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Modeling the retention behaviour of imidazoline and serotonin receptor liganads and their related compounds under the different chromatographic conditions

dc.contributor.advisorAgbaba, Danica
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Katarina M.
dc.contributor.otherŠpigun, Oleg Alekseevič
dc.contributor.otherAndrić, Filip
dc.creatorObradović, Darija
dc.description.abstractU ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitano je retenciono ponašanje liganada imidazolinskih/α-adrenergičkih receptora, liganada serotoninskih receptora i srodnih jedinjenja. Obe grupe ispitivanih jedinjenja osnovnim ili sporednim mehanizmima deluju na centralni nervni sistem. Retencione karakteristike odabranih jedinjenja su ispitane primenom hromatografije hidrofilnih interakcija (HILIC), reverzno-fazne tečne hromatografije (RP-LC) i superkritične fluidne hromatografije (SFC) na polarnim stacionarnim fazama. Proces istraživanja obuhvatio je karakterizaciju retencionih mehanizama primenom linearnih retencionih modela i procenu uticaja ukupne polarnosti mobilne faze na retenciono ponašanje. Uvedeni su novi parametri retencije i formirani modeli za predviđanje retencionog ponašanja na mixed-mode stacionarnoj fazi u odnosu na fizičko-hemijske osobine ispitivanih jedinjenja, kao i karakteristike mobilne faze. U hromatografskim sistemima u kojima dolazi do smene između HILIC i RP retencionih mehanizama, predložene su nove jednačine za definisanje i predviđanje vrednosti prevojne tačke. Parametri retencije su detaljno ispitani u SFC i HILIC sistemima, i izdvojene molekulske osobine sa najvećim uticajem na retencioni mehanizam. Takođe, u SFC-u je primenjena metodologija eksperimentalnog dizajna za definisanje retencionih karakteristika. Formirani modeli omogućuju pouzdano predviđanje retencionog ponašanja novosintetisanih liganada imidazolinskih i serotoninskih receptora i strukturno srodnih jedinjenja u različitim hromatografskim uslovima. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se testirani hromatografski sistemi mogu uspešno primeniti u farmaceutskim
dc.description.abstractIn this doctoral dissertation, retention behaviour was investigated of imidazoline/α-adrenergic receptor ligands, serotonin receptor ligands and their related compounds. Both groups of investigated compounds exert an effect on central nervous system by the primary or secondary mechanism. Retention characteristic of the selected compounds on polar stationary phases was examined for hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC), reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC), and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). The research included characterization of retention mechanisms with use of the linear retention models and an assessment of the influence of total polarity of mobile phase on retention behaviour. Novel retention parameters were introduced and models were deviced to predict retention behaviour in the mixed-mode chromatography systems, taking into the account physico-chemical properties of tested compounds and mobile phase characteristics. The turning point was defined for chromatographic systems characterizing with the bimodal HILIC/RP retention mechanisms and novel equations were proposed for prediction of the turining point values. Retention behaviour was investigated under the HILIC and SFC conditions, and the most important molecular properties governing retention were selected. In the case of SFC, the experimental design methodology was also applied to describe analyte retention. The proposed models allow a reliable prediction of retention behaviour for the newly synthesized imidazoline and serotonin receptors ligands and their structurally related compounds. The obtained results show that the investigated chromatographic systems can successfully be applied to pharmaceutical investigations.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Фармацеутски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectligandi imidazolinskih receptorasr
dc.subjectimidazoline receptor ligandsen
dc.subjectligandi serotoninskih receptorasr
dc.subjectcentralni nervni sistemsr
dc.subjectprevojna tačkasr
dc.subjectretencioni mehanizmisr
dc.subjectserotonin receptor ligandsen
dc.subjectcentral nervous systemen
dc.subjectturining pointen
dc.subjectretention mechanismsen
dc.titleModelovanje retencionog ponašanja liganada imidazolinskih i serotoninskih receptora i srodnih jedinjenja u različitim hromatografskim uslovimasr
dc.title.alternativeModeling the retention behaviour of imidazoline and serotonin receptor liganads and their related compounds under the different chromatographic conditionsen
dcterms.abstractAгбаба, Даница; Aндрић, Филип; Шпигун, Олег Aлексеевич; Николић, Катарина М.; Обрадовић, Дарија; Моделовање ретенционог понашања лиганада имидазолинских и серотонинских рецептора и сродних једињења у различитим хроматографским условима; Моделовање ретенционог понашања лиганада имидазолинских и серотонинских рецептора и сродних једињења у различитим хроматографским условима;

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