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Growth traits and development of sex glands in male (uncastrated and immunocastrated) of indigenous pig breeds

dc.contributor.advisorSavić, Radomir
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Čedomir
dc.contributor.otherRadojković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Branislav
dc.contributor.otherParunović, Nenad
dc.creatorGogić, Marija
dc.description.abstractIstraţivanje je prema postavljenom cilju obavljeno na eksperimentalnoj farmi svinja, u eksperimentalnoj klanici i laboratoriji Instituta za stočarstvo, Zemun-Beograd. Grla koja su roĎena kod nekoliko odgajivača, posle zalučenja (sa oko 6 kg telesne mase) su dopremljena na navedenu farmu. Adaptacioni period trajao je do oko 20-25 kg, kada je započeo ogledni period. U toku ogleda, grla su gajena u istim uslovima smeštaja, ishrane i nege. Ţivotinje su bile smeštene grupno, u poluotvorenom sistemu drţanja, u izdvojenim boksevima sa ispustima (svaki boks ima otvoreni i natkriveni deo). Ishrana i napajanje svinja su bili po volji. Korišćene su kompletne krmne smeše, a ishrana je obavljana tubeomatima. Ispitivanjem je ukupno obuhvaćeno 59 muških grla tri autohtone rase svinja: mangulica (lasasti soj, n=44), moravka (n=8) i resavka (n=7). Merenja telesne mase su sprovedena na početku eksperimenta, jednom mesečno tokom trajanja eksperimenta i na kraju ogleda. Nakon dostizanja klanične telesne mase, grla su merena na vagi i transportovana sa farme u eksperimentalnu klanicu radi ekonomskog iskorišćavanja. Evisceracija polnih ţlezda je izvršena u različitim fazama (tri grupe telesnih masa: oko 20, 45 i 100 kg) radi utvrĎivanja razlika u morfometrijskim karakteristikama polnih ţlezda, pri odreĎenoj telesnoj masi i uzrastu, obavljena je posle klanja ţivotinja. Evisceracija akcesornih polnih ţlezda je obavljena posle klanja ţivotinja, samo kod grla sa telesnom masom oko 100 kg. Prvi deo istraţivanja odnosio se na ispitivanje uticaja telesne mase na porast i morfometrijske karakteristike polnih ţlezda mangulice. Drugi deo istraţivanja obuhvatao je ispitivanje uticaja imunokastracije na proizvodne performanse, morfometrijske karakteristike polnih ţlezda i efikasnost sprovedenog tretmana imunokastracije. Treći deo istraţivanja obuhvatao je osobine porasta i morfometrijske karakteristike polnih ţlezda tri autohtone rase pri postizanju klanične telesne mase. Imunokastracija je sprovedena primenom vakcine Improvac®. Uzrast grla na kraju ogleda iznosio je oko godinu dana. Morfometrijska merenja su posebno obavljena za levi i desni testis/epididimis. Duţine, širine i dubine su merene uz pomoć nonijusa (šublera). Merenje obima testisa obavljeno je primenom metra-pantljike. Osobine zapremine merene su uz pomoć menzure u kojoj se nalazila voda na zadatom (početnom) nivou, a nakon uranjanja testisa, nivo vode koji se izdigne iznad početnog nivoa predstavlja njegovu zapreminu. Merenje mase polnih ţlezda obavljeno je digitalnom vagom sa tačnošću ±0,1 g. Efikasnost sprovedene imunokastracije u imunokastriranoj grupi ţivotinja je utvrĎena na osnovu nivoa androstenona (granica detekcije 0,24 μg/g) i skatola (granica detekcije 0,03 μg/g) u masnom tkivu HPLC metodom. Statistička obrada obavljena je korišćenjem softverskog paketa SAS Institute Inc (2002-2010). Tokom pojedinih faza postnatalnog rasta utvrĎene su razlike u prosečnom ţivotnom dnevnom prirastu (24, 33 i 52 nedelje = 110, 200 i 280 g/dan). Imunokastrirana grupa svinja bila je za 18,8 kg teţa od grupe koja je nekastrirana, što je posledica većeg prosečnog dnevnog prirasta (veći za 87 g/dan kod imunokastrata) tokom trajanja ogleda. Ispitujući grla do oko 100 kg telesne mase, najveći prosečan ţivotni prirast ostvarila su grla moravke (346,52 g/dan), zatim resavke (297,69 g/dan) i najmanji je utvrĎen kod mangulice (280,74 g/dan), meĎutim razlike izmeĎu rasa nisu bile statistički značajne. Sa porastom telesne mase, rastu i morfometrijske mere na oba testisa. Tretman imunokastracije i telesna masa uticali su na morfometrijske karakteristike polnih ţlezda. Morfometrijske osobine volumena levog i desnog testisa/epididimisa su smanjene za 36,5-61,9 % i 39,5-65,0 %. Imunokastracija je dovela i do redukcije osobina mase oba testisa/epididimisa (40,1-60,5 % levog i 40,4-64,2 % desnog).sr
