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The influence of tannins additives on metabolic profile, production and reproductive performances of Holstein-Friesian cows

dc.contributor.advisorDavidović, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherStojanović, Bojan
dc.contributor.otherPerišić, Predrag
dc.contributor.otherBožičković, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherMaletić, Milan
dc.creatorJovetić, Branko
dc.description.abstractCilj ove doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje uticaja dodavanja različitih doza tanina iz kore divljeg kestena, u obroke mlečnih krava, na osnovne parametre metaboličkog profila, proizvodnju i hemijski sastav mleka, trajanje servis perioda i broj utrošenih doza semena po koncepciji. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na tri grupe od po 13 krava holštajn-frizijske rase. Na početku ogleda, grupe su bile ujednačene po količini proizvedenog mleka, fazi laktacije i laktaciji po redu, kao i telesnoj kondiciji. Ogledni period je trajao 90 dana. Krave su hranjene kompletno mešanim obrokom (TMR, Total Mixed Ration) u skladu sa njihovim proizvodnim potrebama, a razlika je bila u tome što krave I grupe nisu dobijale tanin (kontrolna grupa), krave II grupe su konzumirale 20 g Tanimila SCC (preparat sa taninima iz kore divljeg kestena, 40% tanina), a krave III grupe 40 g istog proizvoda (Tanin Sevnica, Slovenija). Kod ispitivanih grupa krava razlike u prosečnim vrednostima ocene telesne kondicije nisu bile statistički značajne (p>0,05) na kraju oglednog perioda. Uzorkovanje krvi za biohemijsko ispitivanje metaboličkog profila vršeno je punkcijom repne vene (v. coccigea). U krvnom serumu su određivane vrednosti glukoze, ß-hidroksibuterne kiseline (BHBA), ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma na kraju ogleda, a koncentracija uree je izmerena 60. dana ogleda i na kraju oglednog perioda. Tokom oglednog perioda vršene su kontrole proizvodnje mleka po A4 metodi kontrole mlečnosti. Hemijski sastav mleka (koncentracija mlečne masti, proteina, suve materije bez masti, kao i laktoze) određen je metodom infracrvene spektroskopije. Reproduktivni pokazatelji (trajanje servis perioda i broj utrošenih doza semena po koncepciji) praćeni su kroz uobičajenu veterinarsku evidenciju na farmi. Najniža koncentracija BHBA (0,61±0,12 mmol/L) je izmerena kod krava koje su konzumirale preporučenu dnevnu dozu tanina (40 g Tanimila SCC), što je statistički značajno niže (p<0,05) u odnosu na krave koje su konzumirale 20 g, odnosno polovinu maksimalne preporučene doze preparata Tanimil SCC (0,75±0,12 mmol/L). Najveća koncentracija BHBA izmerena je kod krava koje nisu konzumirale tanine u obroku (0,85±0,15 mmol/L), što je statistički veoma značajna razlika u odnosu na krave koje su konzumirale maksimalnu preporučenu dozu tanina (p<0,01). Dodavanje tanina u obroke mlečnih krava nije značajno uticalo na koncentraciju glukoze, ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma u krvi (p>0,05). Nije bilo značajnog uticaja tanina na koncentraciju uree u krvi 60. dana, ali je značajan pozitivan efekat na smanjenje koncentracije uree u krvi utvrđen na kraju oglednog perioda kod grupa krava koje su konzumirale tanine. Koncentracija uree u krvi krava II grupe (5,19±0,87 mmol/L) i III grupe (4,86±0,62 mmol/L), na kraju oglednog perioda, bila je statistički vrlo značajno niža (p<0,01) u odnosu na vrednosti utvrđene kod krava I grupe (6,67±0,67 mmol/L), a kao rezultat konzumiranja tanina. Prosečna količina proizvedenog mleka je iznosila 38,43±4,62 kg/dan kod kontrolne grupe, 39,55±3,98 kg/dan kod grupe koja je konzumirala 20 g Tanimila SCC i 39,12±5,86 kg/dan kod grupe kojoj je u obroke dodavano 40 g Tanimila SCC, a prinos proteina mleka kod ovih grupa je bio 1,19±0,15 kg/dan vs 1,23±0,14 kg/dan vs 1,21±0,19 kg/dan. U odnosu na krave koje su konzumirale obrok bez dodatka tanina, krave koje su u toku oglednog perioda unosile 20 g Tanimila SCC dnevno, ostvarile su veći prosečan prinos mleka za 2,91%, dok je kod grupe krava kojoj je u obrok dodavano 40 g ovog preparata dnevno, mlečnost povećana za 1,8%. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika između tretmana u količini proizvedenog mleka korigovanog na sadržaj mlečne masti od 4% (37,40±6,71 kg/dan vs 37,08±5,00 kg/dan vs 37,84±5,99 kg/dan)
