Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

The application of technological processes of spontaneous fermentation and osmotic dehydration for improving the nutritional profile, sensory characteristics and viability of cabbage

dc.contributor.advisorLević, Ljubinko
dc.contributor.advisorKevrešan, Žarko
dc.contributor.otherTepić, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherLević, Ljubinko
dc.contributor.otherKevrešan, Žarko
dc.contributor.otherPezo, Lato
dc.creatorCvetković, Biljana
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu je obrađen postupak spontane fermentacije tradicionalnog proizvoda, fermentisanog kupusa u glavicama. U prvom delu urađena je karakterizacija domaće tradicionalne populacije Futoški u odnosu na uvozni hibrid Bravo. Na osnovu PCA analize i analize standardnih ocena SS fizičkih, hemijskih i senzorskih paramentara odabrani su uzorci povoljni za proces fermentacije. Proces fermentacje je obavljen na temperaturama 16-18oC, 18-20oC i 20-20oC, i sa razliĉitim koncentracijama soli od 1, 1,5 i 2 %. Analizirani su fizički, hemijski, mikrobiološki parametri i senzorske osobine kupusa tokom fermentacije. Metodom odzivne površine sa analizom varijanse (ANOVA) modela odziva za svaki od analiziranih karakteristika i objašnjeno je koji od parametara procesa temperatura, koncentracija soli i vreme trajanja procesa ima statistiĉki značajan uticaj na formiranje matematiĉkih modela odziva, prikazanih u obliku polinoma drugog reda (SOP). Zaključeno je da Futoški kupus postiţe brţe završnu taĉku fermentacije u odnosu na hibrid Bravo. Drugi korišćeni tehnološki postupak u ovom radu je osmotska dehidratacija. Kupus je dehidriran u tri osmotska rastvora (vodeni rastvor natrijum hlorida i saharoze, kombinacija vodenog rastvora natrijum hlorida i saharoze i melase i melasa šećerne repe) različitih koncentracija, na tri temperature (20°C, 35°C i 50°C) i pri tri vremena trajanja procesa (1, 3 i 5h). Mereni i računati odzivi procesa osmotske dehidratacije bili su: sadržaj suve materije, gubitak vode, prirast suve materije i indeks efiksanosti procesa. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da povećanje tehnoloških parametara temperature i vremena procesa, kao i koncentracije osmotskih rastvora dovode do intenziviranja prenosa mase u procesu i povećanja vrednosti odzivnih parametara procesa. Takođe, zaključeno je da tokom osmotske dehidratacije u melasi šećerne repe dolazi do obogaćivanja kupusa nutritivnim komponentama, naročito kalijumom. Treći segment ovog rada je analiza održivosti osmotski dehidriranog kupusa pakovanog u modiifikovanoj atmosferi dve različite smeše gasova N2 i CO2. Analizom hemijskih, mikrobioloških i senzorskih svojstava zaključeno je da ovaj osmotski dehidriran kupus pakovan na navedeni način ima održivost od 90
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the process of spontaneous fermentation of traditional product, fermented whole cabbage. In the first part characterization of the local traditional type Futoški cabbage in relation to imported hybrid Bravo was done. Based on the PCA analysis and analysis of the standard score SS physical, chemical and sensory parameters favorable samples for the process of fermentation were selected. The process of fermentation was carried out at three temperatures: 16-18oC, 18-20oC and 20-20oC, and with various concentrations of salt: 1, 1.5 and 2%. The physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, as well as sensory properties of cabbage during fermentation were analyzed. Response surface method with analysis of variance (ANOVA) model response for each of the analyzed characteristics was used and it was explained which of the process parameters (temperature, salt concentration and the duration of the process) had a statistically significant effect on the formation of mathematical models of response, presented in the form of a second order polynomial (SOP). It was concluded that Futoški cabbage faster achieved end point of fermentation as compared to a hybrid Bravo. Another technological method used in this investigation was the osmotic dehydration. Cabbage was dehydrated with three osmotic solutions (an aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sucrose; the combination of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sucrose with molasses; sugar beet molasses) of different concentrations, at three temperatures (20°C, 35°C and 50°C) and at three times of the process duration (1, 3, and 5h). The measured and calculated responses of osmotic dehydration process were: dry matter content, water loss, solid gain and the index of efficiency of the process. Test results shown that increase of the technological parameters of temperature and time of process, as well as the concentration of osmotic solutions lead to the intensification of mass transfer in the process and increase values of response parameters of the process. Also, it was concluded that during osmotic dehydration in sugar beet molasses cabbage was enriched with nutritional components, especially potassium. The third segment of this investigation was to analyze the viability of osmotically dehydrated cabbage packaged in modified atmosphere, with two different mixtures of N2 and CO2. Analyzing chemical, microbiological and sensory properties it was concluded that the osmotically dehydrated cabbage packaged in this manner has the sustainability of 90 days.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46001/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectosmotska dehidratacijasr
dc.subjectsenzorski kvalitetsr
dc.subjectnutritivni profilsr
dc.subjectOsmotic dehydrationen
dc.subjectSensory qualityen
dc.subjectNutritive profileen
dc.titlePrimena tehnoloških postupaka spontane fermentacije i osmotske dehidratacije za unapređenje nutritivnog profila, senzornih svojstava i održivosti kupusasr
dc.titleThe application of technological processes of spontaneous fermentation and osmotic dehydration for improving the nutritional profile, sensory characteristics and viability of cabbageen
dcterms.abstractКеврешан Жарко; Левић Љубинко; Тепић Aлександра; Кеврешан Жарко; Пезо Лато; Левић Љубинко; Цветковић Биљана; Примена технолошких поступака спонтане ферментације и осмотске дехидратације за унапређење нутритивног профила, сензорних својстава и одрживости купуса; Примена технолошких поступака спонтане ферментације и осмотске дехидратације за унапређење нутритивног профила, сензорних својстава и одрживости купуса;

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