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Ecological study of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Serbia: population dynamics and the effects of active conservation measures

dc.contributor.advisorĆirović, Duško
dc.contributor.otherSkorić, Stefan
dc.contributor.otherKorać, Bato
dc.contributor.otherPlećaš, Milan
dc.contributor.otherRaković, Marko
dc.creatorHribšek, Irena
dc.description.abstractStudija predstavlja sveobuhvatnu analizu podataka dobijenih monitoringom populacije beloglavog supa (Gyps fulvus) u periodu 1985–2018. godine, kao i procenu uticaja hranilišta, kao mere zaštite, na populaciju. Nalazi obeleženih ptica dali su uvid u kretanja ptica. Videomonitoringom je dobijen uvid u sezonsku dinamiku korišćenja hranilišta, dok je satelitsko praćenje dalo uvid u veličinu područja pretraživanja, areal aktivnosti, osnovna i centralna područja. Dobijen je i uvid u polnu strukturu populacije. Sa porastom količine hrane na hranilištu ispitani parametri su rasli, dok su reproduktivni parametri sve vreme bili visoki. Prikupljeno je 2846 nalaza ptica, kao i 423 nalaza beloglavih supova sa stranim oznakama, dok je samo kamera tokom 142 dana na hranilištu zabeležila 1066 nalaza naših i 198 nalaza supova sa stranim oznakama. Analizom podataka satelitskog praćenja utvrđene su razlike u veličini svih analiziranih parametara tokom godina i između sezona, sa većim opsezima tokom proleća i leta, bez značajne razlike između gnezdeće i negnezdeće sezone. Ukupna površina područja pretraživanja je 11654,34 km2. Beležene su kratke dnevne razdaljine, sa najvećom distancom od 122,4 km. Odnos polova mužjaka i ženki bio je 32:39. Rezultati studije ukazuju na pozitivan efekat hranilišta na brojnost populacije. Pored hranilišta, tradicionalna područja stočarstva predstavljaju važne oblasti za supove. Uvid u godišnje i sezonsku dinamiku kretanja jedinki, veličinu područja koje koriste i informacije o migratornim putevima, važni su za dalje konzervacione korake. Kamera je omogućila dobijanje preciznijih podataka. Odstupanje od očekivanog odnosa polova 1:1 nije veliko, te su rezultati u saglasnosti sa očekivanim odnosom polova. Rezultati ove studije mogu poslužiti kao osnova za unapređenje očuvanja i upravljanja vrstom, kao i za planiranje programa reintrodukcije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe study presents a comprehensive analysis of data obtained by monitoring of the population of the Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in the 1985–2018 period, as well as an assessment of the effects of feeding sites, as a conservation measure, on the population. Findings of marked birds provided insight into the birds movements. Insight into the seasonal dynamics of the feeding site usage was obtained through video monitoring, while satellite tracking provided insight into the size of the foraging area, home range, basic, and core areas. An insight into the sex ratio structure of the population was also obtained. With the increase in the amount of food on the feeding site, the examined parameters increased, while the reproductive parameters were high during whole time. 2846 findings of birds were collected, as well as 423 findings of the Griffon vultures with foreign tags, while the camera at the feeding site, just alone recorded 1,066 findings of ours and 198 findings of vultures with foreign tags, during the period of 142 days. The analysis of satellite tracking data revealed differences in the size of all analyzed parameters during the years and between seasons, with larger ranges during spring and summer, without significant differences between breeding and non-breeding seasons. The total foraging area was 11654.34 km2. Short distances were recorded, with the longest distance of 122.4 km. The sex ratio of males and females was 32:39. The results of the study indicate a positive effect of feeding sites on the population. Gaining insight into the annual and seasonal dynamics of the birds movement, the size and ranges of the areas they use, as well as information on migratory routes, is crucial for further conservation steps. The camera enabled to get more accurate data. In addition to feeding sites, traditional livestock areas are important areas for vultures. The deviation from the expected sex ratio of 1: 1 is not big, so the results are in accordance with the expected sex ratio for the species. The results of this study can be used as a basis for improving the conservation and management of the species, as well as for planning reintroduction programen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbeloglavi supsr
dc.subjectThe Griffon vultureen
dc.subjectpopulation trenden
dc.subjectfeeding sitesen
dc.subjectreproductive parametersen
dc.subjectsatellite trackingen
dc.subjectpopulacioni trendsr
dc.subjectreproduktivni parametrisr
dc.subjectsatelitsko praćenjesr
dc.titleEkološka studija beloglavog supa (Gyps fulvus) u Srbiji: populaciona dinamika i uticaj aktivnih mera zaštitesr
dc.title.alternativeEcological study of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Serbia: population dynamics and the effects of active conservation measuresen

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