Приказ основних података о дисертацији

Legal and economic aspects of stabilization clause

dc.contributor.advisorLabudović Stanković, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherTodorović, Nada
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Slavko
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Ljubica
dc.creatorBrašić Stojanović, Jovana
dc.description.abstractAPSTRAKT: Predmet doktorske disertacije jeste istraživanje stabilizacione klauzule kroz njena dva aspekta, pravni i ekonomski. Pravni aspekt stabilizacione klauzule istraživaće se kroz analizu pravnih propisa i stručne građe ne bi li se detaljno ispitala kao specifičan pravni institut. Istraživanje ekonomskog aspekta stabilizacione klauzule zasniva se na definisanju stranih ulaganja, prikazivanju njihovog značaja i efekata na privredni razvoj i ukazivanju na važnost stabilizacione klauzule kao mehanizma njihovog podsticanja. Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste detaljna i sveobuhvatna analiza stabilizacione klauzule korišćenjem više naučnih metoda, imajući u vidu multidisciplinarni karakter obrađene teme. Analizom dostupne naučne građe dolazi se do zaključka o karakteru stabilizacione klauzule kao pravnog instituta, ali i ekonomskog mehanizma, preciziraju se prednosti u njenom korišćenju i ukazuje na nedostatke koji mogu nastati prilikom njene upotrebe. Uz pojmovno određenje stabilizacione klauzule, namera je proučavati osobine, dejstva i njihov domašaj, kao i različite vrste stabilizacionih klauzula. Takvim pristupom omogućava se bolje razumevanje stabilizacione klauzule i ukazuje na značaj koji ima u zasnivanju ulagačkog odnosa. Shodno tome, namera je doći do zaključka o najpodesnijem modelu stabilizacione klauzule koji bi bio korišćen u praksi uz pružanje eventualnih predloga u cilju njene adekvatne regulisanosti kroz pravne propise. Kroz čitav istraživački proces iskazuje se jasna namera dolaska do rešenja o načinu upotrebe stabilizacione klauzule kojim se na najefikasniji način postiže i čuva ekonomska ravnoteža između učesnika ulagačkog odnosa, uz zaštitu legitimnih interesa obe ugovorne strane.sr
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: The subject of the Doctoral Dissertation is the research legal and economic aspects of the stabilization clause. The legal aspect of the stabilization clause will be explored through the analysis of legal regulations and professional literature with the purpose of its detailed examination аs а specifics legal institute. Exploration of the economic aspect is based on defining foreign investments, explanation of their importance and effects and pointing to the significance of stabilization clause as an incentive mechanism. The main goal of the research is a detailed analysis of the stabilization clause with the use of several scientific methods. The analysis of the available scientific material comes to conclusions about the nature of the stabilization clause as a legal institute, but also an economic mechanism, specifies the advantages of its use and points out the disadvantages that may arise. In addition to the conceptual definition of the stabilization clause, the intention is to study the properties, actions and scope, as well as different types of stabilization clauses. This enables a better understanding of the stabilization clause and indicates significance it has in establishing investment relations. Accordingly, the intention is to come to a conclusion on the most suitable model of the stabilization clause that would be used in practice with the provision of possible proposals for the purpose of its adequate regulation in law. Throughout the research process is expressed a clear intention to reach a solution regarding the way of use of the stabilization clause, which would allow for the most efficient way of achieving and keeping economic balance between the participants in the investment relationship, while protecting the legitimate interests of both parties.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Правни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectstabilizaciona klauzulasr
dc.subjectstabilization clauseen
dc.subjectforeign investoren
dc.subjecthost countryen
dc.subjectforeign direct investmentsen
dc.subjectforeign investment agreementen
dc.subjectprotection of legal position of foreign investoren
dc.subjectincentive mechanismen
dc.subjectnon - commercial risken
dc.subjectstrani ulagačsr
dc.subjectdržava prijemnica kapitalasr
dc.subjectstrane direktne investicijesr
dc.subjectugovor o stranom ulaganjusr
dc.subjectzaštita pravnog položaja stranog ulagačasr
dc.subjectmehanizam podsticajasr
dc.subjectnekomercijalni riziksr
dc.titlePravno-ekonomski aspekti stabilizacione klauzulesr
dc.title.alternativeLegal and economic aspects of stabilization clauseen

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