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ǂA ǂnew approach in the analysis of the quality of teaching/learning process and development of an instrument for the sequential analysis of the quality of teaching

dc.contributor.advisorPešikan, Ana
dc.contributor.otherBaucal, Aleksander
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Danijela S.
dc.contributor.otherMatović, Nataša B.
dc.contributor.otherAntić, Slobodanka
dc.creatorJoksimović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractNemoguće je govoriti o obrazovanju a da se ne pokrene pitanje toga šta je kvalitetno, dobro obrazovanje. Ovo pitanje zanima vjerovatno svako dijete kada pođe u školu, zanima i odrasle, ali i obrazovne, državne i međunarodne vlasti. Upravo zato su istraživačka pitanja ove studije sledeća: kolika je važnost kvaliteta procesa N/U u obrazovanju; kako se konceptualizuje, teorijski utemeljuje konstrukt kvalitet procesa N/U; koja je pozicija pravednosti i demokratičnosti u kvalitetu procesa N/U. U prvoj fazi studije smo mapirali postojeće pristupe kvalitetu procesa N/U, u drugoj fazi redefinišemo danas dominantnu socio-konstruktivističku viziju kvaliteta u obrazovanju uticajima iz kritičke pedagogije i dajemo svoj doprinos razvoju instrumenta za sistematsko posmatarnje procesa N/U uvođenjem koncepta demokratski potencijal N/U. Ovaj doprinos ogleda se u tome što smo tehniku sekvencijalne analize (SEKA) koja je razvijena u okviru programa Aktivno učenje (Ivić, Pešikan i Antić, 2003) dalje razvili u instrument koji sadrži softverski protokol SEKA (SP-SEKA), koji je u trećoj fazi ove studije imao empirijsku provjeru validnosti, objektivnosti i pouzdanosti. Treća faza uključila je posmatranje 15 časova i konsultacije sa 15 ljudi iz profesionalne zajednice koja se bavi problemima kvaliteta procesa N/U. Na časovima su posmatranje vršile tri osobe, dvije vodeći SP-SEKA i jedna vodeći protokol postavljen na sličnim teorijskim osnovama pod imenom IBUS (Thiel, Ophardt, and Krümmel, 2004). Rezultati faze posmatranja N/U i konsultacija pokazuju da SP-SEKA pokazuje visoku validnost konstrukta u svim analiziranim aspektima sem pitanja socijalnog i afektivnog aspekta života u učionici. Provjera objektivnosti i pouzdanosti pokazuje takođe visoku saglasnost za aspekte kvaliteta metode N/U, nivoe kognitivnog angažovanja i nivo dječje participacije od 78,03 procenatasr
dc.description.abstractIt is impossible to talk about education without raising the question of what quality education or good education is. This question intrigues every child from starting their own education, but also all adults, as well as educational, national and international authorities. This is exactly why the research questions of this study are: what is the importance of the quality of the teaching/learning process in education; what is the position of justice and democracy in the quality of teaching/learning. In the first phase we have mapped existing approaches to the quality of the teaching/learning process; in the second phase we redefine the predominant socio-constructivist vision of quality in education by employing influences from critical pedagogy. Based on that, we give our contribution to the development of systematic observation of the teaching/learning process by introducing the concept of democratic potential. This is implemented by further development of the technique for sequential analysis, which is part of the active learning program (Ivić, Pešikan and Antić, 2003). Sequential analysis was built in the instrument including the software protocol SEKA (SP-SEKA). Third phase of this study was the empirical verification of validity, objectivity and reliability. This phase included an observation of 15 school classes and consultations with 15 members of the professional community dealing with the topic of quality in education. Classroom observations were implemented by three observers, two with SP-SEKA and one with a protocol set on similar theoretical foundations called IBUS (Thiel, Ophardt, and Krümmel, 2004). The results of the third phase imply that SP-SEKA has high construct validity in all analysed aspects, except regarding the social and affective aspects of classroom life. Verification of objectivity and reliability also showed high intersubjective agreement of 78.03 percent regarding quality of teaching/learning methods, levels of cognitive engagement and levels of children participation.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectkvalitet obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectquality of educationen
dc.subjectprocess of teaching/learningen
dc.subjectsequential analysisen
dc.subjectproces nastave/učenja (N/U)sr
dc.subjectsekvencijalna analizasr
dc.titleNovi pristup analizi kvaliteta nastave/učenja i razvoj instrumenta za tehniku sekvencijalne analize kvaliteta nastavesr
dc.title.alternativeǂA ǂnew approach in the analysis of the quality of teaching/learning process and development of an instrument for the sequential analysis of the quality of teachingen
dcterms.abstractПешикан, Aна; Бауцал, Aлександер; Петровић, Данијела С.; Матовић, Наташа Б.; Aнтић, Слободанка; Јоксимовић, Јелена; Нови приступ анализи квалитета наставе/учења и развој инструмента за технику секвенцијалне анализе квалитета наставе; Нови приступ анализи квалитета наставе/учења и развој инструмента за технику секвенцијалне анализе квалитета наставе;

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