dc.description.abstractfrom wild chestnut bark to dairy cows’ diet, on the basic parameters of metabolic profile, milk production and chemical composition, number of open days and number of straws used per one conception. The test was performed on three groups of 13 Holstein-Friesian cows. At the beginning of the trial, the groups were aligned in the amount of milk produced, lactation phase and order of lactation, as well as physical condition. The trial period lasted 90 days. The cows were fed Total Mixed Ration (TMR) in accordance with their production needs. The difference was that the cows from group I did not receive tannin (control group), cows in group II consumed 20 g of Tanimil SCC (product with tannins from wild chestnut bark, 40% tannins), while cows assigned to group III consumed 40 g of the same product (Tanin Sevnica, Slovenia). The differences in the average values of the assessment of body condition were not statistically significant (p> 0.05) in the examined groups of cows at the end of the experimental period. Blood sampling for biochemical examination of the metabolic profile was performed by venipuncture of the coccygeal vein (v. coccigea). The values of glucose, ß-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), total proteins, albumin, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were measured in the blood serum at the end of the trial, and the urea concentration was measured on the 60th day of the trial and at the end of the trial period. During the trial period controls of milk production were performed by using A4 method of milk control. The chemical composition of milk (concentration of milk fat, protein, dry matter without fat, and lactose) was determined by infrared spectroscopy. Reproductive indicators (service period duration and number of semen doses used per conception) were monitored through the usual veterinary records on the farm. The lowest concentration of BHBA (0.61±0.12 mmol/L) was measured in cows that consumed the recommended daily dose of tannin (40 g Tanimil SCC), which was statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to cows that consumed 20 g, half of the maximum recommended dose of Tanimil SCC (0.75±0.12 mmol/L). The highest concentration of BHBA was measured in cows that did not consume tannins in the diet (0.85±0.15 mmol/L), which is a statistically very significant difference compared to cows that consumed the maximum recommended dose of tannins (p<0.01). The addition of tannin to the diet of dairy cows did not significantly affect the concentration of glucose, total protein, albumin, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the blood (p>0.05). There was no significant effect of tannin on blood urea concentration on day 60, but a significant positive effect on blood urea concentration reduction was found at the end of the trial period in groups of cows that consumed tannin. The concentration of urea in the blood of cows from group II (5.19±0.87 mmol/L) and group III (4.86±0.62 mmol/L), at the end of the trial period, was statistically considerably lower (p<0.01) in relation to the values determined in cows of group I (6.67±0.67 mmol/L), as a result of tannin consumation. The average amount of milk produced in the control group was 38.43±4.62 kg/day, 39.55±3.98 kg/day in the group that consumed 20 g of Tanimil SCC and 39.12±5.86 kg/day in the group to which 40 g of Tanimil SCC was added to the rations, and the milk protein yield in these groups was 1.19±0.15 kg/day vs 1.23±0.14 kg/day vs 1.21±0.19 kg/day. Cows that consumed 20 g of Tanimil SCC per day during the experimental period, achieved a 2.91% higher average milk yield,compared to cows that consumed meals without added tannins, while in the group of cows to which 40 g of the product was added to rations per day, the milk yield increased by 1.8%. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments in the amount of milk produced adjusted for milk fat content of 4% (37.40±6.71 kg/day vs 37.08±5.00 kg/day vs 37.84±5.99 kg/day)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecthigh producing dairy cowsen
dc.subjectnutrition of cowsen
dc.subjectmetabolic profileen
dc.subjectmilk productionen
dc.subjectreproductive traitsen
dc.subjectvisokoproizvodne kravesr
dc.subjectishrana kravasr
dc.subjectmetabolički profilsr
dc.subjectproizvodnja mlekasr
dc.subjectreproduktivne osobinesr
dc.titleUticaj dodavanja tanina u obroke na metabolički profil, proizvodne i reproduktivne osobine krava holštajn-frizijske rasesr
dc.title.alternativeThe influence of tannins additives on metabolic profile, production and reproductive performances of Holstein-Friesian cowsen
dcterms.abstractДавидовић, Весна; Малетић, Милан; Стојановић, Бојан; Перишић, Предраг; Божичковић, Ивана; Јоветић, Бранко; Утицај додавања танина у оброке на метаболички профил, производне и репродуктивне особине крава холштајн-фризијске расе; Утицај додавања танина у оброке на метаболички профил, производне и репродуктивне особине крава холштајн-фризијске расе;

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