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Social origin of students in Serbia: inequalities in the access and the attainment in higher education

dc.contributor.advisorCvejić, Slobodan
dc.contributor.otherJarić, Isidora
dc.contributor.otherBirešev, Ana
dc.creatorGundogan, Dragana
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje visokog obrazovanja i njegovog uticaja na ekonomski i društveni razvoj dobija sve značajnije mesto u savremenoj društvenoj nauci. Posebno se ističe međuodnos visokog obrazovanja i društvene strukture, odnosno načini na koje društveno poreklo studenata utiče na pristup i ishode u visokom obrazovanju i na koji visoko obrazovanje doprinosi povećanju ili smanjenju društvenih nejednakosti. U radu smo predstavili dve paradigme koje imaju različita tumačenja i predviđanja uticaja društvenog porekla na obrazovne procese: 1) funkcionalistička paradigma u okviru koje se prevashodno posmatra obrazovanje kao mehanizam koji utiče na smanjenje društvenih nejednakosti i 2) kritička paradigma u okviru koje se tumači kako obrazovanje doprinosi reprodukciji postojećeg sistema društvenih odnosa. Analiza se zasniva na korišćenju dve teorije koje objašnjavaju opstanak društvenog porekla: teorija ekonomskih ograničenja i teorija kulturnog kapitala. Namera je bila da funkcionalno integrišemo ova dva teorijska pristupa u izučavanju uticaja društvenog porekla na obrazovne nejednakosti kako bismo dobili celovitije tumačenje procesa u okviru sistema visokog obrazovanja. Takođe, u radu je proverena teza o maksimalno održavanoj nejednakosti i teza o efikasno održavanoj nejednakosti. Predmet rada je uticaj društvenog porekla na pristup novoupisanih studenata visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji u periodu od akademske 2015/16. do 2018/19. godine i na završetak studija diplomiranih studenata u periodu od 2015. do 2018. godine. Cilj rada je da utvrdimo uticaj društvenog porekla studenata merenog na osnovu zanimanja i obrazovanja roditelja, ali i rodne i prostorne dimenzije na horizontalnu i vertikalnu osu visokog obrazovanja u smislu pristupa i ishoda studiranja. Odgovarajući na postavljena istraživačka pitanja, ispitali smo pravičnost sistema visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Istovremeno, doprinosimo boljem razumevanju društvenih nejednakosti i načinu na koji se one reflektuju na obrazovnu sferu. Takođe, proširili smo postojeći korpus empirijskih uvida i znanja time što smo istražili horizontalne i vertikalne obrazovne nejednakosti i operacionalizovali prestižnost visokoobrazovnih institucija. Kako bismo dali odgovor na postavljene ciljeve istraživanja, koristili smo kvantitativni pristup. Ovaj pristup je obuhvatio eksplorativnu analizu kumulativne statistike i eksplikativnu analizu putem logističkih regresionih modela. S tim ciljem koristili smo podatke zvanične statistike Republičkog zavoda za statistiku o novoupisanim i diplomiranim studentima. Podaci su prikupljeni putem individualnih statističkih upitnika „Statistički izveštaj o upisu studenata” (obrazac ŠV-20) i „Statistički izveštaj za studente koji su završili studije na visokoškolskim institucijama” (obrazac ŠV-50). Vrednost i validnost rezulatata proističu iz činjenice da su ovim upitnicima popisani svi novoupisani studenti na osnovnim studijama i diplomirani studenti na tri nivoa studija u istraživanom periodu. Nedostak istraživanja proističe iz korišćenja podaka u sekundarne svrhe, te smo analizu prilagođavali dostupnim podacima. Takođe, baze podataka za novoupisane i diplomirane studente nisu identične. Stoga nije moguće porediti dve grupe studenata na osnovu svih posmatranih varijabli. Rezultati logističke regresione analize pokazuju da društveno poreklo utiče na odluke studenata prlikom izbora studija, kao i na završetak studija, što ima posledice na pravednost visokoobrazovnog sistema u Srbiji i na mogućnosti pojedinaca za uzlaznu društvenu pokretljivost. Na osnovu rezultata eksplorativne i eksplikativne analize možemo utvditi da je pretpostavka o postojanju vertikalnih obrazovnih nejednakosti jasno pokazana u slučaju pristupa i ishoda u visokom obrazovanju, čime su potvrđene hipoteze o postojanju vertikalnih obrazovnih nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom i visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji. Veće nejednakosti su uočene na srednjoškolskom nivou obrazovanja – izbor vrste srednje škole ima centralni značaj za dalje obrazovne izbore i obrazovnu karijeru mladih. Zatim, dodatno usmeravanje brucoša vrši se prilikom izbora vrste studija, a rezultati potvrđuju da su nejednakosti veće kod diplomiranih studenata u poređenju sa novoupisanim studentima. Rezultati upućuju na to da dolazi do institucionalne diferencijacije sistema visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji i nalazi jasno ukazuju da su potvrđene polazne pretpostavke o postojanju raslojavanja na horizontalnoj osi u pogledu pristupa i završetka studija. Razlike u vezi sa