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Corellation of morphological characteristics, eating habits and physical activity of work-active women

dc.contributor.advisorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević-Nikić, Marina
dc.contributor.otherPajić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherVasiljević, Nađa
dc.creatorRakić, Slađana
dc.description.abstractkarakteristika sa navikama u ishrani i navikama u fiziĉkim aktivnostima kod radno-aktivnih ţena. Uzorak ispitanica je bio sastavljen od 865 ţena koje su podeljene na grupe u funkciji uzrasta (20-29 god., 30-39 god., 40-49 god., 50-59 god., 60-74 god.). Morfološke karakteristike su izmerene primenom metode multi segmentalne elektriĉne bioimpedance - aparatom InBody 720. Podaci o navikama u ishrani i navikama za bavljenje fiziĉkim aktivnostima su dobijeni korišćenjem ankete i metodom intervjua. Korelaciona matrica je pokazala povezanost izmeĊu morfologije i navika u ishrani i fiziĉkih aktivnosti. Komponente masnog tkiva su dominantnije bile povezane sa navikama u ishrani, dok su navike za fiziĉkim aktivnostima imale uticaja na sve praćene komponente morfologije u skladu sa godinama ispitivanog uzorka. RA ţene se znaĉajno razlikuju po broju i minutima provedenih u treningu u toku nedelje. Ispitanice iz GR1 i GR2 su više fiziĉki aktivne u odnosu na preostale tri grupe ţena (GR3, GR4, GR5), dok je analiza rezultata pokazala da ne postoje statistiĉki znaĉajne razlike izmeĊu uzrasnih grupa u navikama u ishrani. Obuhvaćeni prostori istraţivanja su pokazali da postoji veliki stepen povezanosti izmeĊu njih i da samo interakcija oba faktora doprinosi najboljem mogućem sastavu morfoloških karakteristika kod RA ţena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i u smislu poboljšanja trenutnog stanja, bilo bi poţeljno raditi nova istraţivanja koja će obuhvatiti veći uzorak, oba pola, druge faktore koji utiĉu na prostor
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of the research was oriented to acknowledge the relation between morphological characteristics and lifestyle, including eating habits and physical activity of work-active women. The total sample consisted 865 women and considering their age they were divided in groups (20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-74). Morphological characteristics were determined by electrical multi segmental bioimpedance – with apparatus InBody 720. Insight of the eating and physical activity habits was obtained using the method of survey and interview. The corellational matrix results showed a notable number of relations between morphology and lifestyle of the participants. The components of the fat tissue dominated through eating habits, comparing to physical activity that made an impact on all the other components of morphology, in accordance with the age of the participants. Difference between work-active women and the time they spend working out during the week was significant. Respondents from the GR1 and GR2 were physically more active than other three groups (GR3, GR4, GR5), but the collected results of eating habits showed that there’s no statistically noticeable difference among the groups. The observed areas of the research showed that there is a high level of the connectivity between them, and that interaction both of them together can affect and improve the morphological structure of the work-active women. According to the results, and willing to make a progress in the current situation, it is recommendable to do some new researches that can include bigger sample, both genders, or take some other statistical variables that can make major influence on the morphology.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47015/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecttelesni sastavsr
dc.subjectbody structureen
dc.subjectphysical activityen
dc.subjectfiziĉka aktivnostsr
dc.titlePovezanost morfoloških karakteristika, navika u ishrani i fizičkih aktivnosti radno-aktivnih ženasr
dc.title.alternativeCorellation of morphological characteristics, eating habits and physical activity of work-active womenen

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