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Treatment of waste sludges from drinking water treatment plant using ionizing radiation

dc.contributor.advisorPavićević, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherVujčić, Ivica
dc.contributor.otherKamberović, Željko
dc.contributor.otherJanićijević, Aco
dc.creatorRanković, Bojan
dc.description.abstractPovećane potrebe za pripremom vode za piće i značajna količina otpada u obliku tretiranog mulja mogu dovesti do ozbiljnog ekološkog problema. Visok sadržaj organskih materija u mulju, zajedno sa visokim letnjim temperaturama može rezultirati pojačanom aktivnošću mikroorganizama u mulju, što uzrokuje i ozbiljna mikrobiološka zagađenja. Takođe, opasnost predstavlja i moguće prisustvo poliakrilamida, posebno akrilamid monomera koji je veoma štetan i opasan po ljudsko zdravlje i životnu sredinu. U ovoj disertaciji ispitivan je uticaj različitih vrsta jonizujućih zračenja (gama i elektronskog zračenja) na inaktivaciju mikroorganizama u otpadnom mulju iz postrojenja za pripremu vode za piće. Utvrđen je sadržaj teških metala i akrilamida pre i posle zračenja. Zaključeno je da je sadržaj teških metala u otpadnom mulju dobijenom iz postrojenja za pripremu vode za piće znatno niži od graničnih vrednosti. Koncentracija akrilamida, i pre i posle zračenja, bila je ispod dozvoljene granične vrednosti da bi se tretirani mulj mogao koristiti kao đubrivo u poljoprivredi. Utvrđeno je da doza zračenja od 25 kGy inaktivira sve patogene u uzorcima prikupljenim neposredno nakon koagulacije, flokulacije i taloženja, a da je doza od 10 kGy dovoljna za inaktivaciju svih patogena iz osušenih uzoraka prethodno tretiranih krečom. U oba slučaja, broj mikroorganizama naglo opada sa povećanjem doze zračenja. Takođe su istraženi efekti skladištenja na sadržaj mikroorganizama i plesni u otpadnom mulju tretiranom elektronskim snopom i gama zračenjem i procenjena je mogućnost upotrebe takvog mulja kao đubriva u poljoprivredi. Ako se mulj čuva u zatvorenim kesama na tamnom mestu, broj ukupnih mikroorganizama i plesni se ne povećava sa starenjem. Raspodela apsorbovane doze unutar ozračenog materijala složena je funkcija gustine i homogenosti materijala, položaja i oblika izvora zračenja, kao i dizajna radijacionog postrojenja. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je izvršeno detaljno mapiranje apsorbovane doza zračenja u otpadnom mulju. Utvrđeni su položaji minimalne i maksimalne apsorbovane doze zračenja, a homogenost ozračivanja proizvoda izračunata je pomoću dozimetrijskog sistema ECB-oscilotitrator. Ustanovljeno je da otpadni muljevi iz postrojenja za pripremu vode za piće nakon odgovarajućeg tretmana visokoenergetskim jonizujućim zračenjem pokazuju potencijal za upotrebu kao đubrivo u
dc.description.abstractIncreasing production of drinking water and a huge amount of waste in the form of treated sludge causing a significant environmental problem. The high organic content in the sludge, together with the high summer temperatures, leads to the improved activity of sludge microorganisms, which can cause serious microbiological pollution. Also, there is a danger due to the potential presence of polyacrylamide, especially acrylamide monomer which is very harmful and hazardous to the environment and human health. In this dissertation, the influence of various types of ionizing radiation (gamma and e-beam) on microorganisms inactivation in waste sludge from drinking water treatment plants was definited. The content of polyacrylamide and heavy metals before and after irradiation had been determined. It had been concluded that the content of heavy metals in the waste sludge obtained from the drinking water treatment plant is significantly less than the limit values. The concentration of acrylamide, both before and after irradiation, was below a limit value for sludge to be used as fertilizer. It had been found that the dose of 25 kGy inactivates all pathogens in samples collected directly after coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, and that the dose of 10 kGy is sufficient to inactivate all pathogens from dewatered samples previously treated with lime. In both cases, the amount of microorganisms decreases sharply with increasing radiation dose. The effects of aging on the content of microorganisms and molds in waste sludge treated with e-beam and gamma irradiation were determinated, and the possibility of using such sludge as a fertilizer in agriculture was also evaluated. If the sludge is stored in closed bags in a dark place, aging does not increase the number of total microorganisms and molds. The distribution of the absorbed dose within the irradiated material is a complex function of the material density and homogenity, the position, and shape of the radiation source, as well as the design of the irradiator. In this doctoral dissertation, detailed mapping of absorbed radiation doses in waste sludge is performed. Positions of minimum and maximum absorbed radiation dose were determined, and the homogeneity of irradiation of products was calculated using the ECB-oscillotitrator dosimetry system. It was found that waste sludges from drinking water treatment plants after adequate treatment with high-energy ionizing radiation shows the potential for use as fertilizer in agriculture.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Технолошко-металуршки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.titleTretman otpadnih muljeva iz postrojenja za pripremu vode za piće primenom jonizujućeg zračenjasr
dc.title.alternativeTreatment of waste sludges from drinking water treatment plant using ionizing radiationen

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