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Sport and national country in the age og globalisation and transition: political sociological approach

dc.contributor.advisorPavlović, Vukašin
dc.contributor.otherKljajić, Veselin
dc.contributor.otherStojiljković, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherIlić, Stefan
dc.creatorĐurđić, Radomir
dc.description.abstractGlobalizacija, svejedno da li se posmatra kao projekat ili kao proces, predstavlja planetarni događaj koji bitno utiče na društvene odnose i pravne institucije, u najširem značenju ovih pojmova. Samim tim, pojmovi prava, države, politike – podložni su novom razumijevanju, upravo zahvaljujući globalnim, planetarnim promjenama. Polazeći od stanovišta da globalizacija podrazumijeva – uspostavljanje svjetskog tržišta, i liberalne demokratije (Fukujama) koja garantuje, prije svega, slobodu preduzetništva i jednakost pred pravnim insitucijama, koje u globalizivanom svijetu treba da budu što je moguće više unifikovane, mogu se postaviti pitanja: (1) kakvu ulogu ima sport u globalizovanom svijetu i (2) kakav odnos prema sportu imaju države u kojima su na djelu ekonomske i društvene reforme čiji je cilj prihvatanje globlanog tržišta (slobodnog prometa ljudi, kapitala, roba i usluga) i načela liberalne demokratije (koja podrazumijevaju procese deregulacije, smanjenja opsega državnih ingerencija). Politika sporta u tranzicionim zemljama, naročito kada se radi o uspostavljanju i njegovanju široke sportske baze (dostupnosti sporta za sve), naglašeno je restriktivna. Ukoliko imamo u vidu da su ove promjene posledica deregulacije, koja je najdirektnije povezana sa uvođenjem slobodnog tržišta i uspostavljanjem liberalno-demokratskog uređenja, odnosno da je samo povlačenje države iz određenih područja socijalne brige (u šta spada i njegovanje široke sportske baze) kauzalno podređeno zahtjevima međunarodnih institucija (ekonomskih, kao što su Svjetska banka i MMF, i poltičkih, npr. institucija Evropske unije), istraživanje odnosa države i politke sporta u globalizovanom svijetu ima nesumnjivu društvenu aktuelnost. Istraživanje ovdje sporvedeno, koje treba da problematizuje promjene u razumijevanju uloge države u doba globalizacije, i njihov uticaj na državnu politiku sporta, ima interdisiplinarni karakter. Kombinujući teoretski rad sa radom na terenu, naše istraživanje, dosledno navedenim ciljevima, nastoji, najprije, da porijeklo sporta objasni na osnovu fenomena igre. A budući da se sport uvijek javlja u nekom društvenom, odnosno političkom kontekstu, istorija sporta tematizovana je polazeći od pojmovne distinkcije između politike igre i igre politike. U prvom slučaju, primarno je riječ o igri, koja stvara vlastiti svijet, odijeljen od strogih društvenih pricipa koji vladaju u spoljašnjem svijetu. U drugom slučaju, politika određuje „pravila igre”, podređujući sport političkom kontekstu, što u određenim istorijskim situacijima podrazumijeva čak grubu instrumentalizaciju sporta. Takođe, pretpostavka našeg istraživanja je razumijevanje sporta u kontekstu razlike premodernog i modernog razumijevanja sporta, na osnovu koje će, u daljem toku rada, biti građena teza o sportu kao izrazu kapitalističke proizvodnje života. Moderni koncept sporta pretpostavlja ideju stalnog prekoračivanja granica, pomjeranja rekorda, nadilaženja već postignutog, čime takmičarska dimenzija sporta zadobija primat nad strukturom igre. U radu je pokazano kako koncepcije sporta u razvijenom kapitalizmu dobijaju naglašeno tržišni karakter, a takođe predstavljena je i razlika između koncepcije nacionalnog sporta u svrhu afirmacije nacionalnih država, odnosno, nacionalne buržoazije, i sporta u globalizovanom svijetu. Posmatrajući globalizam kao etapu kapitalizmna, u kojoj se zahtijeva radikalna deregulacija nacionalnih tržišta, u centralnom dijelu rada pokazano je kako u tranzicionim državama, u kojima se liberalizuje tržište, a država povlači iz mnogih oblasti koje je ranije regulisala – politika sporta ambivalentna: sport je područje koje zahvata projekat deregulacije, ali je on, istovremeno, i značajan medij apologije samog procesa deregulacije i slobodnog tržišta. Pomenuti teoretski uvid, koji potvrđuje polaznu hipotezu našeg istraživanja, biće potkrijepljen poređenjem sportskih zakonodavstava zemalja nastalim iz nekadašnje SFRJ, od kojih su neke već okončale proces tranzicije (Slovenija), neke su u završnoj fazi (Hrvatska), a u nekima je taj proces u socijalno najtežoj fazi (Srbija, Crna Gora, Bosna i Hercegovina, Makedonija). Takođe, u radu je, osim prikaza politike sporta u tranzicionim društvima ukazano i na humanističke potencijale sporta, izvan globalno-kapitalističke paradigme. U tu svrhu, elaborirana je koncepocija „sporta za sve“, koja se razvila u vrijeme državnog, „humanog kapitalizma“, kao i određeni humanistički potencijali socijalističke sportske paradigme. Nastava fizičkog vaspitanja, o kojoj takođe govorimo u ovom radu, već sama po sebi pruža mogućnost da se sport predstavi u humanističkom ključu, kao igra, a ne kao takmičenje. Ovaj aksiološki potencijal školskog sporta približava igru politike izvornoj politici igre, uzdižući sport kao paradigmu društvenih odnosa iz primarnog semiloškog sistema, a ne u drugostepenom značenjskom zakrivljenju, kao što je to u poznom kapitalizmusr
