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Assessment of the influence of periodontic condition on the quality of life of professional members of the Serbian Army

dc.contributor.advisorIlić, Milena
dc.contributor.otherĐonović, Nela
dc.contributor.otherMiličić, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherDaković, Dragana
dc.creatorLekić, Margareta
dc.description.abstractSAŽETAK: Oralno zdravlje je osnovna komponenta zdravlja, fizičkog i mentalnog blagostanja. Parodontalno zdravlje je sastavni deo oralnog zdravlja. Oralne bolesti su jedan od najčešćih problema javnog zdravlja u svetu, sa značajnim socio-ekonomskim uticajem. Stanje oralnog zdravlja u vojnoj populaciji značajna je komponenta opšteg zdravlja, ali i indirektni pokazatelj funkcionalne osposobljenosti pripadnika vojske Republike Srbije (RS). CILj. Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi vrsta i učestalost promena, kao i stepen oštećenja na gingivi i parodoncijumu, definisanje najčešćih faktori rizika za nastanak parodontalnih oboljenja i utvrđivanje uticaja stanja parodoncijuma na kvalitet života pripadnika vojske RS. MATERIJAL I METODE. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1741 profesionalnih pripadnika vojske RS, starosti od 18-59 godina, koji su pregledani u Klinici za stomatologiju Vojnomedicinske Akademije (VMA) i stomatološkim ordinacijama u kasarnama na celoj teritoriji RS. Kliničkim pregledom utvrđen je status zuba, stanje oralne higijene i parodontalnih tkiva. Instumenti koji su korišćeni u ispitivanju pripadnika vojske Srbije bili su dve vrste upitnika: Upitnik oralnog zdravlja Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (”Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults”) i Upitnik kvaliteta oralnog zdravlja „OHIP 14“ (”Oral Health Impact Profile”). REZULTATI. Klinički je pregledana i intervjuisana 1741 osoba, od čega je 184 (10,6%) žena i 1557 (89,4%) muškaraca. Svi ispitanici imali su između 18 i 59 godine, pri čemu je prosečna starost iznosila 32,3±9,7 godine. Najveći udeo (64,8%) ispitanika je sa srednjom školom. Najveći procenat ispitivane grupe pere zube dva ili više puta dnevno (60,5%). Skoro svi ispitanici (98,1%) koriste četkicu i pastu za zube prilikom održavanja oralne higijene, dok samo 7,9% koristi interdentalne četkice. Više od polovine ispitivane grupe posetio je stomatologa tokom prethodnih šest meseci (55,3%). Najčešći (35,4%) razlog posete stomatologu bio je bol zuba. Stanje zuba kao loše i veoma loše procenjuje 16% ispitivane grupe. Najveći procenat ispitivane populacije konzumira slatkiše i čokoladu nekoliko puta nedeljno (40,7%). Svakodnevno cigarete konzumira 33% naših ispitanika. Prosečan broj karijesa po ispitaniku iznosio je 1,9±2,5, a broj ekstrahovanih zuba 2,8±3,4. Prosečna vrednosti plak indeksa iznosila je 0,9±0,5, gingivalnog indeksa 0,7±0,5, i CPITN (Zajednički parodontalni indeks i potreba za lečenjem) 1,4±0,7. Parodontalni džepovi dublji od 4mm prisutni su kod 48% ispitanika starijih od 45 godina. Većina profesionalnih pripadnika vojske RS smatra da oralno zdravlje nema veliki uticaj na kvalitet života. Najveći uticaj na kvalitet života imala je psihološka nelagodnost, odnosno 26,4% ispitivane grupe je svesno svojih problema sa ustima, a čak 17% ispitanika je imalo osećaj nervoze zbog stanja oralnog zdravlja. Ukupan prosečan skor uticaja oralnog zdravlja na kvalitet života (OHIP 14), iznosio je 6,7±8,6. Najveći prosečan skor imala su pitanja koja se odnose na svest o problemima u ustima (1,0±1,3), i osećaj nervoze koji je izazvan problemima sa zubima (0,7±1,0), u odnosu na sve druge tegobe. Psihološka nelagodnost sa prosečnom vrednošću (0,8±1,1) ističe se u odnosu na sve ostale domene, a zatim sledi fizička bol (0,5±0,7).Utvrdili smo da prosečne vrednosti plak indeksa, gingivalnog indeksa i prosečne vrednosti CPITN, znatno utiču na ukupnu vrednost OHIP skora (p0,000). Kod ispitanika koji imaju plak indeks >1 zabeležena je veća vrednost prosečnog OHIP skora (7,2±8,6), u odnosu na ispitanika sa nižim vrednostima plak indeksa (4,9±7,2) (p0,000). Ispitanici koji imaju prosečne vrednosti gingivalnog indeksa >1, prosečna vrednost OHIP skora (7,8±9,2) znatno je veća u odnosu na na ispitanike sa vrednostima gingivalnog indeksa ≤1 (5,0±7,1) (p0,000). Kod ispitanika koji imaju prosečnu vrednost CPITN veću od >2, prosečne vrednosti OHIP skora (8,5±9,7) znatno su veće u odnosu na ispitanike sa nižim vrednostima CPITN (5,1±7,2) (p0,000). ZAKLjUČAK. Objektivno oralno zdravlje pripadnika nije zadovoljavajuće. Značajan broj ispitanika ne održava adekvatno oralnu higijenu, a nedostatak jednog ili više zuba konstatovan je kod više od polovine ispitivane grupe. Takođe, prisutna je potreba za parodontološkim tretmanom kod većine osoba. Rezultati naše studije, jasno ukazuju na povezanost stanja parodoncijuma na kvalitet života profesionalnih pripadnika vojske
