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Life habits of students at the University of Belgrade

dc.contributor.advisorNešić, Goran
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherVesković, Ana
dc.contributor.otherOstojić, Sergej M.
dc.contributor.otherBožić, Predrag
dc.creatorObradović, Miloš
dc.description.abstractZa navike se smatra da imaju odlučujuću ulogu u kreiranju ponašanja. Iako se u svakodnevnom govoru koriste za učestalo, uporno ili uobičajeno ponašanje, u okviru zdravstvene psihologije „navika“ je definisana kao fenomen u kojem se ponašanje automatski podstiče situacijskim znacima, kao rezultat naučenih ponašanja na asocijacije. Stil, odnosno način života, determinišu životne navike koje su ukorenjene prilikom svakodnevnih aktivnosti pojedinca. Pomenute životne navike mogu biti loše ili dobre sa aspekta zdravlja čoveka. Savremeni, odnosno brz način života, utiče na razvijanje loših životnih navika. Naime, čovek se sve više kreće koristeći prevozna sredstva kao što su motorna vozila; liftovi i pokretne stepenice. Takođe, životne navike poput plaćanja računa ili naručivanja (uglavnom brze i nezdrave) hrane vrše se preko interneta, odnosno telefona. Sa druge strane, ukoliko se vodi računa o fizičkim aktivnostima koje se upražnjavaju na dnevnom, nedeljnom i mesečnom nivou, kao i o vrsti i količini namirnica koje se konzumiraju, i u današnje vreme se može voditi zdrav način života. Pogotovo, ukoliko uzmemo u obzir uslove u kojima većina ljudi obitava. Studiranje kao posebno životno razdoblje sa sobom nosi niz promena i potencijalnih problema. U tom životnom razdoblju suočavaju sa novim načinom života i rada, sa stvaranjem novih životnih navika, što sve zajedno predstavlja određeni stres na organizam novonastalog studenta. Predmet ovog istraživanja predstavljaju životne navike studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu. Životne navike su istražene kroz prizmu navika studenata da se bave fizičkom aktivnošću. Zatim, kroz navike u ishrani u odnosu na izbor namirnica, kao i učestalost njihove upotrebe. Konačno, pratila se izloženost studenata određenim faktorima rizika, kao što su konzumacija duvana, alkohola i droge. Istraživanje životnih navika studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu predstavlja studiju preseka i sprovedeno je u toku školske 2016/2017. godine, tokom prolećnog semestra, metodom anketiranja (Survey Research). Studijom je obuhvaćeno 4.019 studenata fakulteta svih naučnih grupacija Univerziteta u Beogradu, koji predstavljaju slučajan stratifikovan uzorak. Kao osnovni instrument istraživanja korišćena su tri standardizovana upitnika: (1)Međunarodni upitnik 7 o fizičkoj aktivnosti (IPAQ), (2) Upitnik o ishrani mladih i adolescenata (YAQ) i (3) Upitnik o faktorima rizika (BRFSS Questionnaire)...sr
dc.description.abstractHabits are thought to play a decisive role in creating person’s behavior. Although used in everyday speech for frequent, persistent or common behavior, within health psychology "habit" is defined as a phenomenon in which behavior is automatically encouraged by situational signs, as a result of learned behaviors to associations. Style, that is, the way of life, determine the life habits that are rooted in the daily activities of an individual. The mentioned life habits can be bad or good from the aspect of human health. Modern lifestyle, that is fast, influences the development of bad life habits. Namely, people are increasingly moving by using means of transport such as motor vehicles, elevators and escalators. Also, life habits such as paying bills or ordering food (mostly fast and unhealthy) are done over the internet, or over the phone. On the other hand, if one takes into account the physical activities that are practiced on a daily, weekly and monthly level, as well as the type and amount of food consumed, a healthy lifestyle can be maintained today. Especially if we take into account the conditions in which most people live. Studying as a special period of life brings with it a lot of changes and potential problems. In that period of life, students face a new way of life and work, with creating new life habits, which all together represent a certain stress to the body of the new student. The subject of this research are the life habits of students at the University of Belgrade. Life habits were explored through the prism of students' habits of engaging in physical activity. Also, through eating habits in relation to the choice of groceries, as well as the frequency of their use. Finally, students' exposure to certain risk factors, such as tobacco, alcohol and drug consumption, was monitored. The research of life habits of students at the University of Belgrade is a cross-sectional study and was conducted during the spring semester of school year 2016/2017, by survey method (Survey Research). The study included 4,019 students from all faculties of the University of Belgrade, who represent a random stratified sample. As the basic research instrument, three following standardized questionnaires were used: (1) International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), (2) Youth and Adolescent Nutrition Questionnaire (YAQ) and (3) Risk Factors Questionnaire (BRFSS Questionnaire)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectfizička aktivnostsr
dc.subjectphysical activityen
dc.titleŽivotne navike studenata Univerziteta u Beogradusr
dc.title.alternativeLife habits of students at the University of Belgradeen
dcterms.abstractНешић, Горан; Остојић, Сергеј М.; Весковић, Aна; Божић, Предраг; Поповић, Aлександра; Обрадовић, Милош; Животне навике студената Универзитета у Београду; Животне навике студената Универзитета у Београду;

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