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Idioecological study of Osmia cornuta (Latr.) and O. rufa (L.) (Megachilidae, Hymenoptera) with special attention to their status and significance as plant pollinators

dc.contributor.advisorKrunić, Miloje
dc.contributor.otherBrajković, Miloje
dc.contributor.otherSavić, Ivo
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Ivica
dc.contributor.otherMihajlović, Ljubodrag
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Ljubiša Ž.
dc.description.abstractDo pre samo pedesetak godina na oprašivanje gajenih biljaka nije se obraćala naročita pažnja. Međutim, sa razvojem hemijske industrije pesticida i njihove primene u poljoprivredi, dolazi do poremećaja ravnoteže koja je postojala između oprašivača i cvetnica i do drastičnog smanjenja brojnosti oprašivača. Zbog toga su započeta široka istraživanja u cilju iznalaženja adekvatnih pronalaženje metoda gajenja solitarnih pčela i bumbara. U radu je izložen kratak pregled savremenih dostignuća u gajenju i primeni alternativnih oprašivača. Istaknuto je da je otvorena nova oblast proučavanja i pokušaja domestifikacije više vrsta solitarnih pčela i bumbara. Osnovni zadatak u radu je da se iscrpnom idioekološkom studijom vrsta Osmia cornuta (Latreille) i O. rufa (Linnaeus) da doprinos uvođenju nove tehnologije gajenja i korišćenja tj. domestifikacije podvrsta O. cornuta cornuta (Latreille) i O. rufa cornigera (Rossi) kao alternativnih oprašivača biljaka. Idioekološka proučavanja populacija podvrsta O. c. cornuta i O. r. cornigera su obuhvatila praćenje njihove sezonske aktivnosti u periodu od 1994. do 1999. godine u prirodnim uslovima, opis gnezda i njihove biometrijske karakteristike, dinamiku izleganja u laboratorijskim i prirodnim uslovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na njihovu dijapauzu. Proučavan je takođe i uticaj različitih faktora na odnos i raspored polova u gnezdima u toku različitih sezona, kao i uticaj prateće faune na populacije vrsta O. cornuta i O. rufa, sa posebnim osvrtom na iznalaženje metoda kontrole najznačajnijih reducenata brojnosti populacija ovih pčela. U radu je izložen faunistički pregled familije Megachilidae u Jugoslaviji, sa posebnim osvrtom na potencijalne kandidate za masovno gajenje i korišćenje kao oprašivača različitih biljnih kultura. Istaknuto je da je na teritoriji SR Jugoslavije do sada registrovano ukupno 22 roda i 106 vrsta iz familije Megachilidae. Sve te vrste iz ove familije svrstane su u 6 horoloških elemenata, sa sledećim procentualnim učešćem: holarktičkih vrsta 10,28%; palearktičkih 32,71%; zapadno–palearktičkih 7,48%; evropskih 2,80%; evro–mediteranskih 44,86% i balkanskih 1,87%. Prikazan je takođe detaljan opis podvrsta O. c. cornuta i O. r. cornigera. Na čitavom nizu morfoloških karaktera, dato je potpunije razjašnjenje statusa istraživanih populacija iz okoline Beograda. Statističkom analizom 83 izmerenih karaktera, pokazano je da se “sive” i “narandžaste” forme iz obe istraživane podvrste međusobno razlikuju i po većem broju kvantitativnih karaktera, a ne samo po obojenosti dlačica na abdominalnim tergitima. Konstatovana je mogućnost korišćenja ovih pčela za oprašivanje biljaka na značajno nižim temperaturama u odnosu na medonosnu pčelu. Međutim, temperature ispod +10°C mogu, tokom njihove aktivnosti, biti pogubne za populacije ovih pčela. Zbog toga je, budući da se radi o univoltnim vrstama, predložena velika opreznost u iznošenju kokona sa niskih temperatura u voćnjake, posebno u sezonama izrazito ranog prolećnog cvetanja voćaka. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, predlaže se čuvanje kokona ovih pčela tokom dijapauze na različitim temperaturama (za ranocvetajuće biljke na +5°C, a za kasnocvetajuće na +2°C) i obavezno višestruko iznošenje tokom cvetanja voć
dc.description.abstractPlant pollination had not drawn much attention until almost fifty years ago. However, development of chemical industry and utilization of pesticides in agriculture brought about the imbalance between the number of pollinators and flowering plants and drastic reduction of pollinators they need. That is why numerous investigations started worldwide in order to find methods for rearing alternative pollinators. In this thesis we present a short survey of contemporary achievements in management and utilization of these alternative pollinators. We point out new attempts of domestication of several species of solitary bees and bumble bees. By carrying out a comprehensive idioecological study of the subspecies O. cornuta cornuta ( Latreille) and O. rufacornigera ( Rossi) in this thesis we tried to introduce new procedures and utilization, i.e. semidomestication of these alternative pollinators. Idioecology of the subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera populations encompasses the following of their seasonal activities in the period from 1994 to 1999 under natural conditions, description of nests and their biometric characteristics, dynamics of emerging under laboratory and natural conditions, with special emphasis on their diapauses. We also studied the influence of various factors on the sex ratio and distribution of sexes in nests, as well as the impact of accompanying fauna on populations of these species, with special attention to new methods of control of the most significant reducers of populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa . In the thesis we present the faunistic survey of the family Megachilidae in Yugoslavia, with special emphasis on potential candidates for semidomestication and their use as pollinators of various plants. It is stressed that the total of 22 genera and 106 species from the family Megachilidae were registered in SR Yugoslavia up to date. All the species from this family were classified into six horologic elements with the following percentages: Holarctic species 10,28%, Palearctic 32,71%, West–palearctic 7,48%, European 2,80%, Euro–mediterranean 44,86% and Balkan 1,87%. A detailed description of subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera is also given. In a series of morphological characters we give detailed explanation of the status of investigated populations from the vicinity of Belgrade. By use of statistical analysis of 83 measured characters, it is shown that "gray" and "orange" forms from both investigated subspecies differ not only in colour of hairs on abdominal tergites, but also in many quantitative characters. It was found that these bees could pollinate plants at significantly lower temperatures when compared to the honeybee. However, temperatures below +10°C may be dangerous for these populations during their activity. Having that in mind and also that these species are univoltine we suggest a great caution in taking cocoons from low temperatures into orchards, especially in seasons of very early flowering fruit trees in spring. On the basis of these results we suggest keeping bee cocoons during the diapause at different temperatures (for early flowering plants at +5°C and for late flowering plants at +2°C) and taking bees into fields several times during flowering of fruit trees…en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpčеlе vоćnjаkаsr
dc.subjectorchard beesen
dc.subjectfruit treesen
dc.titleIdioekološka studija vrsta Osmia cornuta (Latr.) i O. rufa (L.) (Megachilidae, Hymenoptera) sa posebnim osvrtom na njihov status i značaj kao oprašivača biljakasr
dc.titleIdioecological study of Osmia cornuta (Latr.) and O. rufa (L.) (Megachilidae, Hymenoptera) with special attention to their status and significance as plant pollinatorsen
dcterms.abstractКрунић, Милоје; Михајловић, Љубодраг; Савић, Иво; Брајковић, Милоје; Радовић, Ивица; Станисављевић, Љубиша Ж.;

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