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dc.contributor.advisorStevanović, Dragana
dc.contributor.otherIlić Komatina, Danijela S.
dc.contributor.otherDamljanović, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherJoksović, Milan
dc.creatorMinić, Aleksandra
dc.descriptionIzvod: U okviru ovog rada ispitan je sintetički potencijal 3-(arilamino)-1- ferocenilpropan-1-ona kao prekursora u sintezi novih heterocikličnih derivata ferocena. Istraživanja tokom izrade ove disertacije obuhvatila su sintezu polaznih supstrata (odgovarajućih Manihovih baza) i razvoj metodologija za njihovu sintetičku transformaciju do odgovarajućih heterocikličnih sistema. Za sintezu 3-(arilamino)-1-ferocenilpropan-1-ona 194 korišćena je jednostavna metoda, koja je prethodno razvijena u našoj laboratoriji [7]. Pomenuti protokol obuhvata azaMajklovu reakciju akriloilferocena (200) (dobijenog Fridel-Kraftsovim acilovanjem) kao Majklovog akceptora i aromatičnih amina (supstituisanih anilina) kao donora. Reakcija se izvodila u ultrazvučnoj kadi, primenom gline − montmorilonita K-10 kao katalizatora i bez prisustva rastvarača. Odgovarajući β-aminoketoni 194 dobijeni su u visokim prinosima (do 88%). Spektralni podaci za Manihove baze 194a-j su u skladu sa literaturnim podacima [6, 7], dok su novosintetisana jedinjenja 194k-ć (pripremljena za potrebe ove disertacije) u potpunosti okarakterisana standardnim spektroskopskim metodama. 3-(Arilamino)-1-ferocenilpropan-1-oni 194 su prepoznati kao pogodni polazni supstrati za dobijanje složenih acikličnih sistema i heterocikličnih jedinjenja koja sadrže ferocensko jezgro zahvaljujući hemijskim osobinama prisutne karbonilne i amino-grupe. Stoga, u ovom radu su razvijene i detaljno opisane sintetičke metode za pripremu derivata ferocena polazeći od odgovarajućih β-aminoketona 194, a sa ciljem zatvaranja heterocikličnih prstenova: • 1-Aril-3-fenil-4-feroceniltetrahidropirimidin-2(1H)-ona; • 4-Ferocenil-1,2,3,4-tetrahidrohinolina; • 4-Ferocenilhinolina; • 3-Aril-N-fenil-6-ferocenil-1,3-tiazinan-2-imina. Sinteza prve serije jedinjenja – ferocenskih derivata pirimidin-2(1N)-ona planirana je intramolekulskom ciklizacijom odgovarajućih acikličnih 1,3-ketourea – 1-aril-3-fenil-1-(3-ferocenil-3-oksopropil)urea 201. Stoga je osmišnjena i izvedena njihova sinteza. 1,3-Ketouree 201 su dobijene primenom efikasnog i jednostavnog protokola uz upotrebu jednostavne opreme. Ovaj protokol se zasnivao na reakciji između odgovarajućih 1,3-aminoketona 194 i fenil-izocijanata (reakcija je potpomognuta ultrazvučnom iradijacijom). Uspešno su optimizovani reakcioni uslovi i ciljana jedinjenja 201 dobijena su u visokim prinosima (do 99%). Kako o ovoj grupi jedinjenja nisu pronađeni podaci u literaturi, njihovoj strukturnoj karakterizaciji je posvećena posebna pažnja. Novosintetisana jedinjenja su izolovana i detaljno okarakterisana fizičkim i spektroskopskim podacima (tačke topljenja, mikroanaliza, IR, 1H i 13C NMR), a čak tri jedinjenja (201v, 201g i 201j) su bila podesna za rendgensku strukturnu analizu, pa im je na taj način nedvosmisleno potvrđena struktura. Redoks osobine svih ferocenskih derivata 1,3-ketourea 201 ispitane su tehnikom ciklične voltametrije. Nađeno je da u prozoru potencijala od 0,000-1,300 V jedinu elektroforu u njihovoj strukturi predstavlja ferocensko jezgro. 1,3-Ketouree 201a-t pokazuju samo jedan oksidacioni (na 0,839-0,928 V) i jedan redukcioni talas (na 0,693-0,754 V) koji su na znatno višem potencijalu od vrednosti potencijala za nesupstituisani ferocen. Ovako elektrohemijsko ponašanje se pripisuje uticaju elektron-privlačne karbonilne grupe koja je direktno vezana za ferocenil-grupu. Takođe, elektrohemijska merenja su pokazala da je redoks proces kontrolisan difuzijom i ukazala na kvazi-reverzibilnu prirodu sistema. Ferocenski derivati 1,3-ketouree 201 prepoznati su kao pogodni sintetički intermedijeri za intramolekulsku ciklizaciju i građenje pirimidin-2(1N)-onskog prstena. Nažalost, svi pokušaji da se ostvari sinteza heterocikličnih derivata 202 polazeći od 201 bili su neuspešni, zbog čega je izabran alternativni
