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Ecofeminism in the prose of Margaret Atwood

dc.contributor.advisorBubanja, Nikola
dc.contributor.otherGaronja Radovanac, Slavica
dc.contributor.otherLopičić, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherVlašković Ilić, Biljana
dc.creatorMilošević, Danica
dc.description.abstractFokus ove doktorske disertacije je istraživanje područja ekofeminizma, odnosno primena ekofeminističke teorije i kritike na romane Margaret Atvud Antilopa i Kosac, Godina potopa, i LudAdam, uz osvrt na romane Jestiva žena, Telesna povreda i Izranjanje, razmatranjem ekofeminsitičkih stavova o nauci i tehnologiji, konzumerizmu, etici, kao i ženskom rodnom identitetu koji se manifestuje kroz telo i jezik, u cilju rasvetljavanja destruktivnih praksi savremenog patrijarhalnog društva koje ugnjetava ekofeminino, odnosno žene i prirodu. Polazimo od hipoteze da je moguće uspostaviti sinergiju potencijala između kulturalnog i socijalnog ekofeminizma iako su po svojim stavovima oprečni i nespojivi, budući da na različite načine pristupaju fenomenu žene i prirode u patrijarhalnoj kulturi. Cilj disertacije je da kroz relacije junakinja Atvudove sa prirodom i njenim činiocima, ukaže na to kako žene mogu da iskorače iz društveno propisanih uloga u činu odbrane prirode, napuštajući pozicije koje su za njih društveno određene da bi odbranile sebe i prirodu u kulturi koja je dehumanizovana i denaturalizovana. Pri tom se identitet junakinja kroz njihovo telesno prisustvo i moć u okviru jezika posmatra kao vid subverzivnog delovanja protiv represivne i eksploatatorske kulture koja insistira na tehnološkom razvoju i konzumerističkom prosperitetu. Ovim postupkom, etika brige kao i partnerstvo sa prirodom uvode se kao ekofeministički koncepti prevazilaženja logike dominacije kojom muška jedinka uspostavlja hegemoniju kao centralni simbol moći nad ženama, životnom sredinom, životinjskim vrstama i prirodnim resursima. Metodološki, rad se poziva na teorijske i kritičke osvrte ekofeministkinja poput Inestre King, Vandane Šive, Marije Majs, Kerolin Meršant, Karen Voren, Kerol Adams, Suzan Grifin i
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation puts emphasis on the study of ecofeminism, that is the use of ecofeminist theory and criticism in Margaret Atwood’s novels Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam together with illustrative interpretations of The Edible Woman, Bodily Harm and Surfacing, analysing the ecofeminist standpoints on science and technology, consumerism, ethics, as well as the female gender identity manifesting itself through the body and language. The intention is to question destructive practices of the modern capitalist society which oppresses the eco feminine, that is the woman and nature. The initial hypothesis is that it is possible to establish a synergy of potentials between cultural and social ecofeminism although they are opposite in their views and not practically prone to merging due to incompatibility in treatment of phenomena such as woman and nature. Through relations of Atwood’s heroines with nature and its constituting elements, the dissertation indicates that women can step out of their socially determined roles in the act of defense and abandon the positions which are constructed for them so as to protect themselves and nature within dehumanized and denaturalized culture. Thereby, the identity of female characters though their bodily presence and power in the realm of language is oserved as a potentially subversive activity towards the repressive and exploitative patriarchal culture, which insists on technological development and consumer prosperity. By such means, the ethics of care as well as partnership with nature are introduced as ecofemininst concepts for overcoming the logic of domination by which the male subject, as the central symbol of power, imposes hegemony over women, environment, animal species and natural resources. Methodologically, this thesis relies on theoretical and critical outlooks of ecofeminists such as Ynestra King, Vandana Shiva, Maria Mies, Carolyn Merchant, Karren Warren, Carol Adams, Susan Griffin, and Starhowks.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectnauka i tehnologijasr
dc.subjectženski rodni identitetsr
dc.subjectscience and technologyen
dc.subjectfemale gender identityen
dc.titleEkofeminizam u prozi Margaret Atvudsr
dc.title.alternativeEcofeminism in the prose of Margaret Atwooden
dcterms.abstractБубања, Никола; Гароња Радованац, Славица; Влашковић Илић, Биљана; Лопичић, Весна; Милошевић, Даница; Екофеминизам у прози Маргарет Aтвуд; Екофеминизам у прози Маргарет Aтвуд;

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