Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

The implementation of rhetorical strategies into legal english teaching

dc.contributor.advisorElaković-Nenadović, Ana
dc.contributor.otherTrbojević-Milošević, Ivana
dc.contributor.otherDimitrijević, Dragana
dc.creatorVlahović, Dubravka
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad bavi se retoričkim strategijama i značajem retorike za motivaciju studenata prava u nastavi engleskog jezika pravne struke. Retorika dvadeset i prvog veka predstavlja mnogo više od pravila govora i osnova leporečja iz antičkog doba - ona predstavlja izuzetno važnu komponentu svih javnih nastupa savremenog doba. Naše istraživanje bavi se njenom ulogom u javnom nastupu profesora pravnog engleskog jezika. Kako kolevka retorike leži upravo u pravnoj struci, gde se i začela ideja o ubedljivom, autentičnom i ilustrativnom govoru koji ostavlja utisak na slušaoce, cilj predavača pravnog engleskog jezika je da svojim veštim, samouverenim i sugestivnim govorom i nastupom motiviše studente prava da se zainteresuju za ovaj predmet, ali i da oni uoče model uspešnog nastupa koji će im značiti u budućoj karijeri pravnika. Pravni engleski jezik, koji obiluje rečima francuskog, latinskog i anglosaksonskog porekla i koji karakterišu duge i složene rečenice sa malo interpunkcije, često je nejasan i izvornim govornicima engleskog jezika, zbog čega je od velikog značaja u nastavi razviti atmosferu punu interakcije, motivacije i kontinuiranog rada. Poteškoće u nastavi na koje nailazi profesor pravnog engleskog jezika su neadekvatni nastavni materijali, razlike u pravnim sistemima, nedostatak odgovarajućih prevodnih ekvivalenata, različiti nivoi znanja engleskog jezika među studentima i njihova obeshrabrenost težinom gradiva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da utvrdi u kojoj meri retoričke veštine i strategije profesora, kao što su tempo, jačina i intonacija govora, kontakt očima, govor tela, zanimljivi primeri prožeti humorom, ali i njegovi besednički kvaliteti, mogu motivisati studente da prisustvuju i učestvuju u nastavi pravnog engleskog jezika. Po uzoru na Gardnerov (2001) društveno-obrazovni model učenja stranog jezika, u kom se ističe da učenje stranog jezika zavisi od sposobnosti i motivacije onog ko ga uči i da je jedan od glavnih motivatora u nastavi upravo stručan predavač, ovo istraživanje će pokušati da dokaže da u nastavi pravnog engleskog jezika ključnu ulogu u uspešnom savladavanju predmeta ima predavač i da se motivacija studenata, između ostalog, postiže besedničkim kompetencijama predavača sa dobro utemeljenom argumentacijom i poznavanjem predmeta. Sprovedeno je teorijsko i empirijsko istraživanje, a uzorak ispitanika činili su studenti pravnih fakulteta u Nišu, Beogradu i Kragujevcu koji su pohađali pravni engleski jezik. Naše očekivanje je bilo da ispitanici odgovore u korist navedene hipoteze, ali i da potvrde postojeće nedostatke u nastavi i predlože poboljšanja, što bi doprinelo efektivnijoj nastavi u buduć
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with rhetorical strategies and the significance of rhetoric for the motivation of law students in legal English teaching. The twenty-first century rhetoric represents much more than the rules of speech and the foundations of the art of speaking originating in the ancient times - it is in fact a crucial component of all public appearances of the modern era. Our research deals with its role in the public speaking of a legal English professor. Since the cradle of rhetoric lies in the legal profession, where the idea of a convincing, authentic and illustrative speech that impresses the listeners has actually begun, the objective of a legal English professor is to use his expert, confident and suggestive speech to motivate the students to become engaged in this subject, as well as for students to see the model of a successful performance that would be of significance in their future careers as legal practitioners. Legal English language, which abounds in the words of French, Latin and Anglo-Saxon origin and which is characterized by long and complex sentences with sparse punctuation, is often unclear even to the native English speakers, which is why it is essential to develop a classroom atmosphere filled with interaction, motivation and continuous work. Some of the teaching difficulties encountered by professors of legal English are inadequate teaching materials, differences in legal systems, lack of appropriate translation equivalents, different levels of English language proficiency among students, as well as students’ discouragement by the demanding subject. The aim of this research is to determine the extent to which rhetorical skills and strategies of the professor (such as the pace, volume and intonation of speech, eye contact, body language, humorous examples), as well as his oratory qualities, can motivate students to attend and participate in legal English language classes. By Gardner's socio-educational model of learning a foreign language (2001), which emphasizes that learning a foreign language depends on the ability and motivation of the learner and that one of the main motivators in teaching is an expert lecturer, this research will attempt to prove that in legal English language teaching a lecturer has the key role in students’ successful mastering of the subject and that the motivation of students, among other things, is achieved by the oratory competences of the lecturer with well-founded argumentation and knowledge of the subject. Theoretical and empirical research was conducted and the participants in the research were students of Faculties of Law in Nis, Belgrade and Kragujevac who attended the legal English courses. Our expectation was that the participants would confirm the hypothesis, along with the existing shortcomings in teaching and that they would suggest possible improvements, which would contribute to the more effective teaching in the future.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpravni engleski jeziksr
dc.subjectretoričke strategijesr
dc.subjectlegal Englishen
dc.subjectrhetorical strategiesen
dc.titlePrimena retoričkih strategija u nastavi pravnog engleskog jezikasr
dc.title.alternativeThe implementation of rhetorical strategies into legal english teachingen

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