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High environmental temperature and their impact on the zoohygiene parameters of farms, productivity and metabolic adaptation of cow

dc.contributor.advisorPlavša, Nada
dc.contributor.advisorCincović, Marko R.
dc.contributor.otherBelić, Branislava
dc.contributor.otherHristov, Slavča
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Branislav
dc.creatorMajkić, Mira
dc.description.abstractBiološka adaptacija krava na visoke ambijentalne temperature podrazumeva smanjenu proizvodnju mleka i porast temperature površine kože. THI indeks je značajan pokazatelj opterećenja krava toplotnim stresom. Prosečna maskismalna vrednost THI u periodu 2005-2016 pokazuje trend porasta u svim mesecima osim u januaru oktobru i novembru. Topla leta u Srbiji sa izuzetno visokim temperaturama, nastaju svake pete godine, kada su krave posebno pogođene. Ovakve promene dovode do globalnog zagrevanja i klimatskih promena koje utiču na biološku adaptaciju krava. Nisu postojale značajane razlike u vrednosti THI u funkciji regije u Vojvodini u kojoj je vršeno merenje THI, pa se Vojvodina može posmatrati kao jedinstvena celina u proceni toplotnog stresa krava. Sezona pokazuje uticaj na vrednosti ocena dobrobiti krava na farmama prema Welfare Quality® scoring sistemu. Odstupanja u vrednosti skorova za pojedine kriterijume ne dovode do značajnih promena u oceni ukupne dobrobiti krava na farmi i na klasifikaciju farme prema oceni dobrobiti. Potrebno je izvršiti dodatna istraživanja da bi se ispitao uticaj sezone na ocenu dobrobiti na farmama. Upotreba termovizijske kamere u proceni termalnog opterećenja krava na farmama bazira se na fiziološkim princiima termoregulcije kod goveda. površine tela krava bila je u rasponu od 34,1 do 38,5°C. Najviša temperature površine tela izmerena je u avgustu, a najniža  u zimskom periodu. Nađena je značajna pozitivna korelacija THI i temperature površine tela. Korelacione i regresione analize pokazuju da postoji značajna negativna linearna korelacija između THI i proizvodnje mleka, odnosno pozitivna korelacija između THI i temperature vimena kože i očne regije izmerene termovizijskom kamerom. Predikcija servis perioda je mnogo kvalitetnija ako se koristi kvadratna jednačina, jer dužina servis perioda nije zavisna od THI sve do momenta dok se ne pređe stresni prag za toplotni stres kada je korelacija THI i dužine servis perioda pozitivna. Pokazalo se da kvadratne jednačine daju bolju povezanost od linearnih, tako da je koncentracija amonijaka blago rasla kada je THI 40-60, a potom opadala u toplotnom stresu. Koncentracija H2S se ponašala drugačije u odnosu na amonijak, njena vrednost je bila najviša kod najviših i najnižih vrednosti THI. Dinamičke promene metabolita i index insulinske rezistencije značajno koreliraju sa količinom proizvedenog mleka kod krava izloženih toplotnom stresu. Varijacije u proizvodnji mleka tokom trajanja toplotnog stresa mnogo je bolje prevideti kada se THI index koristi zajedno sa vrednostima glukoze i TNF-α kao metaboličkih prediktora.  Datumsr
dc.description.abstractAB  Biological adaptation of cows to high ambient temperatures implies reduced production of milk and increase of surface temperature of the skin. The THI index is a significant indication of the burden of cows with heat stress. The average masculine value of THI in the period 2005-2016 shows a trend of increase in all months, except in January of October and November. Extreme warm years in Serbia are created every five years, when cows are particularly affected. These data support the global warming and climatic changes that affect the biological adaptation of cows. There were no significant differences in the value of THI in the 8 function of the region in Vojvodina where the THI was measured, so that Vojvodina can be considered as a single entity in the assessment of the heat stress of cows. The season shows the impact on the value of the cow welfare on farms according to the Welfare Quality® scoring system. Deviations in the value of the scores for certain criteria do not lead to significant changes in the estimation of the total welfare of cows on the farm and on the classification of the farm according to the welfare assessment. Further research needs to be carried out to examine the impact of the season on the welfare assessment on farms. The use of a thermovision camera in the assessment of the thermal load of cows on farms is based on the physiological principles of thermoregulation in cattle. the surface of the cow's body ranged from 34.1 to 38.5 ° C. The highest surface temperature of the body was measured in August and the lowest in the winter period. Significant positive THI correlation and body surface temperature were found. Correlation and regression analysis show that there is a significant negative linear correlation between THI and milk production, that is, a positive correlation between THI and skin and skin temperature and eye region measured by a thermionic camera. The service period prediction is much better if a square equation is used since the length of the service period is not dependent on the THI until the heat stress stress threshold is exceeded when the THI correlation and the service period of the period are positive. When it comes to air quality, it has also been shown that square equations provide a better connection to linear ones, so the ammonia concentration is slightly increased when THI is 40-60, and then decreases in heat stress. The concentration of H2S behaved differently in relation to ammonia, its value being highest at the highest and lowest values of THI. Dynamic changes in the metabolite and index of insulin resistance significantly correlate with the amount of milk produced in cows exposed to heat stress. Variations in milk production during the duration of heat stress is much better overlooked when the THI index is used together wiith the glucose and TNF-α values as metabolic predictors.  en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectPO Toplotni stressr
dc.subjectHeat stressen
dc.subjectZoohygiene parametersen
dc.subjectMetabolic adaptationen
dc.subjectzoohigijenski parametrisr
dc.subjectmetabolička adaptacijasr
dc.titleVisoke ambijentalne temperature i njihov uticaj na zoohigijenske parametre farme, produktivnost i metaboličku adaptaciju kravasr
dc.title.alternativeHigh environmental temperature and their impact on the zoohygiene parameters of farms, productivity and metabolic adaptation of cowen

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