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A robust method for topology analysis of unbalanced and balanced distribution power networks

dc.contributor.advisorVukmirović, Srđan
dc.contributor.otherErdeljan, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherBekut, Duško
dc.contributor.otherProtić, Jelica
dc.contributor.otherČapko, Darko
dc.contributor.otherGavrić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherVukmirović, Srđan
dc.creatorKovač, Tomislav
dc.description.abstractPotreba da se minimalizuje vreme otkaza usluge distribucije električne energije motivisala je češću upotrebu kompozitne prekidačke i privremene opreme u elektrodistributivnoj mreži. To je dovelo do pojave kompleksnijih topoloških slučajeva koje su postojeća rešenja za topološku analizu imali poteškoće da procesiraju. U ovom radu predloženo je jedno sveobuhvatno rešenje za topološku analizu uravnoteženih i neuravnoteženih elektrodistributivnih mreža. U osnovi rešenja je topološki model koji predstavlja matematičku apstrakciju elektrodistributivne mreže u vidu grafa, gde su svi relevanti fizički uređaji direktno modelovani koristeći čvorove i grane. Graf je memorisan pomoću matrične strukture koja definiše povezanost čvorova pojedinačnim fazama, modelujuću pored statičke konektivnosti i dinamičke podatke kao što su trenutno stanje prekidačke opreme i prisutnost privremene opreme. Tako unapred pripremljeni podaci omogućavaju efikasnu topološku analizu koja vrši pretragu grafa po širini. Rezultat topološke analize je široki skup topoloških informacija (formiranje ostrva, slojevite strukture mreže, stanja energizacije, aktivne faznosti, itd.) koje se mogu direktno primeniti na fizičku opremu. Prodloženo rešenje verifikovano je na različitim primerima stvarnih i testnih elektrodistributivnih mreža. Robusnost rešenja demonstrirana je na topološkim slučajevima s kojim su postojeća rešenja imala problema pri procesiranju.sr
dc.description.abstractA need to minimize the duration of outage in the distribution network has motivated the more frequent use of composite switching equipment and temporary equipment. This has led to the creation of complex topological cases that existing solutions have a problem to process. A comprehensive solution for topological analysis of balanced and unbalanced distribution networks is proposed in this paper. The solution is based on a topological model that represents a mathematical abstraction of the distribution network in the form of a graph, where all relevant physical devices are directly modeled using buses and branches. The graph is memorized using a matrix structure that defines the logical connection between buses per single phase, taking into account static connectivity, current state of switching equipment and the presence of temporary equipment. The network data prepared in this way enable an efficient topological analysis that searches the graph per layers. The result of topological analysis is a wide set of topological data (islands, layered network structure, energization states, active phases, loop detection etc.) that can be directly applied to real physical equipment. The proposed solution was verified on various examples of real and test distribution networks. The robustness of the solution is demonstrated on topological cases which existing have a problem to process.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет техничких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectElektrodistributivna mrežasr
dc.subjectАdjacency matrixen
dc.subjectbreadth‐first searchen
dc.subjectdistribution networken
dc.subjectsparse matrixen
dc.subjecttopology analysisen
dc.subjectmatrica povezanostisr
dc.subjectpretraga grafa po širinisr
dc.subjecttehnika retkih matricasr
dc.subjecttopološka analizasr
dc.titleRobustan metod za topološku analizu grafa uravnoteženih i neuravnoteženih elektrodistributivnih mrežasr
dc.title.alternativeA robust method for topology analysis of unbalanced and balanced distribution power networksen

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