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The model of the energy flow management in industrial systems

dc.contributor.advisorMaksimović, Rado
dc.contributor.otherĆosić, Ilija
dc.contributor.otherAndjelković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherMilosavljević, Peđa
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Dragoljub
dc.contributor.otherMaksimović, Rado
dc.creatorRajić, Milena
dc.description.abstractOdrživo poslovanje i pozicioniranje kompanija na tržištu zahteva od kompanija da maksimiziraju dodatu vrednost uz minimalno iskorišćenje resursa. Sve veći izazov za kompanije predstavlja racionalna upotreba energije i energetskih izvora, a sve sa ciljem očuvanja životne sredine. Industrijski sistemi, pre svega proizvodni sistemi, predstavljaju najveće potrošače energije. Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja u praktičnoj primeni sistema menadžmenta energijom u proizvodnim i uslužnim sistemima u Srbiji. Motivacija za ovakvu temu je pritisak evropske regulative na primenu mera za uštedu energije, kao i za zaštitu životne sredine. Standardi za sistem menadžmenta energijom, na kojima se ovo istraživanje zasniva, razmatraju energetsku performansu koju postiže organizacija. Jedan od najpoznatijih predstavnika ove vrste standarda je ISO 50001. Istraživanjem su statistički analizirane veze određenih faktora i nivoa primene zahteva za sistem menadžmenta energijom.sr
dc.description.abstractSustainable business development and companies market positioning require companies to maximize added value with minimal resource utilization. The rational use of energy and energy sources is also a growing challenge, which aims to preserve the environment. Industrial systems, primarily production systems, are the largest energy consumers. The aim of this research is to determine the current situation regarding the application of energy management practices in production and service systems in Serbia. The motivation for these theme is the pressure of European regulation on the implementation of energy saving measures as well as on the environment. The standard for the energy management system on which this research is based consider the energy performance achieved by the organization. One of the most well-known representatives of this type of standard is ISO 50001. The research has statistically analyzed the relations of certain factors and levels of requirements application for the energy management systemen
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет техничких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectMenadžment energijomsr
dc.subjectEnergy managementen
dc.subjectISO 50001en
dc.subjectEnergy Flow Analysisen
dc.subjectIndustrial Organizationsen
dc.subjectISO 50001sr
dc.subjectAnaliza energetskog tokasr
dc.subjectIndustrijske organizacijesr
dc.titleModel upravljanja tokovima energije u industrijskim sistemimasr
dc.title.alternativeThe model of the energy flow management in industrial systemsen

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