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Development of a soil mechanical resistance measuring system with global positioning

dc.contributor.advisorSavin, Lazar
dc.contributor.advisorTomić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherMalinović, Nedeljko
dc.contributor.otherMartinov, Milan
dc.contributor.otherRakić, Dušan
dc.creatorKostić, Marko
dc.description.abstractTekovine savremene biljne proizvodnje dovele su do tzv. „osiromašenja i fizičkog zagađenja“ zemljišta što se manifestuje stalnim smanjivanjem njegove plodnosti. U istoj meri primetan je porast ukupnog i specifičnog mehaničkog otpora obrade zemljišta što se odražava na veći utoršak energije i niži kvalitet obrade. Jedini način da se poveća ukupna poljska produktivnost na ekološki održiv način, u uslovima ograničenih prirodnih resursa, je maksimiziranje efikasnosti primene određene agrotehničke mere. Iskorak u odnosu na konvencionalnu proizvodnju je svakako proizvodnja po principima precizne poljoprivrede. Preduslov za kvalitetnu primenu precizne poljoprivrede je prethodno utvrđen pouzdan sistem prikupljanja velikog broja prostorno orjentisanih podataka u polju. Merenjem otpora obrade zemljišta uz prostorno lociranje svakog dobijenog podataka, može se unaprediti i pojednostaviti proces prikupljanja poljskih informacija za potrebe naučnih istraživanja ili pak precizne poljoprivrede. Ukoliko se uspešno definišu modeli zavisnosti otpora obrade od osobina zemljišta, broj potrebnih uzoraka se može značajno smanjiti. U ovoj disertaciji prikazan je proces razvoja originalnog mernog sistema koji je nedvosmisleno pokazuju da je kao krajnji ishod dobijeno novo, potpuno originalno i funkcionalno rešenje mernog uređaja, odnosno sistema kao celine. To znači da je sistem svojim karakteristikama postigao unapred postavljene ciljeve koji se odnose na lako rukovanje, robusnost, visoku tačnost merenja, mobilnost, univerzalnost primene za različite mašine i primenjivost za potrebe precizne poljoprivredne proizodnje. S obzirom na to da su tokom eksploatacije uočeni određeni nedostaci, date su preporuke u kom pravcu bi trebalo da se kreće dalje usavršavanje postojećeg rešenja ili tokom izrade novih.namenjen za merenje otpora vuče (otpor obrade) u toku operacije obrade zemljišta sa mašinama II ili III kategorije uz geografsko lociranje svakog merenja. Razvoj sistema tekao je u sledećim fazama. Prvo je osmišljen, dizajniran i izrađen mehanički ram koji je potom opremljen dinamometrima i akvizicijskom opremom visoke tačnosti. Merni sistem bio je podvrgnut višestrukom testiranju u laboratoriji i polju. Laboratorijskim testiranjem dobijena je merna karakteristika, tj. obavljena je kalibracija mernog rama. Poljski testovi su sprovedeni kako bi se utvrdila funkcionalnost i pouzdanost mehaničke konstrukcije sa aspekta prikopčavanja, nošenja i rada sa različitim mašinama. Takođe, proveravana je verodostojnost podataka o otporima vuče poređenjem sa modelima predviđanja definisanim prema važećim standardima. Sprovedena su komparativna ispitivanja različitih mašina u različitim zemljišnim uslovima kako bi se dokazalo da je sistem sposoban da te različitosti izmeri. Vrhunac u razvojnom procesu je bilo poljsko merenje otpora vuče i fizičkih parametara zemljišta uz primenu GPS tehnologije pozicioniranja i GIS tehnologije geostatističke analize za svrhu kartiranja. Rezultati dobijeni tokom višegodišnjeg razvojnog procesa koji je podrazumevao veliki broj testiranjasr
dc.description.abstractAchievements of modern crop production have led to the "impoverishment and physical contamination" of soil which are manifested by the constant decrease in soil fertility. Likewise, there is an evident increase in total and specific soil mechanical resistance of tillage which are reflected in higher energy consumption and lower quality of tillage. The only way to increase the total soil crop productivity in an environmentally sustainable way, is to maximize the effectiveness of production practices. Crop production by the principles of the Precision agriculture is a breakthrough compared to conventional production. Prior to application of Precision agriculture it is necessary to establish a reliable system for collecting a large number of spatially oriented data in the field. Measuring the soil tillage resistance with each obtained data spatially located, we can improve and simplify the process of collecting field information for the purposes of scientific research or Precision agriculture. If the model is successfully defined, based on depending on the resistance and characteristics of soil, the number of required samples can be significantly reduced. In this thesis the development process of the original measurement system intended to measure the soil tillage resistance (resistance to treatment) during tillage operation with machines II or III category with the geographic location of each measurement is presented. The system was developed in the following stages. At first, mechanical frame was designed and built and after that it was equipped by dynamometers and acquisition equipment of high accuracy. The measuring system was subject of multiple testing in the laboratory and field. The result of laboratory tests is calibration characteristic of measuring system. Field tests were conducted to determine the functionality and reliability of mechanical constructions from the aspect of reconnecting, carrying and working with different machines. Also, validity of the measured draft resistance data was checked comparing it with the models which can predict the resistence according to the valid standards. Comparative studies involving the various machines and different soil conditions were also carried out. The final part of the development process is measuring the soil resistence and soil physical parameters using the GPS positioning technology and GIS geostatistical analysis technology for the purpose of mapping.The results obtained during the years of the development process which included a large number of tests clearly show that the obtained a new, completely original and functional solutionmeasuring device as well as the whole system. System characteristics achieved pre-set goals such as ease handling, robustness, high accuracy measurements, mobility, universatility of application for the various machines and applicability for precision agricultural production. During exploatation, some minor failures have been identified, and therefore proper recommendations have been given in order to improve present device.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31046/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectOtpor vučesr
dc.subjectDraft resistanceen
dc.subjectprecizna poljoprivredasr
dc.subjectosobine zemljištasr
dc.subjectrazvoj sistemasr
dc.subjectprecision agricultureen
dc.subjectsoil propertiesen
dc.subjectsystem developingen
dc.titleRazvoj sistema za poziciono merenje mehaničkog otpora zemljištasr
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of a soil mechanical resistance measuring system with global positioningen

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