tipom vlasništva fakulteta manje su izražene u odnosu na područja i prestižnost visokoobrazovnih institucija jer je privatni sektor u visokom obrazovanju relativno skoro ustanovljen, te je malog ugleda i kredibiliteta. Analiza podataka je pokazala da se istraživana područja studiranja razlikuju u pogledu prestižnosti i da su među studijama koje privlače najveći broj potencijalnih brucoša medicinske, tehničke nauke i usluge (kao što su turizam, sport, bezbednost, vojska i odbrana i transport). Rezultati pokazuju da studenti čiji roditelji imaju veće količine institucionalnog kulturnog kapitala imaju veće šanse da upišu prestižnije studije. Uticaj obrazovanja i klasno-slojne pozicije roditelja se smanjuju kako studenti završavaju više nivoe visokog obrazovanja, čime je potvrđena pretpostavka da društveno poreklo ima manji uticaj na master i doktorskim studijama u odnosu na osnovne studije. Rezultati su potvrdili polazne pretpostavke o postojanju rodnih i regionalnih nejednakosti. Rodne nejednakosti u pristupu i ishodima u visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji su više izražene u vertikalnoj u odnosu na horzontalnu dimenziju. Rezultati pokazuju da žene češće biraju i završavaju gimnazije, akademske i državne studije. Nisu uočene prepreke u pristupu žena prestižnim studijama, dok muškarci imaju veće šanse da završe prestižne studije. Postoje izražene rodne razlike u područjima studiranja, gde žene češće upisuju obrazovanje i zdravstvo i socijalnu zaštitu, dok muškarci češće upisuju inženjerstvo, proizvodnju i građevinarstvo. Regionalne razlike postoje, ali su manje izražene i nisu podjednako značajne za sve dimenzije visokog obrazovanja. Manje su u oblasti srednjeg obrazovanja, u odnosu na visoko obrazovanje, dok izražene regionalne razlike postoje što se tiče prestižnosti, a studenti iz Beogradskog regiona su mnogo privilegovaniji u ovom segmentu. Time smo potvrdili hipotezu da su regionalne nejednakosti više izražene u horizontalnoj u odnosu na vertikalnu dimenziju visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Naši nalazi ukazuju da je uticaj društvenog porekla na obrazovne procese postojan i da obrazovanje utiče na održavanje društvenih nejednakosti tako što društveno poreklo utiče na obrazovnu pokretljivost, ukrštajući se sa rodnim i regionalnim oblicima nejednakosti.sr
dc.description.abstractHigher education research and its influence on economic and social development are taking more and more prominent place in contemporary explorations. Interaction between higher education and social structure is particularly emphasized, i.e. how social origin of students influence the access and the attainment in higher education and how higher education contributes to the increase or decrease of social inequalities. Two paradigms are highlighted and both have different interpretations and predictions of social origin influence on educational processes. Firstly, functionalist paradigm primarily examines education as a mechanism which influences the demise of social inequalities. Secondly, critical paradigm interprets how education contributes to reproduction of the existing system of social relations. The analysis is based on the application of two theories which explain the persistence of social origin: theory of relative risk aversion and cultural capital theory. The intention was to implement two theoretical approaches in exploration of social origin on educational inequalities in order to integrate them and give more comprehensive explanation of the processes in the higher education sphere. Furthermore, maximally maintained inequality hypothesis and effectively maintained inequality hypothesis will be tested. The main aim was to explore the impact of social origin on the access to higher education in Serbia of freshmen from 2015/16 to 2018/19 and on the completion of graduated students from 2015 to 2018. The goal was to determine the influence of students’ social origin (operationalized by parents’ occupation and educational level), as well as gender and regional dimension on horizontal and vertical dimension of higher education considering the access and the attainment. Addressing the proposed research questions, we examined the equity of the higher education system in Serbia. At the same time, we contribute to the better understanding of social inequalities and the way they affect the educational sphere. Furthermore, we expanded the existing corpus of empirical insights and knowledge exploring horizontal and vertical educational inequalities and operationalizing the selectivity of higher education institutions. In order to give the answers on proposed research aims, we used quantitative approach. The analysis encompasses explorative analysis of cumulative statistics and explicative analysis of logistic regression models. For this purpose, we used the official data from Statistical office of the Republic of Serbia for freshmen and graduated students. The data are conducted by individual