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Analysis of grape pomace and dietary supplements based on grapes and Polygonum cuspidatum and examination of the effect of supplementation in experimental animals

dc.contributor.advisorCvejić-Hogervost, Jelena
dc.contributor.advisorTorović, Ljilja
dc.contributor.otherGojković-Bukarica, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherCvejić-Hogervost, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherTorović, Ljilja
dc.contributor.otherRašković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherAtanacković-Krstonošić, Milica
dc.creatorĆućuz, Veljko
dc.description.abstractDoktorsku disertaciju čine tri celine kojima je zajednički element ispitivanje fenola, u pogledu njihovog sadržaja i dostupnosti u dijetetskim suplementima na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota, ispitivanja uticaja suplementacije kod eksperimentalnih životinja, odnosno mogućnosti ekstrakcije fenolnih jedinjenja iz komine grožđa. Osnovni ciljevi prvog dela bili su ispitivanje bezbednosti i kvaliteta 14 suplemenata na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota u pogledu ujednačenosti mase, sadržaja i brzine rastvorljivosti. U drugom delu je radi provere terapijske delotvornosti suplementa koji sadrži čist resveratrol ispitan njegov uticaj na glikemiju i lipidni status eksperimentalnih životinja. Treći deo je obuhvatio analizu pet različitih komina grožđa i razvoj metode ekstrakcije fenola iz odabrane komine kako bi se dobili ekstrakti sa što je moguće većim prinosom, koristeći rastvarače koji su bezbedni po ljudsko zdravlje. Rezultati su pokazali da dva od četrnaest suplemenata nisu ispunila zahteve farmakopeje za lekove u pogledu ujednačenosti mase i sadržaja aktivne komponente, dok ni jedan suplement nije ispunio zahteve u pogledu brzine rastvorljivosti aktivne supstance, zbog čega se postavlja pitanje delotvornosti ispitanih suplemenata. Ni kod jednog suplementa nisu kvantifikovani ostaci pesticida ni toksični metali, čime je potvrđena njihova bezbednost. Farmakodinamska ispitivanja na pacovima pokazala su antioksidantna, anti-dijabetska i hipolipidemijska svojstva dijetetskog suplementa na bazi resveratrola, čime je potvrđena njegova delotvornost. Za potvrdu delotvornosti suplementa na ljudima neophodno je sprovesti dobro dizajnirano kliničko ispitivanje na dovoljnom broju ispitanika. Analiza pet različitih komina grožđa pokazala je da ovaj nusprodukt proizvodnje vina sadrži različite fenole, od kojih je samo katehin bio prisutan u značajnoj količini. Kvalitativan i kvantitativan sastav komine značajno varira zavisno od sorte i berbe grožđa, kao i od primenjenog tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje vina. Imajući u vidu sveobuhvatne kriterijume u pogledu efikasnosti ekstrakcije, zaključeno je da su 55% etanol, odnos uzorak / rastvarač 1:40, pH 4,5, T 55°C i vreme od 30 min optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi za ekstrakciju fenola iz komine grožđa. U zavisnosti od osnovnog cilja procesa ekstrakcije ovi parametri se mogu lako modifikovati. Višestruke su mogućnosti za iskorišćenje komine grožđa, a jedan od njih bi mogla biti i da se koristi kao sirovina za izradu dijetetskih suplemenata.sr
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation consists of three parts with a common element – testing phenols in terms of content and availability in grape and Polygonum cuspidatum-based dietary supplements, testing the supplement’s impact on experimental animals and the possibility to extract phenolic compounds from grape pomace. The primary objectives of the first part were testing safety and quality of fourteen grape and Polygonum cuspidatum-based supplements in terms of uniformity of mass, content and dissolution profile. In the second part, to test the therapeutic efficacy of a supplement containing pure resveratrol, its effect on the glycemia and lipid profile of experimental animals was examined. The third part covers the analysis of five different grape pomaces and the development of a phenol extraction method from the selected grape pomace to obtain extracts with the highest possible yield, using solvents that are safe for human health. The results showed that two out of fourteen supplements have not met the Pharmacopoeia requirements in terms of uniformity of mass and active substance content, while no supplement has met requirements in terms of dissolution test of the active substance, which raises the question of the effectiveness of the tested supplements. No pesticide or heavy metal residues were quantified in any of the supplements which confirms their safety. Pharmacodynamic testing on rats has shown antioxidant, antidiabetic and hypolipidemic properties of the resveratrol-based dietary supplement which confirms its efficacy. In order to confirm the supplement efficacy on people, it is necessary to conduct a well-designed clinical trial on a sufficient number of human participants. The analysis of five different grape pomaces revealed that this byproduct of vine production contains different phenols, and only catechin was present in significant amounts. The qualitative and quantitative composition of grape pomace varies significantly depending on grape variety and harvesting as well as on the technological process that was applied in vine production. Considering the comprehensive criteria in terms of extraction efficacy, it was concluded that optimal experimental conditions for the extraction of phenol from grape pomace include 55% ethanol, sample/solvent ratio 1:40, pH 4.5, T 55°C for 30 minutes. Depending on the primary objective in the extraction process, these parameters can be easily modified. There are multiple possibilities for utilizing grape pomace and one of them could be as raw material in production of dietary supplements.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31020/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectdijetetski suplementisr
dc.subjectbiljni ekstraktisr
dc.subjecttečna hromatografija pod visokim pritiskomsr
dc.subjectdijabetes mellitus tip 2sr
dc.subjecteksperimenti na životinjamasr
dc.subjectDietary Supplementsen
dc.subjectPlant Extractsen
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2en
dc.subjectAnimal Experimentationen
dc.subjectHigh Pressure Liquiden
dc.titleAnaliza komine grožđa i dijetetskih suplemenata na bazi grožđa i japanskog troskota i ispitivanje uticaja suplementacije kod eksperimentalnih životinjasr
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of grape pomace and dietary supplements based on grapes and Polygonum cuspidatum and examination of the effect of supplementation in experimental animalsen

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