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Investigation of the effects of a diet enriched with aronia extract on the onset and development of metabolic syndrome in an animal model

dc.contributor.advisorVučić, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherMilovanović, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherTomović, Marina
dc.contributor.otherArsić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMilić, Petar
dc.description.abstractCilj: Osnovn cilj ove studije bio je da ispita efekte dijete obogaćene ekstraktom aronije na nastanak i razvoj metaboličkog sindroma na animalnom modelu. Metode: 24 zdravih pacova Wistar albino i 48 pacova istog soja, kojima je prethodno indukovan metaboličkim sindrom, podvrgnuto je različitim dijetalnim strategijama koje su podrazumevale, ishranu sa visokih sadržajem masti (High Fat diet, HFd) ili standardnu ishranu (Standard diet, Sd) samostalno, ili u kombinaciji sa standardizovanim ekstraktom aronije (Standardized Aronia Extract, SAE). SAE (u dozi od 0,45 ml/kg dnevno), kao i navedeni obrasci ishrane primenjivali su se tokom 4 nedelje kod pacova. U zavisnosti od dijetetskog režima, pacovi su nasumično razvrstani u šest grupa: zdravi pacovi hranjeni Sd (CTRL), zdravi pacovi hranjeni Sd uz primenu ekstrakta (SAE), pacovi sa metaboličkim sindromom hranjeni HFd (MetS+HFd), pacovi sa metaboličkim sindromom hranjeni HFd uz primenu ekstrakta (MetS+HFd+SAE), pacovi sa metaboličkim sindromom hranjeni Sd (MetS+Sd), pacovi sa metaboličkim sindromom hranjeni Sd uz primenu ekstrakta (MetS+Sd+SAE). Rezultati: Rezultati studije pokazali su da primenjeni ekstrakt aronije ima sposobnost da ublaži povećanje telesne težine kod pacova sa metaboličkim sindromom, poboljša funkciju srca, doprinese boljoj toleranciji na glukozu, poveća antioksidacione i smanji prooksidacione parametre u sistemskoj cirkulaciji, ublaži promene na jetri i umanji nivoe LDL holesterola kod pacova sa metaboličkim sindromom. Međutim, bitno je napomenuti da su blagotvorniji efekti ispitivanog ekstrakta aronije bolji ukoliko se on kombinuje sa zdravijim načinom ishrane, odnosno standardnom dijetom. Takođe, promena dijetetskog režima sa HFd na Sd sa, ili bez primene ispitivanog ekstrakta značajno je uticala na poboljšanje lipidnog profila i poboljšanje masnokiselinskog profila kod pacova, posebno omega 3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA), i odnosa omega 6 i omega 3 PUFA. Zaključak: Obećavajući efekti ispitivanog ekstrakta aronije pružaju osnovu za buduća istraživanja koja bi dodatno sagledala terapijske mogućnosti i objasnila mehanizme putem kojih ovaj ekstrakt ostvaruje protektivne
dc.description.abstractObjective: The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of a diet enriched with Aronia extract on the development of metabolic syndrome in an animal model. Methods: 24 healthy Wistar albino rats and 48 Wistar albino rats with induced metabolic syndrome, were subjected to different dietary strategies, which included high-fat diet (HFd) or standard diet (Sd) alone, or in combination with Standardized Aronia Extract (SAE). SAE (0.45 ml/kg daily), as well as the above-mentioned diet patterns, were administered in rats for 4 weeks. Depending on dietary regimen, rats were randomly classified into six groups: healthy rats fed with Sd (CTRL), healthy rats fed with Sd in combination with extract (SAE), rats with metabolic syndrome fed with HFd (MetS+HFd), rats with metabolic syndrome fed with HFd in combination with extract (MetS+HFd+SAE), rats with metabolic syndrome fed with Sd (MetS+Sd), rats with metabolic syndrome fed with Sd in combination with extract (MetS+Sd+SAE). Results: The results of the study showed that applied Aronia extract can reduce weight gain in rats with metabolic syndrome, improve heart function, contribute to better glucose tolerance, increase antioxidant and reduce prooxidant in the systemic circulation, mitigate liver changes and decrease LDL cholesterol levels in rats with metabolic syndrome. However, it is important to note that obtained beneficial effects of SAE were more prominent in combination with a healthier diet (standard diet). Also, changing the dietary regimen from HFd to Sd with or without the extract consumption, significantly improve the lipid, and fatty acid profile in rats. Conclusion: The promising effects of extract offers a basis for future research which would further explore the therapeutic possibilities and explain underlying mechanisms for pharmacological activity.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет медицинских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectmetabolički sindromsr
dc.subjectmetabolic syndromeen
dc.subjectstandardizovani ekstrakt aronijesr
dc.subjectoksidacioni stressr
dc.subjectpolinezasićene masne kiselinesr
dc.subjectstandardized aronia extracten
dc.subjectoxidative stressen
dc.subjectpolyunsaturated fatty acidsen
dc.titleIspitivanje efekata dijete obogaćene ekstraktom aronije na nastanak i razvoj metaboličkog sindroma na animalnom modelusr
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation of the effects of a diet enriched with aronia extract on the onset and development of metabolic syndrome in an animal modelen

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