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Study of relationship between interleukin 6 and transforming growth factor - beta with clinical features of depressive disorder in adults versus experience of abuse and/or neglect in childhood

dc.contributor.advisorLečić-Toševski, Dušica
dc.contributor.otherMarković, Ivanka
dc.contributor.otherIsaković, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.otherVuković, Olivera
dc.contributor.otherMihajlović, Goran
dc.creatorMunjiza, Ana
dc.description.abstractInflamatorna hipoteza u depresiji, postavljena pre dve decenije, ukazuje da kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem dolazi do promene nivoa citokina u cirkulaciji, ali dosadašnja istraţivanja nisu uspela da objasne razlike u nalazima koncentracija citokina u razliĉitim studijama kao ni koje karakteristike depresije dovode do njihovih alteracija. Novija saznanja ukazuju da su interleukin 6 (IL-6), kao predstavnik pro-inflamatornih citokina, i faktor transformacije rasta beta (TGF-β), sa kljuĉnom ulogom u diferencijaciji T regulatornih ćelija, ukljuĉeni u patofiziologiju pojave depresivnog poremećaja. Sa druge strane poznato je da zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje u detinjstvu moţe biti prediktor razvoja depresije kako kod dece tako i kod odraslih. Objedinjena analiza varijacija citokina kod osoba koje boluju od depresije a koje u liĉnom iskustvu imaju zlostavljanje u detinjstvu, je veoma redak podatak u dosadašnjim publikacijama. Ciljevi: (1)Analizirati razlike u serumskoj koncentraciji IL-6 i TGF-β kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem i kod zdravih kontrola i ispitati razlike u koncentraciji IL-6 i TGF-β izmeĊu razliĉitih kliniĉkih karakteristika kod osoba sa depresijom. (2) Ispitati postojanje povezanosti nivoa IL-6 i TGF-β kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem u odnosu na zlostavljanje i/ili zanemarivanje u deĉijem uzrastu. Metod: Istraţivanje je koncipirano po tipu studije preseka i studije sluĉajeva i kontrola. U studijsku grupu ukljuĉeno je 85 hospitalizovanih pacijenata Instituta za mentalno zdravlje (Beograd), starosti od 18 do 65 godina, kojima je postavljena kliniĉka dijagoza prve depresivne epizode ili rekurentnog depresivnog poremećaja. Kontrolna grupa je obuhvatila 71 zdravog dobrovoljca, koji su upareni po polu i godinama sa studijskom grupom. Od svih pacijenata prikupljene su sociodemografske i kliniĉke karakteristike. Svi pacijenti su ispitani Hamiltonovom skalom depresivnosti (HAMD), Hamiltonovom skalom anksioznosti, Bekovim upitnikom depresivnosti (BDI) kao i Upitnikom o postojanju zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (CTQ)
dc.description.abstractInflamatory hypothesis in depression, set two decades ago, is pointing that in patients with major depressive disorder there is change in circulating levels of various cytokines. Previous studies have not been able to explane differences in concentration of cytokines as well as the characteristics of depression, which lead to alteration. Recent findings indicate that interleukin 6 (IL-6), as representative of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and transforming growth factor –beta (TGF-β), with a crucial role in differentiation of regulatory T cells, are involved in pathogenesis of depressive disorder. On the other hand it is well known that child abuse and neglect can be a predictor of depression in both childhood and adolthood. Pooled analysis of variations of cytokine levels in patients with depression and with previous history of abuse and/or neglect in childhood period – is a rare finding in previous publications. Aim: (1) To analyze differences between serum concentrations of IL-6 and TGF-β in patients with major depresive disorder vs. healthy controls, and to investigate possible variationes of serum cytokine levels within difrent clinical features of depression. (2) Investigate possible corelations of IL- 6 and TGF-β concentrations in patients with major depresive disorder with relation to childhood abuse or/and neglect expiriences. Method: The study was designed as a cross-sectional study and a study of cases and controls. The study group included 85 patients hospitalized in Institute of Mental Health (Belgrade), which are diagnosed with first or recurrent depressive episode, aged from 18 to 65 years. The control group included 71 healthy volunteers who were matched by gender and age with the study group. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were gained from all patients. All patients were evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). The control group was taken socio-demographic data, along with a completed BDI and CTQ. For determining levels of IL-6 and TGF-β in serum were used commercial enzyme immunoassay tests (ELISA) (e-Biosciences)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectinterleukin 6en
dc.subjecttransforming growth factor betaen
dc.subjectchildhood abuseen
dc.subjectinterleukin 6sr
dc.subjectfaktor transformacije rasta betasr
dc.subjectzlostavljanje u detinjstvusr
dc.titleUtvrđivanje povezanosti nivoa interleukina-6 i faktora transformacije rasta-beta sa kliničkim karakteristikama depresivnog poremećaja kod odraslih u odnosu na iskustvo zlostavljanja i/ili zanemarivanja u detinjstvusr
dc.title.alternativeStudy of relationship between interleukin 6 and transforming growth factor - beta with clinical features of depressive disorder in adults versus experience of abuse and/or neglect in childhooden

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