe2+-helirajuće aktivnosti. Modifikacija pektin-metilesterazom je dovela do deesterifikacije svih pektinskih polisaharida; stepen metoksilacije je kod većine uzoraka smanjen u proseku 3,5 puta. Nakon modifikacije ovim enzimom, molarna masa i viskoznost su povećane kod većine uzoraka, a najveći intenzitet ovih promena primećen je kod uzoraka za čiju ekstrakciju nije korišćena kiselina. In vitro antioksidativne aktivnosti pektin-metilesterazom modifikovanih pektinskih polisaharida su bile veće od odgovarajućih nemodifikovanih uzoraka, pri čemu je ova aktivnost duplo povećana kod uzorka ekstrahovanog konvencionalnim kiselim postupkom. Nakon ispitivanja efekta združenog dejstva endo-poligalakturonaze i pektin-metilesteraze na pektinske polisaharide muskatne tikve, zaključeno je da su intenziteti smanjenja molekulske mase i viskoznosti bili skoro duplo veći nego kod smanjenja ovih osobina nakon modifikacije samostalnom endo-poligalakturonazom. Modifikacija združenim enzimima je dovela do dvostruko većeg povećanja ABTS i gvožđe(II)-helirajuće aktivnosti kod svih ispitivanih pektinskih polisaharida nego što je bio slučaj nakon modifikacije samostalnom endo-poligalakturonazom. Najveće povećanje je primećeno nakon modifikacije kiselo ekstrahovanog pektinskog polisaharida; 4,2 i 44 puta su povećane antioksidativna, i Fe2+-helirajuća aktivnost, redom. Pored toga, ispitan je i potencijal kiselo ekstrahovanog pektinskog polisaharida muskatne tikve za pripremu kompleksnih koacervata sa ovalbuminom i želatinom. Prinos koacervacije je bio veći sa želatinom nego sa ovalbuminom. Koacervati sa želatinom su imali do 3 puta veću mehaničku stabilnost od koacervata sa ovalbuminom, ali je njihova stabilnost u simuliranim gastrointestinalnim uslovima bila dva puta manja od stabilnosti koacervata sa
dc.description.abstractThis doctoral dissertation investigated the possibility of using butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) to obtain highly valuable pectic polysaccharides. Pectic polysaccharides were obtained by conventional acid extraction, enzyme-assisted acid extractions and enzymatic extractions, and subsequently characterized. In general, the yield of pectic polysaccharide, compared to conventional acid extraction (60.6 mg/gDM), was increased when the acid step was preceded by enzymatic treatment. On the other hand, yields of enzymatic extractions were similar or lower compared to the acid extraction. The highest extraction yield (104.4 mg/gDM) was obtained after acid extraction assisted by xylanase, cellulase and amylase. With the use of enzymes for the extraction of butternut squash pectic polysaccharides, it was possible to obtain up to 3 times higher galacturonic acid content than in conventional acid extraction; the highest galacturonic acid content was determined in the sample obtained in amylase-assisted acid extraction (84.4 g/100 g). The same was true for the content of homogalacturonan, and the opposite for rhamnogalacturonan-I. After the degree of methoxylation was determined, all pectic polysaccharides, except the acid-extracted one, were classified as low methoxylated pectins. The application of acid in the extraction of pectic polysaccharides from butternut squash had a negative effect on the content of total phenols, antioxidant and iron(II)-chelating activities. The highest content of total phenols was determined in the sample extracted with cellulase and xylanase (1.16 mg FK/g). In-vitro antioxidant activity was the highest in the sample extracted with cellulase, xylanase and amylase (2.42 mM TE/100 g), and the highest Fe2+-chelating activity in the sample extracted with amylase (2.13 mM EDTA/100 g). By measuring the molar mass, it was determined that the acid-extracted pectic polysaccharides were more prone to aggregation in their solution and that the enzymatically extracted samples on average had lower molar mass than the acid extracted samples. The viscosity of pectic polysaccharides was more affected by the type of enzyme used for extraction than whether acid was used for that purpose; the highest viscosity was measured in samples obtained with the help of amylase. The solubility of pectic polysaccharides was the highest among all pectic polysaccharides where xylanase and cellulase were used in the enzymatic extraction step (more than 77%). Additionally, pectic polysaccharides isolated by different extraction techniques were subjected to modifications with endo-polygalacturonase and pectin-methylesterase (individually or combined) to obtain pectic polysaccharides and oligosaccharides with changed characteristics and properties. Determination of the Michaelis-Menten constant of endo-polygalacturonase showed that this enzyme had the highest affinity for the samples extracted with the use of acid; endo-polygalacturonase showed the highest affinity for the pectic polysaccharide obtained in amylase-assisted acid extraction (KM = 13.3 mg/mL), which was in accordance with the greatest decrease in Mw and viscosity of samples extracted in this way. Modification by endo-polygalacturonase had a positive effect on increasing antioxidant and Fe2+-chelating activity. Modification with pectin-methylesterase led to de-esterification of all pectic polysaccharides; the degree of methoxylation in most samples was reduced 3.5 times on average. After modification with this enzyme, molar mass and viscosity increased in most samples, and the greatest intensity of these changes was observed in samples obtained without the use of acid. The antioxidant activities of pectin-methylesterase-modified pectic polysaccharides were higher than those of the corresponding unmodified samples, with the greatest change in the sample extracted in conventional acid extraction where this activity doubled. After examining the effect of the combined action of endo-polygalacturonase and pectin-methylesterase on pectic polysaccharides from butternut squash, it was concluded that the intensity of reduction in molar mass and viscosity was almost twice as high as the reduction of these properties after modification with endo-polygalacturonase alone. Modification with combined enzymes led to two-fold increases in ABTS and iron(II)-chelating activities of all modified pectic polysaccharides than the increases observed after modification with endo-polygalacturonase alone. The greatest increase was observed after the modification of acid-extracted pectic polysaccharide; antioxidant and Fe2+-chelating activity increased 4.2 and 44 times, respectively. Furthermore, the potential of acid-extracted pectic polysaccharide from butternut squash to be used for the preparation of complex coacervates with ovalbumin and gelatin was also investigated. The yield of coacervation was higher with gelatin than with ovalbumin. Also, coacervates with gelatin had up to 3 times greater mechanical stability than coacervates with ovalbumin, but their stability in simulated gastrointestinal conditions was two times lower than the stability of coacervates with ovalbumin.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectPektin, enzimske ekstrakcije, enzimske modifikacije, kompleksna koacervacija, muskatna tikvasr
dc.subjectPectin, enzymatic extractions, enzymatic modifications, complex coacervation, butternut squashen
dc.titleIzdvajanje, karakterizacija i enzimska modifikacija pektinskog polisaharida muskatne tikve (Cucurbita moschata)sr
dc.title.alternativeIsolation, characterisation and enzymatic modification of pectic polysaccharide from butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata)en

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