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The effects of attributes of negative political advertising messages and characteristics of young voters on the attitude towards political candidates

dc.contributor.advisorPetrović, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherČizmić, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherMajstorović, Nebojša
dc.creatorHrkalović, Dijana
dc.description.abstractTeza se bavi ispitivanjem uticaja sadržaja i sponzorstva negativnih političkih reklamnih poruka na stavove mladih glasača u Srbiji prema političkim kandidatima koji su meta ili sponzor tih poruka, zavisno od trajne i situacione političke involviranosti glasača i stepena njihove potrebe za kognicijom. Problem je razmatran u svetlu Teorije verovatnoće obrade. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati uticaje navedenih varijabli na stavove glasača prema sponzoru i meti negativne reklame, kao i na pojavu tzv. bumerang-efekta, nepovoljnijeg stava prema političkom kandidatu kada je sponzor negativne nego kada je sponzor pozitivne reklame. Izvedene su tri eksperimentalne studije: dvofaktorski mešoviti nacrt (situaciona involviranost, valenca poruke), jednofaktorski nacrt sa ponovljenim merenjima (sponzorstvo), i trofaktorski mešovit nacrt (situaciona politička involviranost, sadržaj poruke, sponzorstvo). Utvrđeno je da se u populaciji mladića studenata u Srbiji javlja bumerang-efekat. Efekti negativnih političkih reklama zavise značajno od trajne i situacione političke involviranosti, kao i od redosleda izlaganja poruka, sadržaja i sponzora reklamnih poruka, ali ne i od potrebe za kognicijom. Nalazi ukazuju na to da je upotreba negativnih političkih reklama neopravdana iz psihološke i šire društvene perspektive, osim pod posebnim uslovima. Objašnjavanjem psiholoških procesa pri izloženosti individua političkim reklamama, istraživanje direktno potvrđuje postulate Teorije verovatnoće obrade i njenu prediktivnost u oblasti političkog marketinga, na uzorku u Srbiji. Doprinos ove disertacije ogleda se i u tome što je ovo jedna od početnih studija istraživanja fenomena negativnih političkih reklama u Srbiji i psiholoških reakcija jednog segmenta glasača u Srbiji na njihsr
dc.description.abstractThe thesis examines the effect of the content and sponsorship of negative political advertising messages on the attitudes of young voters in Serbia towards political candidates who are the target or the sponsor of these messages, depending on the enduring and situational political involvement of voters and the level of their need for cognition. The issue has been considered in the light of Elaboration Likelihood Model. The aim of the research was to examine the effects of the mentioned variables on the attitudes of voters towards the sponsor and the target of negative advertisement, as well as on the occurrence of the so-called backlash effect, a less favorable attitude towards a political candidate being a sponsor of negative advertisement in comparison with himself being a sponsor of a positive advertisement. Three experimental studies have been carried out: two factor mixed design (situational involvement, message valence), single factor repeated measures design (sponsorship), and three factor mixed design (situational political involvement, message content, sponsorship). It has been determined that a backlash effect occured in population of young students in Serbia. The effects of negative political advertisements depend significantly on enduring and situational political involvement, as well as of the order of display of messages, content and sponsors of messages, but not on the need for cognition. The findings indicate that the use of negative political advertisements is not justified from a psychological and broader social perspective, except under special conditions. By explaining the psychological processes of individuals being exposed to political advertising messages, the research directly confirms the postulates of Elaboration Likelihood Model and its predictiveness in the field of political marketing, on a sample in Serbia. The contribution of this dissertation is also reflected in the fact that this is one of the initial research studies into the phenomenon of negative political advertisements in Serbia and psychological reactions of one segment of voters in Serbia to themen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectTeorija verovatnoće obradesr
dc.subjectElaboration Likelihood Modelen
dc.subjectnegative political advertisementsen
dc.subjectbacklash effect of negative political advertisementsen
dc.subjectsituational political involvementen
dc.subjectenduring political involvementen
dc.subjectneed for cognitionen
dc.subjectpolitical candidate image evaluationen
dc.subjectcontent of negative political advertisementsen
dc.subjectsponsorship of negative political advertisementsen
dc.subjectpolitical marketingen
dc.subjectnegativne političke reklamesr
dc.subjectbumerang-efekat negativnih političkih reklamasr
dc.subjectsituaciona politička involviranostsr
dc.subjecttrajna politička involviranostsr
dc.subjectpotreba za kognicijomsr
dc.subjectevaluacija imidža političkog kandidatasr
dc.subjectsadržaj negativnih političkih reklamasr
dc.subjectsponzorstvo negativnih političkih reklamasr
dc.subjectpolitički marketingsr
dc.titleUticaj atributa negativnih političkih reklamnih poruka i karakteristika mladih glasača na stav prema političkim kandidatimasr
dc.title.alternativeThe effects of attributes of negative political advertising messages and characteristics of young voters on the attitude towards political candidatesen
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Ивана; Петровић, Небојша; Мајсторовић, Небојша; Чизмић, Светлана; Хркаловић, Дијана; Утицај атрибута негативних политичких рекламних порука и карактеристика младих гласача на став према политичким кандидатима; Утицај атрибута негативних политичких рекламних порука и карактеристика младих гласача на став према политичким кандидатима;

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