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Determination of E6 and E7 gene expression as indicators of oncogenic activity in high-risk genotypes of human papillomavirus in cervical intraepithelial lesions

dc.contributor.advisorGusman, Vera
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherMandić, Aljoša
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Tamaš
dc.contributor.otherMedić, Deana
dc.contributor.otherBašica, Branka
dc.creatorНиколић, Наташа
dc.description.abstractUvod: Procenjuje se da se skoro svaki četvrti slučaj maligne bolesti u svetu može dovesti u vezu sa infektivnim agensom od kojih je približno svaki treći uzrokovan HPV. Karcinom grlića materice uzrokovan perzistentnom infekcijom visokorizičnim genotipovima HPV je drugi vodeći uzrok smrti kod žena uzrasta od 15 do 44 godine. Testovi zasnovani na molekularno biološkim metodama koji se danas uobičajeno koriste u dijagnostici HPV infekcija omogućavaju dokazivanje prisustva genoma i određivanje pojedinačnih tipova HPV u uzorcima cervikalnih briseva. Međutim, ovaj dijagnostički pristup ne pruža uvid u vrstu infekcije (tranzijentna ili perzistentna) i procenu rizika od nastanka cervikalnog karcinoma. Poslednjih godina brojna istraživanja se bave unapređenjem primarnog testa u cilju pronalaženja odgovarajuće dijagnostičke metode, kojom bi se stekao uvid u tip infekcije. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili usmereni na utvrđivanje i međusobno poređenje onkogene aktivnosti najčešće dijagnostikovanih visokorizičnih HPV u uzorcima cervikalnih briseva primenom iRNK testa, kao i poređenje u odnosu na stepen težine cervikalne intraepitelne lezije. Materijal i metode: Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 365 uzoraka cervikalnih briseva pacijentkinja starijih od 18 godina, upućenih od strane ginekologa u Centar za virusologiju, Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine u periodu od 2017–2021. godine. Uzorci su bili grupisani prema stepenu težine cervikalne intraepitelne lezije po 2014 Bethesda System klasifikaciji (NILM, ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL). U svakoj grupi se nalazilo najmanje 25 uzoraka cervikalnih briseva u kojima je dokazano prisustvo HPV DNK. Evidentirani su demografski podaci i faktori rizika koji doprinose sticanju i perzistiranju HPV infekcije cervikalnog epitela. Primenom kvalitativnog real time PCR testa je izvršeno dokazivanje i genotipizacija HPV DNK u uzorcima cervikalnih briseva, dok je metodom reverzne transkripcije i amplifikacije ciljne sekvence dokazano prisustvo iRNK onkogena E6/E7, odnosno onkogena aktivnost ispitanih HPV. Statistička analiza izvršena je primenom parametarskih i neparametarskih testova, kao i korelacione, univarijantne i multivarijantne logističke regresione analize. Rezultati ukazuju da su najzastupljeniji genotipovi u populaciji žena Južnobačkog okruga HPV 16, 31, 33 i 51. U 84,3% analiziranih uzoraka dokazana je infekcija izazvana pojedinačnim genotipom, dok je u 15,7% slučajeva prisutna udružena infekcija. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u zastupljenosti broja pozitivnih nalaza HPV 16 (p = 0,035) i HPV 31 (p = 0,017) u zavisnosti od stepena težine citološkog nalaza, što nije utvrđeno za HPV 33 i 51. Prisustvo HPV 16 podjednako je zastupljeno u svim uzrasnim kategorijama, detekcija HPV 31 i 33 genotipova se smanjuje sa godinama života, dok se HPV 51 povećava. Onkogena aktivnost je dokazana kod 64,5% HPV pozitivnih pacijentkinja. Statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena u broju pozitivnih nalaza iRNK E6/E7 HPV 16 u odnosu na citološki status (p = 0,000) i uzrasne kategorije (p = 0,026). Približno svaki drugi HPV 16 genotip je onkogeno eksprimiran (48,6%) i najzastupljeniji je u grupi pacijentkinja sa HSIL citološkim nalazom (64,2%), dok je prisustvo iRNK E6/E7 HPV 31 najmanje detektovano u HSIL (7,5%). Distribucija onkogene aktivnosti preostalih genotipova je približno ista kroz različite citološke grupe i zadržava se na niskom nivou (2,2% – 11,4%). Komparacija testova za detekciju HPV i njihove onkogene aktivnosti u cilju procene progresije cervikalne intraepitelne lezije ukazala je da je statistički značajno veća