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Impact of blended learning approach using the Мoodle platform and PhET simulations in physics on students’ performance

dc.contributor.advisorRadulović, Branka
dc.contributor.otherPavkov-Hrvojević, Milica
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Branka
dc.contributor.otherGajić, Olivera
dc.contributor.otherStojanović, Maja
dc.creatorDorocki, Marina
dc.description.abstractOpremanje škole novom tehnologijom predstavlja potreban ali ne i dovoljan uslov za unapređenje nastavnog procesa. Kako bi se ostvario željeni ishod i ciljevi nastave, od izuzetne je važnosti obučiti nastavnike novim nastavnim metodama koje uključuju i primenu informacionih kompjuterskih sistema. Kako se tehnologija razvija eksponencijanom brzinom, od izuzetne je važnosti kvalitativno i kvantitativno ispitati efekat različitih načina njene primene u nastavi na učeničke performanse. U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj nastavne metode bazirane na hibridnom učenju na samopercipirani mentalni napor, motivaciju učenika za učenje fizike, naučno rezonovanje, kao i postignuće učenika drugog razreda gimnazije, primenjene na nastavnu oblast Jednosmerna električna struja. Glavni zaključci su da je nastavna metoda zasnovana na hibridnom učenju uzrokovala veće učeničko postignuće na testu znanja, manji samopercipirani mentalni napor učenika, veću motivaciju za učenje fizike i viši nivo naučnog rezonovanja nego tradicionalni metod.sr
dc.description.abstractIn order to achieve the desired outcome and goals of teaching, it is essential to train teachers in new teaching methods that include the use of information computer systems. Equipping the school with new technology is necessary but insufficient to improve the teaching process. As technology develops exponentially, it is imperative to qualitatively and quantitatively examine the effect of different ways of its application in teaching on student performance. In this thesis, the influence of the teaching method based on hybrid learning on self-perceived mental effort, students' motivation to learn physics, scientific reasoning, and the achievement of second-grade high school students, applied to the teaching area DC electric current was investigated. The main conclusions are that the teaching method based on hybrid learning caused greater student achievement on the knowledge test, the less selfperceived mental effort of students, greater motivation to learn physics, and a higher level of scientific reasoning than the traditional method.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectHibridno učenjesr
dc.subjectBlended learningen
dc.subjectphysics teachingen
dc.subjectcognitive loaden
dc.subjectscientific reasoningen
dc.subjectnastava fizikesr
dc.subjectkognitivno opterećenjesr
dc.subjectnaučno rezonovanjesr
dc.titleUticaj primene hibridne nastave upotrebom Moodle platforme i PhET simulacija u fizici na učeničke performansesr
dc.title.alternativeImpact of blended learning approach using the Мoodle platform and PhET simulations in physics on students’ performanceen

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