dc.description.abstractGlobalization, whether considered as a project or as a process, is a planetary manifestation that significantly influences social relations and legal institutions, in the broadest sense of these terms. Consequently, the concepts of law, state, politics - are subject to a new understanding, undeniably thanks to global, planetary changes. Starting from the view that globalization implies - the establishment of a world market, and liberal democracy (Fukuyama) which guarantees, above all, the freedom of entrepreneurship and equality before legal institutions, which in the globalized world should be as unified as possible, the questions can arise: (1) what is the role of sport in a globalized world, and (2) what kind of attitude towards sport have countries in which are economic and social reform processes are undergoing aiming at accepting the global market (free movement of people, capital, goods and services) and the principles of liberal democracy (which imply the processes of deregulation, reduction of the scope of state powers). The policy of sport in transition countries, especially when it comes to establishing and fostering a broad sports base (attainability of sports for all), is emphasized restrictive. If we bear in mind that these changes are the consequence of deregulation, which is most directly related to the introduction of a free market and the establishment of a liberal-democratic order, more exactly that the simple withdrawal of the state from certain areas of social care (which includes the cultivation of a broad sports base) is causally subordinate to the demands of the international institutions (economic ones, such as the World Bank and the IMF, and the political ones, for example, the European Union institutions), the examination of the relations between the state and the politics of sports in the globalized world has undoubted social actuality. The research here discussed, which should address the changes in understanding the role of the state in the era of globalization, and their impact on the state policy of sport, has an interdisciplinary character. By combining theoretical with the field work, our research, consistent with the stated goals, first attempts to explain the origin of sport based on the phenomenon of game. And since the sport always appears in a social or political context, the history of sport is tematised starting from the conceptual distinction between the politics of game and the game of politics. In the first case, it is primarily about a game that creates a world of its own, separated from the strict social principles that rule in the outside world. In the second case, the politics determines the "rules of the game", subordinating sport to a political context, which in certain historical situations implies even a rough instrumentalization of sports. Also, the assumption of our research is the understanding of sport in the context of difference between pre-modern and modern understanding of sport, on the basis of which, in the further course of the work, the thesis of sport as an expression of the capitalist production of life will be built. The modern concept of sports presupposes the idea of constant exceeding of the boundaries, shifting the record, overcoming the already achieved, by which the competitive dimension of sport gains the primacy over the structure of the game. The paper shows how the concepts of sport in developed capitalism assumes the accentuated market character, and it also presents the difference between the concept of national sports for the purpose of affirming national states, respecting, national bourgeoisie and the sports in the globalized world. Observing globalism as a stage of capitalism, in which a radical deregulation of national markets is required, the central part of the paper has shown that in transition countries, in which the market is liberalized and the state withdraws from many areas that previously regulated – the policy of sports is ambivalent: the sport is an area which is covered by the deregulation project, but, at the same time, it is an important medium of apology of the very process of deregulation and a free market. The mentioned theoretical insight, which confirms the starting hypothesis of our research, will be supported by the comparison of the sports legislations of the countries originating from the former SFRY, of which some have already ended the transition process (Slovenia), some are in the final phase (Croatia), and in some this process is in socially most difficult phase (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia). Also, in addition to the presentation of the politics of sports in transition societies, the paper also points to the humanistic potentials of sports, outside the global capitalist paradigm. For this purpose, the concept of "sport for all", is elaborated, which is developed in the period of the state, "human capitalism", as well as certain humanistic potentials of the socialist sports paradigm. The teaching of physical education, which we also talk about in this paper, by itself, provides the opportunity to present the sport in a humanistic key, as a game, rather than as a competition. This axiological potential of the school sports approaches the game of politics to the original politics of the game, raising sport as a paradigm of social relations from the primary semiological system, and not in the second degree semantic curvature, as in late capitalismen
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectsport kao politikasr
dc.subjectsport as politicsen
dc.subjectpolicy of sportsen
dc.subjectepochal circuitsen
dc.subjectliberal capitalizmen
dc.subjectglobalization and sporten
dc.subjecttransition and sporten
dc.subjectderegulation of sporten
dc.subjectpolitika sportasr
dc.subjectepohalni sklopovisr
dc.subjectliberalni kapitalizamsr
dc.subjectglobalizacija i sportsr
dc.subjecttranzicija i sportsr
dc.subjectderegulacija sportasr
dc.titleSport i nacionalna država u doba globalizacije i tranzicije: politikološko sociološki pristupsr
dc.title.alternativeSport and national country in the age og globalisation and transition: political sociological approachen

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