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Analysis of interactions of lactobacilli with rat gut mucosa

dc.contributor.advisorJovčić, Branko
dc.contributor.otherBegović, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherStrahinić, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherMilenković, Marina
dc.contributor.otherKojić, Milan
dc.creatorLukić, Jovanka M.
dc.description.abstractProbiotici predstavljaju žive mikroorganizme koji, nakon unošenja u gastrointestinalni (GI) trakt, ostvaruju pozitivne efekte na zdravlje domaćina. Reakcija domaćina na unos probiotika u velikoj meri zavisi od sposobnosti bliske interakcije bakterija sa epitelnim ćelijama GI mukoze. S druge strane, s obzirom na nepoznatu antigenu prirodu unetih bakterija, kod imunokompromitovanog domaćina je prisutan rizik od imunske reakcije crevnog tkiva što može da dovede do narušavanja integriteta mukozne barijere i hronične inflamacije u GI traktu. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje efekta soja Lactobacillus fermentum BGHI14, alohtonog za GI trakt pacova, nakon peroralnog unosa u zdrave pacove i u pacove sa kolitisom indukovanim TNBS-om (trinitrobenzensulfonat). Metodološki, u eksperimentima su praćeni: telesna masa pacova i ekspresija iRNK za parametre inflamacije (IL-1β, TNFα, IL-17F), pokazatelje ćelijskog stresa (HSP70) i parametre uključene u održavanje integriteta mukoze (TJP1); zatim su rađene histološke i biohemijske analize i analiza sastava crevne mikroflore. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali imunostimulišuće delovanje soja BGHI14 na nivou tkiva kolona nakon unosa u GI trakt zdravih pacova u prvih 16 dana peroralnog tretmana pacova. Iako se, histološki, sa produžetkom tretmana pacova sojem BGHI14 tokom narednih 12 dana, imunska reakcija u tkivu kolona povukla, nivoi iRNK za proinflamatorne IL-1β i TNFα citokine ostali su povišeni što ukazuje na rizik od nekontrolisane inflamacije u slučaju naknadnog oštećenja epitelne barijere kolona. U istraživanju je pokazano da je nakon imunostimulacije tkiva kolona sojem BGHI14, u slučaju indukcije kolitisa, ali uz nastavak tretmana sojem BGHI14 došlo do indukcije transkripcije iRNK za HSP70 protein, kako u ranoj (48 h) tako i u kasnoj (7 dana) akutnoj fazi kolitisa. Povećanje transkripcije Hsp70 gena, sudeći po histološkim i inflamatornim pokazateljima, kao i promenama telesnih masa pacova tokom eksperimenta, nije bilo praćeno pozitivnim delovanjem soja. S druge strane, prestanak tretmana sojem BGHI14 nakon indukcije kolitisa doveo je do manje izraženog pada telesnih masa životinja u poređenju sa kontrolnim pacovima sa kolitisom, iako bez pratećeg smanjenja inflamatorne reakcije u tkivu kolona, bar u kasnoj akutnoj fazi bolesti (sedam dana od indukcije)
dc.description.abstractProbiotics are life microorganisms that, after administration in gastrointestinal (GI) tract, excert positive effects on host’s health. Host reaction to probiotic administration largely depands on ability of bacteria to closely interact with epithelial cells of GI mucosa. On the other hand, considering the unknown antigenic nature of administered bacteria, in immune-compromised host there is a risk of immune reaction of gut tissue which could lead to disturbance of mucosal barrier integrity and chronic inflammation in GI tract. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of the strain Lactobacillus fermentum BGHI14, which is alochtonous to GI tract of rats, after peroral administration in healthy rats and in rats with TNBS (trinitrobenzenesulfonate)-induced colitis. Methodologically, following parameters were examined in experiments: body masses of rats and expression of mRNA of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNFα, IL-17F), as well as markers of cellular stress (HSP70) and barrier integrity maintenanace (TJP1); next histological and biochemical analyses and microflora profiling were performed. Results of the study indicated immune-stimulating effects of BGHI14 in colon tissue after administration in GI tract of healthy rats in first 16 days of peroral treatment of rats. Although, histologically, with prolongation of BGHI14 treatment of rats for next 12 days, immune reaction in colon tissue had retreated, mRNA levels of proinflammatory IL-1β and TNFα cytokines remained elevated which points to the risk of uncontrolled inflammation in the case of subsequent colon epithelial barrier damage. In research it was shown that after immunostimulation of colon tissue with BGHI14, in the case of colitis induction, but with sequel of treatment with bacteria, transcription of Hsp70 gene was induced, in early (48 h) as well as late (7 days) acute phase of colitis. The increase of Hsp70 gene transcription, according to histological and inflammatory markers, as well as body mass changes during the experiment, was not followed by positive action of the strain. On the other hand, the cessation of treatment with BGHI14 after colitis induction had led to less pronounced body mass decrease compared to control colitic rats, but without concomitant reduction in inflammatory scores in colon tissue, at least in late acute phase of disease (seven days from induction)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectimuni odgovorsr
dc.subjectimmune responseen
dc.titleAnaliza interakcija laktobacila sa crevnom mukozom pacovasr
dc.titleAnalysis of interactions of lactobacilli with rat gut mucosaen
dcterms.abstractЈовчић, Бранко; Миленковић, Марина; Страхинић, Ивана; Беговић, Јелена; Којић, Милан; Лукић, Јованка М.; Aнализа интеракција лактобацила са цревном мукозом пацова; Aнализа интеракција лактобацила са цревном мукозом пацова;

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