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Effects of different types of fuel on tractorpower delivery efficiency

dc.contributor.advisorSimikic, Mirko
dc.contributor.advisorDedovic, Nebojsa
dc.contributor.otherSavin, Lazar
dc.contributor.otherTomić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherMićić, Radoslav
dc.creatorИванишевић, Игор
dc.description.abstractPovećanje korišćenja energije u svetu, uslovilo je potrebu pronalaženja alternativnih izvora energije, koji će zadovoljiti osnovne kriterijume koji se ogledaju u obnovljivosti, ekološkoj prihvatljivosti i pouzdanosti korišćenja. Pri tome, alternativa podrazumeva zamenu goriva bez promena u konstrukciji motora. Biodizel je adekvatno rešenje jer je kompatibilan sa fosilnim gorivom, baziran na obnovljivim sirovinama, a istovremeno je i ekološki prihvatljiviji od fosilnog goriva. Cilj istraživanja ove disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj biodizela i različitih mešavina biodizela i evro dizela na performanse motora, vučne karakteristike traktora i emisiju izduvnih gasova. Tokom istraživanja, izvršeno je namešavanje biodizela, proizvedenog od suncokretovog ulja, u fosilni dizel (evro dizel kvaliteta). Istraživanje uticaja biodizela, fosilnog dizela, kao i mešavina fosilnog dizela sa 7, 14, 20, 40, 60 i 80%v/v biodizela, na performanse motora, vučne karakteristike motora i emisiju izduvnih gasova obavljeno je na traktoru John Deere 6820. Traktor je opremljen šestocilindričnim motorom PowerTech 4V-CR snage 99 kW, pri nominalnom broju obrtaja 2100 min-1 i maksimalnog obrtnog momenta 602 Nm pri 1365 min-1. Motor pripada generaciji Stage II. Eksperimentalno istraživanje obavljeno je u skladu sa OECD test CODE 2. Rezultati istraživnja performansi motora izmerenih u laboratorijskim uslovima ukazuju da povećanje sadržaja biodizela utiče na smanjenje snage motora do 5.61% i povećanje specifične potrošnje goriva do 10.78%, što je manje u odnosu na očekivano. Primenom ED traktor je ostvario maksimalnu snagu od 90.45 kW, dok je primenom goriva BD40, BD60, BD80 i BD100 utvrđeno linearno smanjenje maksimalne snage sa povećanjem učešća biodizela u mešavini. Primenom različitih vrsta goriva izmerena je maksimalna snaga motora traktora koja je niža 1.35, 2.59, 4.06 i 5.61% respektivno u odnosu na ED. Blago povećanje viskoznosti fosilnog dizela dodavanjem do 20% biodizela pozitivno utiče na performanse motora (1.06%). Rezultati ispitivanja vučnih karakteristika traktora ukazuju da se primenom biodizela smanjuje vučna snaga do 5.58%, a povećava specifična potrošnja goriva do 11.95%. Povećanjem sadržaja biodizela smanjuje se emisija CO do 27.45%, emisija CO2 se blago povećava do 3.58% i emisija NOx raste do 10.14%.sr
dc.description.abstractIncreased energy use wordwide has created a need to find alternative energy sources that can meet basic quality criteria such as renewability, ecological acceptability and reliability of use. The alternative implies the possibility of use of different fuel without any changes made to the engine design. Compatibility of biodiesel with fossil fuel makes it an adequate solution; its production is based on renewable raw material and it is ecologically more acceptable than fossil fuel. The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the influence of biodiesel, and different blends of biodiesel and eurodiesel on engine performances, tractor traction characteristics, and exhaust gas emission. During the research, biodiesel made from sunflower oil was blended with fossil diesel (euro diesel quality). John Deere 6820 tractor model was used to analyze the effects of biodiesel, fossil diesel, and blends of fossil diesel with 7, 14, 20, 40, 60 and 80%v/v of biodiesel on engine performances, tractor traction characteristics and exhaust gas emission. The tractor had a six cylinder engine PowerTech 4V-CR with 99 kW power at 2100 min-1 optimal number of rotations and maximum torque of 602 Nm at 1365 min-1. The engine belongs to the Stage II category. The experiment was conducted in compliance with OECD test CODE 2. The results of engine performances tested in laboratory showed that increased share of biodiesel in the blend reduced engine power by up to 5.61% and increased specific fuel consumption up to 10.78%, which was less than expected. By using ED, tractor had maximum power of 90.45 kW, and use of BD40, BD60, BD80 and BD100 fuels resulted in linear reduction of maximum power with increased share of biodiesel in the blend. Maximum engine power measured with different types of fuel was lower compared to ED by 1.35, 2.59, 4.06 and 5.61%, respectively. Slight increase in viscosity of fossil diesel achieved by adding up to 20% of biodiesel had positive effects on engine performances (1.06%). The results of tested traction characteristics showed that the use of biodiesel reduced traction by 5.58%, and increased specific fuel consumption by up to 11.95%. Increased biodiesel share reduced the CO emission by 27.45%, CO2 emission slightly increased by 3.58%, and the emission of NOx increased by 10.14%.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnost traktora biodizelsr
dc.subjecttraction characteristicsen
dc.subjectpowerdelivery efficiencyen
dc.subjectdrawbar poweren
dc.subjectexhaust gas emissionen
dc.subjectmathematical modelsen
dc.subjectvučne karakteristikesr
dc.subjectvučnikoeficijent korisnostisr
dc.subjectsnaga vučesr
dc.subjectpotrošnja gorivasr
dc.subjectemisija izduvnih gasovasr
dc.subjectmatematički modelisr
dc.titleUticaj različitih vrsta goriva na vučni koeficijent korisnosti traktorasr
dc.title.alternativeEffects of different types of fuel on tractorpower delivery efficiencyen

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