statistical questionnaires “Statistical report on the student registration” (form ŠV-20) and „Statistical report on graduated students at the higher education institutions“(form ŠV-50). The reliability and validity of the results are based on the fact that all undergraduate freshmen and all graduated students on three levels in the research period are listed by these forms. Shortcomings of the research are grounded in the fact that we utilized secondary data, thus we adapted the analysis to the available data. Moreover, data basis for freshmen and graduated students are not identical. Hence it is not possible compare two groups of students concerning all examined variables. Results of logistic regression analysis show that social origin influences the students’ access to studies, as well as the completion of studies. This has consequences on the equity of higher education in Serbia and on the opportunity for individual upward social mobility. According to the results of explorative and explicative analysis we can confirm that the assumption on the existence of vertical educational inequalities is clearly shown in the case of access and attainment in the higher education. Thus the hypothesis on the persistence of vertical educational inequalities in secondary and postsecondary education in Serbia is confirmed. Higher inequalities are observed on the secondary educational level and the choice of high school has the crucial impact for further educational transitions and educational career of young people. Furthermore, additional selection of freshmen is performed when the type of studies are chosen, although results confirm that inequalities are higher for graduated students comparing to freshmen. The results indicate that the institutional differentiation of higher educational system in Serbia is ongoing. Findings clearly demonstrated that initial assumption on the persistence of differentiation on horizontal dimension in terms of the access and the attainment is approved. However, the differences concerning ownership type are less marked in comparison to the fields of studies and selectivity of higher educational institutions because private sector has been recently established. Therefore it has lower reputation and credibility. Data analysis pointed out that examined fields of study are differentiated by the selectivity. Among studies which attract the most potential freshmen are medical, technical studies and services (such as turism, sport, security, defence and transport). Findings show that students whose parents have higher institutional cultural capital have higher chances to enrol in selective studies. The influence of parents’ education and class position is decreasing as students finish higher levels of higher education. Therefore, the assumption is confirmed that social origin has less influence on master and doctoral studies comparing to undergraduate studies. Findings confirm initial assumptions on the persistence of gender and regional inequalities. Gender inequalities in access and completion of higher education in Serbia are more noticeable on vertical than on horizontal dimension. Results show that women more often choose and finish gymnasiums, academic studies and the state higher education institutions. The obstacles for women to access selective studies are not noticed, while men have higher chances to finish selective studies. Striking gender differences in the field of studies are still notable. Women more frequently apply to education and health care studies and men more often study engineering. Regional differences exist, but they are less noticeable and they are not equally important for all higher education dimensions. They are less distinct in the sphere of secondary education comparing to higher education, while striking regional differences exist when it comes to selectivity. Students from Belgrade region are much more privileged in this segment. Therefore we confirmed hypothesis that regional inequalities manifest themselves more in horizontal than on vertical dimension of higher education in Serbia. Our findings point out that the influence of social origin on educational processes is persistent. Educational system affect the reproduction of social inequalities, namely social origin has an effect on educational mobility, interconnecting with gender and regional inequalities.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectvisoko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjecthigher educationen
dc.subjectsocial originen
dc.subjecteducational inequalitiesen
dc.subjectsociology of educationen
dc.subjectdruštveno poreklosr
dc.subjectobrazovne nejednakostisr
dc.subjectsociologija obrazovanjasr
dc.titleDruštveno poreklo studenata u Srbiji: nejednakosti u pristupu i ishodu studiranjasr
dc.title.alternativeSocial origin of students in Serbia: inequalities in the access and the attainment in higher educationen

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