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Acquiring intercultural communicative competence in teaching and learning Italian as a foreign language at elementary school

dc.contributor.advisorVučo, Julijana
dc.contributor.otherZavišin, Katarina
dc.contributor.otherĐorović, Danijela
dc.creatorMušura, Gordana
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraţivanja ovog rada je sticanje interkulturne komunikativne kompetencije (u daljem tekstu IKK) u savremenoj nastavi italijanskog kao drugog jezika u osnovnoj školi. Istraţivanje je obavljeno u školama u primorskom delu Crne Gore, budući da je to specifično područje koga karakteriše viševekovno proţimanje različitih kultura i jezika. Stoga je zajednički imenitelj ovog naučnog istraţivanja isprepletenost i neodvojivost kulture i jezika u sferi nastave L2 i njihovo korespondiranje sa savremenom stvarnošću koju karakteriše globalizacija i interkulturnost. U teorijskom okviru rada izlaţu se one definicije kulture koje su od značaja za nastavu stranog jezika i ukazuje se na vaţnost obrade kulturnih sadrţaja, kako kulture stranog jezika, tako i maternje kulture, budući da to u mnogome doprinosi razvoju interkulturne svesti učenika, a time i sticanju njihove IKK. Ova kompetencija će im omogućiti da postanu interkulturni govornici i medijatori izmeĎu svoje maternje i kulture stranog jezika. Ističe se interkulturnost kao vaţan pristup u savremenoj nastavi i značaj uvoĎenja didaktičkih interkulturnih aktivnosti, te se navode primeri takvih aktivnosti kojima će se pospešiti razvoj IKK kod učenika. Predočava se uloga nastavnika i njihova interkulturna kompetencija, kao i neophodnost uključivanja škole i društvene zajednice u postizanju ovog cilja. U empirijskom delu rada ispituju se stavovi, mišljenja i iskustva nastavnika i učenika o tretmanu kulture u školi, te kulturna osvešćenost i osećajnost učenika i interkulturna kompetentnost nastavnika. Stoga se iznosi do koje mere naša empirijska saznanja mogu doprineti dubljem sagledavanju odnosa jezika i kulture i uporeĎivanju sa već postojećom teorijskom osnovom na polju glotodidaktike s jedne strane, a sa druge strane, daju se smernice i preporuke za unapreĎivanje savremene nastave stranih jezika.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this research is acquiring intercultural communicative competence (hereinafter IKK) in modern teaching and learning Italian as asecond language at elementary school. The research for the purpose of writing the PhD thesis “Acquiring intercultural communicative competence in teaching and learning Italian as a second language at elementary school” has been conducted in several schools in coastal part of Montenegro since it is a specific area distinguished by centuries-old permeation of cultures and languages. Hence the common denominator of this scientific research is intertwining and inseparability of culture and language in the sphere of L2 teaching and their correspondence with contemporary reality characterized by globalization and interculturality. In theoretical frame of the PhD thesis some definitions of culture that are of great importance for foreign language teaching and in which relationship between culture and language is emphasized are presented. It is pointed out how important it is to teach both native and foreign language culture because it contributes to students‟ culture and interculture awareness development and thus acquiring their intercultural competence. This competence will allow them to become intercultural speakers and mediators between their native and foreign culture. Interculturalism as an important approach to modern teaching and introducing didactical intercultural activities in classrooms are underlined by showing task examples that will enforce students‟ intercultural competence development. Furthermore, the role of teachers and their intercultural competence are accentuated, as well as the necessity of school and local community involvement in order to reach this goal. In empirical part of the thesis students and teachers‟ attitudes, opinions and experience about culture treatment at school, as well as students‟ cultural awareness and sensibility and teachers‟ intercultural competence are examined. Therefore it is shown to what extent our empirical findings can contribute to further viewing of culture and language relationship and comparing to already existing base in the field of glottodidactics on the one hand, and on the other hand guidelines and recommendations for modern foreign language teaching improvement are given.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectintercultural competenceen
dc.subjectnative and target cultureen
dc.subjectintercultural speakeren
dc.subjectintercultural activities in foreign language teachingen
dc.subjectinterkulturna kompetencijasr
dc.subjectmaternja i ciljna kulturasr
dc.subjectinterkulturni govorniksr
dc.subjectinterkulturne aktivnosti u nastavi stranog jezikasr
dc.titleSticanje interkulturne komunikativne kompetencije u nastavi italijanskog jezika kao stranog u osnovnoj školisr
dc.title.alternativeAcquiring intercultural communicative competence in teaching and learning Italian as a foreign language at elementary schoolen

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