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Influence of thermal treatment of pumkin seed Cucurbita pepo L. on nutritive value and oxidative stability of oil

dc.contributor.advisorĐilas, Sonja
dc.contributor.otherDžinić, Natalija
dc.contributor.otherČorbo, Selma
dc.creatorVujasinović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractJedno od specijalnih jestivih ulja koje se proizvodi isključivo mehaničkim postupkom i koje se može uvrstiti u grupu funkcionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda je ulje semena tikve. Ovo ulje je veoma atraktivno za potrošace, pre svega zbog svoje karakteristične arome, visoke nutritivne vrednosti i dokazanog blagotvornog delovanja na zdravlje. Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove teze je bio da se izvrši karakterizacija senzorsko nutritivnog kvaliteta i oksidativne stabilnosti hladno presovanih i devičanskih ulja tikve sa tržišta, ispita uticaj termičke obrade semena na kvalitet, nutritivnu vrednost i održivost devičanskog tikvinog ulja i da se definišu senzorska svojstva i održivost hladno presovanog ulja semena tikve. U cilju karakterizacije ulja ispitivanja su sprovedena na većem broju uzoraka hladno presovanih i devičanskih ulja semena tikve nabavljenih neposredno, slučajnim izborom sa domaćeg i inostranog tržišta. Definisana su osnovna svojstva i najbitnije kvalitativne razlike između ove dve kategorije ulja proizvedenih različitom tehnologijom. Iako se proizvode iz iste sirovine tikvina ulja se međusobno bitno razlikuju po brojnim kvalitativnim, a naročito senzorskim svojstvima (ukus, miris, aroma i boja) što može da stvori zabune kod potrošaca. Ispitivanjima uticaja različite termičke obrade semena utvrđeno je da proces pečenja mlevenog materijala neposredno pre presovanja bitno utiče na kvalitativna svojstva i održivost devičanskog ulja. Termička obrada mlevenog semena pri temperaturi u interval od 90 do 130 oC i vremenu od 30 do 70 min pokazala je različit uticaj na senzorski kvalitet, sadržaj bioaktivnih komponenata i oksidativnu stabilnost ulja ispoljavajući kako negativan, tako i pozitivan efekat. U delu istraživanja vezanih za definisanje senzorskih svojstava i određivanje održivosti ulja izdvojenog postupkom hladnog presovanja osušenog semena tikve na pužnoj presi, ustanovljeno je da se najkvalitetnije ulje dobije pri prvom presovanju, buduci da je aroma ulja najbolja, pri tom su kiselinski i peroksidni broj najmanji, a indukcioni period najduži. Ovo se potvrdilo, kako pri presovanju samo semena golice, tako i pri presovanju golice sa dodatkom semena sa ljuskom. Promene najbitnijih pokazatelja u cilju odredivanja održivosti ulja praćene su periodično u trajanju od 2 godine. U tom periodu došlo je do izvesnog pogoršanja senzorskog kvaliteta ulja, određenog porasta kiselinskog i peroksidnog broja, kao i do smanjenja indukcionog perioda. Medutim, bez obzira na intenzitet nastalih promena, ulja su odgovarala svim zakonskim normama kvaliteta i nakon dve godine čuvanja. Ipak, radi obezbeđenja vrhunskog kvaliteta za rok trajanja hladno presovanih ulja semena tikve golice može se preporuciti period najviše do godinu
dc.description.abstractPumpkin seed oil is one of the specialty oils produced only by mechanical procedure and can be classified in the group of functional food products. This oil is very attractive (interesting) for the consumers first of all for its characteristic flavour, high nutritive value and proved beneficial effect on health. The aim of the investigations in the scope of this thesis was to characterize the sensoric-nutritive quality and oxidative stability of cold pressed and virgin pumpkin seed oils from the market, to investigate the effect (influence) of heat treatment of seed on quality, nutritive value and stability of virgin pumpkin seed oil and to define the sensory characteristics and stability of cold pressed pumpkin seed oil. Aiming to characterize the oil, a number of cold pressed and virgin pumpkin seed oil samples, randomly taken from the domestic and foreign market, were investigated (analyzed). The basic characteristics and most important qualitative differences between these two categories of oils produced applying different technologies were defined. Both types of pumpkin seed oils are produced from the same raw material, however, they differ significantly regarding a number of quality, and expecially sensory proterties (taste, odour, flavour and colour), so the consumers may become embarrassed. Investigating the influence of different heat treatment of seed, it was found that the roasting of ground material before the pressing affects significantly the quality characteristics and stability of virgin oil. The heat treatment of ground seed at temperatures 90 to 130 °C, for 30 to 70 min, showed different influence on sensory quality, content of bioactive components and oxidative stability of oil, exhibiting both negative and positive effect. In the part dealing with the defining of sensory characteristics and stability determination of oil obtained by cold pressure of dried pumpkin seed on screw press, it was found that most quality oil was obtained by the first pressing process, the oil flavur is the best, with lowest acid and peroxide value, and the induction period is the longest. This was confirmed by pressing both hull-less pumpkin and hull-less with the addition of pumpkin seed with hull. The most important characteristics for oil stability were followed for two years. In this period a certain deterioration of sensory quality was found, the acid and peroxide value increased, and the induction period decreased. However, disregarding the intensity of changes, the oil samples are in accordance with all legal quality normatives even after two years from the production date. However, in order to maintain the high (first-class) quality of cold pressed oil of hull-less pumpkin seed, the recomended period for the shelf-life of oil is one year.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectUlje semena tikvesr
dc.subjectPumpkin seed oilen
dc.subjectnutritive valueen
dc.subjectoxidative stabilityen
dc.subjectthermal treatmenten
dc.subjectcold pressingen
dc.subjectnutritivna vrednostsr
dc.subjectoksidativna stabilnostsr
dc.subjecttermička obradasr
dc.subjecthladno presovanjesr
dc.titleUticaj termičke obrade na nutritivnu vrednost i oksidativnu stabilnost ulja semena uljane tikve golice Cucurbita
dc.titleInfluence of thermal treatment of pumkin seed Cucurbita pepo L. on nutritive value and oxidative stability of oilen
dcterms.abstractЂилас Соња; Джинић Наталија; Чорбо Селма; Вујасиновић Весна; Утицај термичке обраде на нутритивну вредност и оксидативну стабилност уља семена уљане тикве голице Цуцурбита пепоЛ.; Утицај термичке обраде на нутритивну вредност и оксидативну стабилност уља семена уљане тикве голице Цуцурбита пепоЛ.;

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