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Association between microRNAs and clinical parameters and response to radiotherapy combined with temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma

dc.contributor.advisorNikitović, Marina
dc.contributor.advisorPetrović, Nina
dc.contributor.otherGrujičić, Danica
dc.contributor.otherPlješa-Ercegovac, Marija
dc.contributor.otherKozić, Duško
dc.creatorStepanović, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractCilj: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se ispita povezanost mikro RNK-10b/21/34a sa kliničkim parametrima i odgovorom na radioterapiju kombinovanu sa temozolomidom kod bolesnika sa glioblastomom. Materijal i metode: U istraživanje su bila uključena 43 pacijenta sa glioblastomom lečenih po Stupovom protokolu. Istraživan je nivo ekspresije mikro RNK-10b/21/34a u tri vremenske tačke. Analizirane su demografske karakteristike pacijenata, kliničko-prognostički faktori, akutna toksičnost, preživljavanje bez progresije bolesti (PFS), ukupno preživljavanje (OS) i njihova povezanost sa nivoima ekspresije mikro RNK-10b/21/34a. Rezultati: Medijana PFS kod naših pacijenata bila je 10 meseci, a medijana OS bila je 15 meseci. 51.2% pacijenata je imalo akutnu toksičnost. 77.3% pacijenata je toksičnost imalo nakon 30. frakcije RT. Pacijenti sa toksičnošću pretežno su bili distribuirani u grupi pacijenata koji su imali glioblastom, NOS. Viši nivoi ekspresije miR-10b i miR-21 pretežno su povezani sa većim gradusom toksičnosti. Nivoi ekspresije miR-34a bili su značajno povišeni na 15. i 30. frakciji zračne terapije, u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Tumori manji od 4 cm su imali višu ekspresiju miR-10b i miR-21 u tački pre početka RT sa TMZ. Duži PFS utvrđen je za vrednosti ekspresije iznad medijane za miR-21 i miR-34a. Duži OS imali su pacijenti sa vrednostima ekspresije miR-10b iznad medijane. Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da se mikro RNK-10b/21/34a menjaju tokom hemio-radioterapije i da su povezane sa akutnom toksičnošću. Ovaj koncept je jedinstven i sugeriše da se dinamične promene poput varijacija nivoa ekspresije mikro RNK, mogu koristiti kao parametri za predikciju radiosenzitivnosti, odgovora na RT i predikciju akutne toksič
dc.description.abstractAims: The objectives of this research were to investigate the associations between microRNA-10b/21/34a and clinical parameters and response to radiotherapy combined with a temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma. Methods: This study included 43 patients with glioblastoma, treated according to Stupp’s regimen. The levels of expression of microRNA-10b/21/34a were measured in the three-time points, at a baseline, at 15th and 30th fraction of radiotherapy (RT). Demographic characteristics of patients, clinical-prognostic factors, acute toxicity, progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and correlation with the levels of expression microRNA-10b/21/34a were analyzed. Results: The median PFS in our cohort was 10 months, and the median OS was 15 months. 51.2% of patients had acute toxicity. 77.3% of the patients with toxicity had toxicity after 30th fraction of radiotherapy. Patients with toxicity were predominantly distributed in the group glioblastoma, NOS subtype. Higher expression levels of microRNA-10b and microRNA-21 are predominantly associated with a higher grade of toxicity. The expression levels of miR-34a were significantly elevated at the 15th and 30th fraction of RT, in comparison to baseline levels. Patients with tumor size less than 4 cm had higher expression levels of miR-10b and miR-21 at the baseline. The longer PFS was noticed in patients with expression values above the median value of microRNA-21 and microRNA-34a. Patients with microRNA-10b expression values higher than the median had better OS. Conclusions: This research showed microRNA-10b/21/34a change over treatment and that they are associated with acute toxicity. This concept is unique and suggests that dynamic changes such as variations of microRNA expression levels can be used as parameters for radiosensitivity, response to RT, and prediction of acute toxicity.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectglioblastom, radioterapija, temozolomid, mikro RNK, toksičnostsr
dc.subjectglioblastoma, radiotherapy, temozolomide, microRNA, toxicityen
dc.titlePovezanost mikro RNK sa kliničkim parametrima i odgovorom na radioterapiju kombinovanu sa temozolomidom kod bolesnika sa glioblastomomsr
dc.title.alternativeAssociation between microRNAs and clinical parameters and response to radiotherapy combined with temozolomide in patients with glioblastomaen

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