Приказ основних података о дисертацији

On justification of the distinction between the concepts of positive and negative liberty

dc.contributor.advisorMladenović, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherKamerer, Eva
dc.contributor.otherDobrijević, Aleksandar
dc.creatorStančić, Višnja
dc.description.abstractGlavni cilj disertacije sastoji se u odbrani Berlinove teze o postojanju distinkcije između pojmova pozitivne i negativne slobode. U tom pogledu, nastojaćemo da pokažemo zašto svi smisleni iskazi o slobodi ne mogu biti obuhvaćeni jedinstvenom formalnom shemom, odnosno zašto smatramo neadekvatnom tezu o postojanju samo jednog pojma slobode. Nadovezujući se na analizu samih pojmova pozitivne i negativne slobode, nastojaćemo da pružimo argumente u prilog Berlinovoj tezi o negativnoj slobodi kao bazičnom značenju slobode. Takođe, nastojaćemo da pokažemo da konceptualna distinkcija između pojmova pozitivne i negativne slobode ima normativne implikacije - u vidu distinkcije između vrednosnog monizma i pluralizma. Polazeći od stava da je značenje negativne slobode sadržano u odgovoru na pitanje: ,,Koliko se vlast meša u moj život?”, a značenje pozitivne slobode u odgovoru na pitanje: ,,Ko mnome vlada?”, naš zaključak jeste da pozitivna i negativna sloboda predstavljaju odgovore na dva logički različita pitanja: negativna sloboda se odnosi na područje kontrole, dok se pozitivna sloboda odnosi na izvor kontrole. Polazeći, dakle, od određenja pozitivne slobode kao želje da sami upravljamo svojim životom, a negativne kao želje za slobodnim područjem delovanja, naš zaključak se sastoji u stavu da postoji suštinska i nesvodljiva razlika između slobode za i slobode od, odnosno da postoje dva različita i nesamerljiva pojma slobodesr
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this dissertation is to defend Berlin’s thesis on the distinction between the concepts of positive and negative liberty. In that respect, we will attempt to demonstrate why all meaningful statements on liberty are impossible to capture by a single formal scheme, or why we deem inadequate the thesis on the existence of a single concept of liberty. Drawing on the analysis of the concepts of positive and negative liberty as such, we will attempt to offer arguments in favour of Berlin’s thesis of negative liberty as the basic meaning of liberty. We will also try to show that a conceptual distinction between the notions of positive and negative liberty has normative implications - as a distinction between value monism and pluralism. Starting from the premise that the meaning of negative liberty is involved in answering the question: “How much does the government interfere in my life?“, while the meaning of positive liberty answers the question: “Who rules over me?“, our conclusion is that the positive and negative liberty address two logically disparate questions: negative liberty refers to the area of control, while positive liberty refers to the source of control. Thus, drawing on the definition of positive liberty as the desire to manage our own lives and of negative liberty as the desire for a free domain of action, our concluding position is that there is a fundamental and irreducible difference between liberty for and liberty from, or, that there are two distinct and incommensurable concepts of libertyen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179009/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpozitivna slobodasr
dc.subjectnegativna slobodasr
dc.subjectvrednosni monizamsr
dc.subjectvrednosni pluralizamsr
dc.subjectpositive libertyen
dc.subjectnegative libertyen
dc.subjectvalue monismen
dc.subjectvalue pluralismen
dc.titleO opravdanosti distinkcije između pojmova pozitivne i negativne slobodesr
dc.title.alternativeOn justification of the distinction between the concepts of positive and negative libertyen

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