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Effects of different sources of fat in the diet on production results and fatty acid composition of broiler meat

dc.contributor.advisorMarković, Radmila
dc.contributor.otherŠefer, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Stamen
dc.contributor.otherJanjić, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Vesna
dc.creatorMilanković, Branko R.
dc.description.abstractDodavanje masti u krmne smeše povećava energetsku vrednost hrane, apsorpciju liposolubilnih vitamina, smanjuje rastur hrane, pojačava palatabilnost hrane, usporava pasažu hrane kroz digestivni trakt životinja i na taj način poboljšava apsorpciju hranljivih materija i iskorištavanje metaboličke energije hrane. Masnokiselinski sastav masti hrane brojlera ima direktan uticaj na masnokiselinskom sastav masnih rezervi kod brojlera. Osnovni cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih izvora masti u hrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate, zdravstveni status, masnokiselinski sastav mesa brojlera i kvalitet i prinos mesa brojlera. Za ogled je korišćeno 240 brojlera Cobb 500 provenijencije oba pola, koji su podeljeni u 4 eksperimentalne grupe. Brojleri sve četiri eksperimentalne grupe (K, O-I, O-II i O-III) dobijali su hranu standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava za datu provenijenciju (potpuna smeša za tov piladi I od 1. do 10. dana; potpuna smeša za tov piladi II od 11. do 21. dana i potpuna smeša za tov piladi III od 22. do 42. dana). Laneno ulje i svinjska mast dodavani su u hranu za ishranu oglednih grupa u različitim količinama. U hranu ogledne grupe O-I potpune smeše za tov piladi I dodato je 1 % svinjske masti, u potpunoj smeši za tov piladi II 2,5 %, a u potpunu smešu za tov piladi III 5 %. U hranu ogledne grupe O-II potpune smeše za tov piladi I dodato je 1 % lanenog ulja, u potpunu smešu za tov piladi II 2,5 %, a u potpunu smešu za tov piladi III 5 %. U hranu ogledne grupe O-III potpune smeše za tov piladi I dodato je 0,5 % svinjske masti i 0,5 % lanenog ulja, u potpunu smešu za tov piladi II 1,25 % svinjske masti i 1,25 % lanenog ulja i u potpunu smešu za tov piladi III 2,5 % svinjske masti i 2,5 % lanenog ulja. Na kraju svake faze tova, životinje su merene, merena je potrošnja hrane i određivana konverzija hrane i prirast. Na polovini ogleda kao i na kraju ogleda uzeti su uzorci krvi iz krilne vene, po 7 uzoraka po grupi i poslati na analizu biohemijskih parametara u krvi (holesterol i trigliceridi). Tokom trajanja ogleda praćeno je zdravstveno stanje životinja. Na kraju ogleda trupovi rasečeni na glave delove: grudi, batak sa karabatakom, krila, vrat i leđa. Delovi trupa su nakon toga izvagani. Iz svake eksperimentalne grupe uzeto je po 6 bataka sa karabatakom za hemijske i senzorne analize. U toku klanja uzeti su i uzorci krvi za analizu biohemijskih parametara (holesterol i trigliceridi). Uzorci mesa su čuvani na temperaturi – 20 °C u trajanju od 6 meseci, a analize za određivanje TBK-broja rađene su nultog dana, kao i nakon 3 i 6 meseci skladištenja...sr
dc.description.abstractAdding fat to feed increases the energy value of food, absorption of liposoluble vitamins, reduces food breakdown, increases food palatability, slows down the passage of food through the digestive tract of animals and thus improves the absorption of nutrients and utilization of food metabolic energy. The fatty acid composition of broiler feed fat has a direct effect on the fatty acid composition of broiler fat reserves. The main goal of the research within this doctoral dissertation was to examine the influence of different fat sources in broiler food on production results, health status, fatty acid composition of broiler meat and quality and yield of broiler meat. For this experiment 240 broilers of Cobb 500 provenance of both sexes were divided into 4 experimental groups. Broilers of all four experimental groups (K, OI, O-II and O-III) received food of standard raw material and chemical composition for a given provenance (complete mixture for fattening chickens I from 1 to 10 days; complete mixture for fattening chickens II from 11 to 21 days and complete mixture for fattening chickens III from 22 to 42 days). Flaxseed oil and lard were added to the diet food of the experimental groups in different amounts. 1% of lard was added to the food of the experimental group O-I of the complete mixture for fattening chicken I, 2.5% in the complete mixture for fattening chicken II, and 5% to the complete mixture for fattening chicken III. 1% of flaxseed oil was added to the food of the experimental group O-II of the complete mixture for fattening of chickens I, 2.5% to the complete mixture for fattening of chickens II, and 5% to the complete mixture for fattening of chickens III. 0.5% of lard and 0.5% of linseed oil were added to the food of experimental group O-III of the complete mixture for fattening of chicken I, 1.25% of lard and 1.25% of flaxseed oil were added to the complete mixture for fattening of chicken II an finally to complete mixture for fattening chicken III 2.5% lard and 2.5% linseed oil. At the end of each phase of fattening, the weights of the animals were measured, food consumption was measured and food conversion and growth were determined. At half of the experiment, as well as at the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken from the wing vein, 7 samples per group and sent for analysis of biochemical parameters in the blood (cholesterol and triglycerides). The health condition of the animals was monitored during the experiment. At the end of the examination, the carcasses were cut into main parts: chest, drumstick, wings, neck and back. Parts of the hull were then weighed. From each experimental group, 6 drumsticks were taken for chemical and sensory analyzes. During slaughter, blood samples were taken for analysis of biochemical parameters (cholesterol and triglycerides). Meat samples were stored at a temperature of - 20 ° C for 6 months, and analyzes to determine the TBK number were performed on day zero, as well as after 3 and 6 months of storage...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbroilers, diet, fatty acids, meat qualityen
dc.subjectmasne kiselinesr
dc.subjectkvalitet mesasr
dc.titleUticaj različitih izvora masti u obroku na proizvodne rezultate i masnokiselinski sastav mesa brojlerasr
dc.title.alternativeEffects of different sources of fat in the diet on production results and fatty acid composition of broiler meaten

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