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY: Oral health is a basic component of health, physical and mental well-being. Periodontal health is an integral part of oral health. Oral diseases are one of the most common public health problems in the world, with a significant socio-economic impact. The state of oral health in the military population is a significant component of general health, but also an indirect indicator of the functional ability of members of the RS army. THE AIM. The main goals of this research were to determine the type and frequency of changes, as well as the degree of damage to the gingiva and periodontium, to define the most common risk factors for periodontal disease, and to determine the impact of the periodontal condition on the quality of life of RS soldiers. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The research included 1741 professional members of the RS Army, aged 18-59, who were examined at the Clinic for Dentistry of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) and dental practices in barracks throughout the Republic of Serbia (RS). The clinical examination determined the status of the teeth, the state of oral hygiene, and periodontal tissues. The instruments used in the interrogation of members of the Serbian Army were two types of questionnaires: “Oral Health Questionnaire for Adults” and ”Oral Health Impact Profile” („OHIP 14“). RESULTS. 1741 persons were clinically examined and interviewed, of which 184 (10.6%) were women and 1557 (89.4%) were men. All subjects were between 18 and 59 years of age, with a mean age of 32.3±9.7 years. The largest share (64.8%) of respondents is with high school. The largest percentage of the examined group brushes their teeth two or more times a day (60.5%). Almost all respondents (98,1%) use a toothbrush and toothpaste when maintaining oral hygiene, while only 7.9% use interdental brushes. More than half of the examined group visited the dentist during the previous six months (55.3%). The most common (35.4%) reason for visiting the dentist was toothache. The condition of the teeth is assessed as bad and very bad by 16% of the examined group. The largest percentage of the surveyed population consumes sweets and chocolate several times a week (40.7%). Every day 33% of our respondents consume cigarettes. The average number of caries per subject was 1.9±2.5, and the number of extracted teeth was 2.8±3.4. The mean values of the plaque index were 0.9±0.5, the gingival index 0.7±0.5, and the CPITN (Joint Periodontal Index and Treatment Need) 1.4±0.7. Periodontal pockets deeper than 4mm are present in 48% of subjects older than 45 years. Most professional members of the RS army believe that oral health does not have a great impact on the quality of life. Psychological discomfort had the greatest impact on the quality of life, 26.4% of the examined group were aware of their mouth problems, and as many as 17% of the respondents had a feeling of nervousness due to the state of oral health. The total average score of the impact of oral health on quality of life (OHIP 14) was 6.7±8.6. The highest average score was given to questions related to awareness of oral problems (1.0±1.3), and the feeling of nervousness caused by dental problems (0.7±1.0), compared to all other ailments. Psychological discomfort with an average value (0.8±1.1) stands out concerning all other domains, followed by physical pain (0.5±0.7). We found that the average values of plaque index, gingival index, and average values of CPITN, significantly affect the total value of OHIP score (p<0.000). In subjects with a plaque index >1, a higher value of the average OHIP score (7.2±8.6) was recorded, compared to subjects with lower values of plaque index (4.9±7.2) (p<0.000). For subjects with average values of gingival index >1, the average value of OHIP score (7.8±9.2) is significantly higher compared to subjects with values of gingival index ≤1 (5.0±7.1) (p<0.000). In subjects with a mean CPITN greater than >2, mean OHIP scores (8.5±9.7) were significantly higher than in subjects with lower CPITN (5.1±7.2) (p<0.000). CONCLUSION. The objective oral health of members is not satisfactory. A significant number of subjects did not maintain adequate oral hygiene, and the lack of one or more teeth was found in more than half of the examined group. Also, there is a need for periodontal treatment in most people. The results of our study indicate the connection between the condition of the periodontium and the quality of life of professional members of the RS army.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectoralno zdravljesr
dc.subjectoral healthen
dc.subjectmembers of the armyen
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectpripadnici vojskesr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.titleProcena uticaja stanja parodoncijuma na kvalitet života profesionalnih pripadnika Vojske Srbijesr
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of the influence of periodontic condition on the quality of life of professional members of the Serbian Armyen
dcterms.abstractИлић, Милена; Миличић, Биљана; Ђоновић, Нела; Даковић, Драгана; Лекић, Марагарета; Процена утицаја стања пародонцијума на квалитет живота професионалних припадника Војске Србије; Процена утицаја стања пародонцијума на квалитет живота професионалних припадника Војске Србије;

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