dc.descriptionSummary: Within this study, the synthetic potential of 3-(arylamino)-1-ferrocenylpropan-1-ones as suitable precursors for the synthesis of novel ferrocene-containing heterocyclic compounds was evaluated. This research included the synthesis of the starting substrates (corresponding Mannich bases) and the development of new methodologies for their further transformation to the corresponding heterocyclic systems. The synthesis of 3-(arylamino)-1- ferrocenylpropan-1-ones was achieved using an elegant and simple method, which was previously developed in our laboratory [7]. This protocol included aza-Michael reaction of acryloylferrocene (200) and aromatic amines (substituted anilines). Moreover, Michael acceptor – acryloylferrocene (200) was obtained by the Friedel-Crafts’ acylation. This reaction was performed in an ultrasonic bath without the presence of solvent using clay – montmorillonite K-10 as a catalyst. The β-aminoketones 194 were synthesized in high yields (up to 88%). Spectral data for Mannich bases 194а-ј were in accordance with the literature data [6, 7], while the newly synthesized compounds 194к-ћ (prepared for the purposes of this dissertation) were fully characterized by the standard spectroscopic methods. Due to the chemical properties of the carbonyl and amino group, 3-(arylamino)-1- ferrocenylpropan-1-ones 194 were recognized as suitable starting substrates for the preparation of ferrocene-containing acyclic and heterocyclic systems. Therefore, synthetic transformation of corresponding β-aminoketones 194 in novel ferrocene-containing heterocyclic systems are performed and include: • 1-Aryl-3-phenyl-4-ferrocenyltetrahydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones; • 4-Ferrocenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines; • 4-Ferrocenylquinolines; • 3-Aryl-N-phenyl-6-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazinan-2-imines. Synthesis of feroccene-containing pyrimidin-2(1H)-ones was planned by intramolecular cyclization of the corresponding acyclic 1,3-ketoureas 201. Thus, the first task was optimization of reaction conditions for the synthesis of 1-aryl-3-phenyl-1-(3-ferrocenyl-3- oxopropyl)ureas 201. The 1,3-ketoureas 201 were obtained using an efficient and simple protocol with the usage of simple equipment. This protocol was based on the reaction between the corresponding 1,3-aminoketones 194 and phenyl isocyanate (the reaction was prompted by ultrasound irradiation). The reaction conditions were successfully optimized, and the compounds 201 were synthesized in the high yields (up to 99%). Since, there is no literature data for this class of compounds, a special attention was given to their structural characterization. The newly synthesized products were isolated pure and thoroughly characterized by the physical and spectroscopic data (melting points, microanalysis, IR, 1H and 13C NMR). Additionally, the structures of compounds 201в, 201г and 201ј were unambiguously confirmed by the X-ray analysis. The redox properties for all novel ferrocene-containing 1,3-ketoureas 201 were evaluated by the cyclic voltammetry technique. It was found that all 1,3-ketoureas 201 exhibit a reversible one-electron redox process at the similar potential (oxidation waves appear at 0.839–0.928 V and the reduction ones at 0.693– 0.745 V) attributed to the ferrocene core. These potentials are considerably more positive than the one of the unsubstituted ferrocene, as a consequence of the presence of an electronwithdrawing carbonyl group. Both, anodic and cathodic peak currents are proportional to the square root of the scan rate, and their ratio is independent of the scan rate, indicating a diffusion-controlled process. Moreover, the difference between the oxidation and reduction maxima was around 0.156 V, which confirms the quasi reversible nature of the system.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Природно-математички факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/172034/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.title3-(Arilamino)-1-ferocenilpropan-1-oni kao prekursori u sintezi novih heterocikličnih derivata ferocenasr

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