dc.description.abstractexperimental slaughterhouse and laboratory of the Institute of Animal Husbandry, Zemun-Belgrade. Animals were born to several breeders and after weaning (with about 6 kg of body weight) they were delivered to the experimental farm. The adaptation period lasted up to about 20-25 kg of body weight of these animals, when the experimental period began. During the experiment, the animals were bread in the same conditions of accommodation, nutrition and care. The animals were housed in groups, in a semi-open housing system, in separate boxes with outlets (each box has an open and covered part). The diet and feeding of the pigs were at will. Complete feed mixtures were used, and feeding was done with tub-e-omats. The study included a total of 59 male animals of three autochthonous breeds of pigs: mangulica (swallow belly, n=44), moravka (n=8) and resavka (n=7). Body weight measurements were performed at the beginning of the experiment, once a month during the experiment and at the end of the experiment. After reaching the slaughter body weight, animals were weighed on a scale and transported from the farm to the experimental slaughterhouse for economic use. The evisceration of the gonads was performed in different phases (three groups of body masses: about 20, 45 and 100 kg) in order to determine the differences in the morphometric characteristics of the gonads at a certain body weight and age, it was performed after slaughter. Evisceration of accessory glands was performed after slaughter of animals, only in the heads with a body weight of about 100 kg. The first part of the research was related to the examination of the influence of body weight on the growth and morphometric characteristics of the gonads of mangulica. The second part of the research included the examination of the influence of immunocastration on production performance, morphometric characteristics of gonads and the efficiency of the performed immunocastration treatment. The third part of the research included the growth characteristics and morphometric characteristics of the gonads, while achieving the carcass body weight of these three autochthonous breeds. Immunocastration was performed using the Improvac® vaccine. The age of the heads at the end of the experiment was about a year. Morphometric measurements were performed separately for the left and right testicles/epididymis. Lengths, widths and depths were measured with a vernier caliper. Testicular circumference was measured using a tape measure. Volume properties were measured with the help of a beaker in which water is at a determent initial level, and after immersion of the testis, the water level that rises above the initial level represents its volume. Measurement of the mass of the gonads was performed with a digital scale with an accuracy of ±0.1 g. The efficiency of the performed immunocastration in the immunocastrated group of animals was determined on the basis of the levels of androstenone (detection limit 0.24 μg/g) and skatole (detection limit 0.03 μg/g) in fat tissue by HPLC method. Statistical processing was performed using the software package SAS Institute Inc (2002-2010). During certain phases of postnatal growth, there are differences in the average daily life gain (24, 33 and 52 weeks = 110, 200 and 280 g/day). The immunocastrated group of pigs was 18.8 kg heavier than the group that was not castrated, which is a consequence of a higher average daily gain (higher by 87 g/day for immunocastrates) during the duration of the experiment. Examining animals up to about 100 kg of body weight, the highest average life gain was achieved by moravka (346.52 g/day), followed by resavka (297.69 g/day) and the lowest was determined in mangulica (280.74 g/day), however, differences between breeds was not statistically significant. As body weight increases, so do morphometric measurements on both testicles.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31081/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectindigenous breedsen
dc.subjectimmunocastrated boarsen
dc.subjectentire malesen
dc.subjectmorphometric characteristicsen
dc.subjectproduction characteristicsen
dc.subjectautohtone rasesr
dc.subjectimunokastrirana grlasr
dc.subjectnekastrirana grlasr
dc.subjectpolne ţlezdesr
dc.subjectmorfometrijske osobinesr
dc.subjectproizvodne osobinesr
dc.titleOsobine porasta i razvoja polnih žlezda muških grla (nekastriranih i imunokastriranih) autohtonih rasa svinjasr
dc.title.alternativeGrowth traits and development of sex glands in male (uncastrated and immunocastrated) of indigenous pig breedsen
dc.typePhD thesis
dcterms.abstractСавић, Радомир; Паруновић, Ненад; Станковић, Бранислав; Радојковић, Драган; Радовић, Чедомир; Гогић, Марија; Особине пораста и развоја полних жлезда мушких грла (некастрираних и имунокастрираних) аутохтоних раса свиња; Особине пораста и развоја полних жлезда мушких грла (некастрираних и имунокастрираних) аутохтоних раса свиња;

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