specifičnost (89,1%) i pozitivna prediktivna vrednost (69,8% – 78,7%) iskazana za iRNK E6/E7 test, dok se značajno veća senzitivnost beleži pri upotrebi HPV DNK testa (67,6% – 88%). Rezultati ROC krive determinišu veću verovatnoću detekcije HPV infekcije za 7% koju pruža iRNK test. U konačnom delu rezultata definisan je statistički značajan finalni model, pri čemu su kao najjači prediktori za nastanak prekanceroznih lezija imenovani onkogena aktivnosti HPV 16 i uzrasna kategorija HPV pozitivnih pacijentkinja. Analiza parametara posmatranih demografskih faktora i faktora rizika HR HPV pozitivnih ispitanica ukazala je na određene razlike u odnosu na stepen težine cervikalne lezije. Zaključci: Najveći udeo inficiranih žena Južnobačkog okruga izazvan je visokorizičnim genotipovima HPV 16, 31, 33, 51 koji su u više od polovine ispitanih slučajeva onkogeno aktivni. Ukupna onkogena aktivnost ispitanih genotipova HPV raste sa porastom stepena težine cervikalne intraepitelne lezije, pri čemu se onkogeno aktivan HPV 16 najčešće detektuje u visokostepenim cervikalnim lezijama. Nasuprot tome, zastupljenost onkogeno aktivnog HPV 31 se najmanje detektuje u visokostepenim lezijama, dok je zastupljenost HR HPV 33 i 51 niska i nije srazmerna stepenu težine cervikalne lezije. Zastupljenost HPV infekcije je obrnuto proporcionalna uzrastu pacijentkinja Južnobačkog okruga što ukazuje da je regresija infekcije dominantan proces koji je u skladu sa adekvatnim imunskim odgovorom organizma. Veća specifičnost i pozitivna prediktivna vrednost iRNK testa u odnosu na HPV DNK test ukazuje na veću verovatnoću detekcije perzistentne HPV infekcije prilikom njegove upotrebe. Onkogena aktivnost najčešće detektovanih visokorizičnih HPV ima prediktivni potencijal u proceni nastanka visokostepene lezije cervikalnog epitela. Biomarkeri sa najjačim prediktivnim vrednostima za nastanak ovih lezija su onkogena aktivnost HPV 16 i uzrast pacijentkinja.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: It is estimated that almost one-quarter of worldwide malignancy can be associated with infectious agents, of which approximately one third is caused by HPV. Cervical cancer caused by persistent infection with high-risk HPV genotypes is the second leading cause of death in women aged 15 to 44. Tests based on molecular biological methods commonly used today in diagnosing HPV infections enable genome detection and determination of individual HPV genotypes in cervical smear samples. However, this diagnostic approach does not provide insight into the type of infection and assessment of the risk of cervical cancer. In recent years, numerous studies have focused on improving the primary test to find an appropriate diagnostic method to provide insight into the type of infection. The study's objectives were to determine the oncogenic activity of the most commonly diagnosed high-risk HPVs in cervical smear samples using the mRNA test and compare the results according to the severity of the cervical intraepithelial lesion. Material and methods: The study included 365 samples of cervical swabs of women older than 18 years, referred by gynecologists to the Center for Virology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina from 2017 to 2021. According to the Bethesda classification, samples were grouped according to the severity of the cervical intraepithelial lesion (NILM, ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL). There were at least 25 samples of cervical smears in each group in which the presence of HPV DNA was proven. Demographic data and risk factors that contribute to the acquisition and persistence of HPV infection of the cervical epithelium were recorded. Using a qualitative real time PCR test, HPV DNA was detected and genotyped in cervical smear samples, while the reverse transcription and amplification method proved the presence of mRNA oncogenes E6 and E7, the oncogenic activity of tested HPV. Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and nonparametric tests, correlation, univariate, and multivariate logistic regression analysis. The results indicate that the most common genotypes in the female population of South Bačka District are HPV 16, 31, 33, and 51. In 84.3% of the analysed samples, the infection caused by a single genotype was proven, while in 15.7% of cases, a co-infection is present. A statistically significant difference was found for HPV 16 (p = 0.035) and HPV 31 (p = 0.017) depending on the severity of the cytological results, which did not determine for HPV 33 and 51. The presence of HPV 16 is equally present in all age categories. The detection of HPV 31 and 33 genotypes decreases with years of life, while HPV 51 increases. The oncogenic activity was demonstrated in 64.5% of HPV-positive women. A statistically significant difference was found in the number of positive mRNA E6/E7 HPV 16 results concerning cytological status (p = 0.000) and age categories (p = 0.026). Approximately every other HPV 16 genotype was oncogenically active (48.6%). It was most prevalent in women with HSIL cytological results (64.2%), while the presence of mRNA E6/E7 HPV 31 was minimally detected in HSIL (7.5%). The distribution of oncogenic activity of the remaining genotypes is approximately the same through different cytological groups and remains at low level (2.2% – 11.4%). A comparison of tests for the detection of HPV and their oncogenic activity to assess the progression of cervical intraepithelial lesion indicated that statistically significantly higher specificity (89.1%) and positive predictive value (69.8% – 78.7%) were expressed for mRNA E6/E7 test, while significantly higher sensitivity is recorded when using the HPV DNA test (67.6% – 88%). The results of the ROC curve determine the higher probability of detecting HPV infection by 7% provided by the mRNA test. A statistically significant final model was defined. The oncogenic activity of HPV 16 and the age category of HPV-positive women were named as the strongest predictors for the development of precancerous lesions. Analysis of the parameters of the observed demographic factors and risk factors of HR HPV-positive subjects showed a difference concerning the severity of the cervical lesion. Conclusions: The largest number of infected women in the South Bačka District is caused by high-risk genotypes HPV 16, 31, 33, 51, which are oncogenic in more than half of the examined cases. The total oncogenic activity increases with increasing severity of the cervical intraepithelial lesion, with oncogenic active HPV 16 being most commonly detected in high-grade cervical lesions. In contrast, the prevalence of oncogenic active HPV 31 is minimally detected in high-grade lesions, while the prevalence of HR HPV 33 and 51 is low and not proportional to the severity of the cervical lesion. The prevalence of HPV infection is inversely proportional to the age of women in the South Bačka District, which indicates that regression of infection is the dominant process following the adequate immune response. The higher specificity and positive predictive value of the mRNA test than the HPV DNA test indicate a higher probability of detecting persistent HPV infection. The oncogenic activity of the most commonly detected high-risk HPVs has a predictive potential in assessing the occurrence of high-grade cervical epithelial lesions. The oncogenic activity of HPV 16 and age were the biomarkers with the strongest predictive values for the development of these lesions.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectkarcinom grlića matericesr
dc.subjectUterine Cervical Neoplasmsen
dc.subjectCervical Intraepithelial Neoplasiaen
dc.subjectPapillomavirus Infectionsen
dc.subjectReal-Time Polymerase Chain Reactionen
dc.subjectRNA, Messengeren
dc.subjectBiomarkers, Tumoren
dc.subjectRisk Factorsen
dc.subjectAge Factorsen
dc.subjectcervikalne intraepitelijalne neoplazijesr
dc.subjectinfekcije papiloma virusimasr
dc.subjectreal time PCRsr
dc.subjecttumorski biomarkerisr
dc.subjectfaktori rizikasr
dc.titleOdređivanje ekspresije E6 i E7 gena kao pokazatelja onkogene aktivnosti visokorizičnih tipova humanih papiloma virusa u cervikalnim intraepitelnim lezijamasr
dc.title.alternativeDetermination of E6 and E7 gene expression as indicators of oncogenic activity in high-risk genotypes of human papillomavirus in cervical intraepithelial lesionsen

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