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Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and German Literature of the 19th Century

dc.contributor.advisorVukčević, Miodrag
dc.contributor.otherKvas, Kornelije
dc.contributor.otherKnežević, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Časlav
dc.creatorJovanović, Miloš
dc.description.abstractDoktorska disertacija pod naslovom Hermeneutika Hansa-Georga Gadamera i nemačka književnost 19. veka za svoj glavni predmet ima filozofsku hermeneutiku Hansa-Georga Gadamera, kao i tumačenje nemačke književnosti 19. veka na primeru Getea i Helderlina na teorijskim osnovama Gadamerove hermeneutike i savremenih hermeneutičkih teorija. Cilj rada je da pokaže šta i na koji način je kao jedna od glavnih delatno-povesnih instanci uticalo na formiranje Gadamerovog misaonog puta, kao i njegovog celokupnog hermeneutičkog zdanja. U disertaciji se isto tako razmatraju neki od osnovnih pojmova humanističke tradicije na kojima Gadamer gradi svoje hermeneutičko zdanje, zatim ontologija umetničkog dela i njene hermeneutičke implikacije, kao i mesto književnosti u takvoj ontologiji umetnosti i hermeneutici. Pitanje o književnosti, povesti i jeziku je centralno pitanje ove disertacije koje počinje pretresanjem predistorije Gadamerove i novije i savremene hermeneutike, nastavlja se razmatranjem osnovnih hermeneutičkih problema kao što su Hajdegerovo otkriće predstrukture razumevanja, princip povesti delovanja i stapanje horizonata i završava se analizom delatno-povesne svesti i značaja Hegelove i Platonove dijalektike za celinu Gadamerove hermeneutike i odgovorom na centralno pitanje ove disertacije. Završno poglavlje prvog dela disertacije posvećeno je filozofiji jezika u svetlu Gadamerove hermeneutike, ne samo zbog Gadamerovog zasnivanja univerzalnosti hermeneutike upravo u jeziku, već i zato što, prema našem shvatanju, jezik predstavlja najžilaviji pojavni oblik autoriteta koji, ukoliko nije ekspliciran u preliminarnoj fazi razumevanja, može da izvrši presudan, nesvesni uticaj na proces razumevanja i tumačenja duhovno-istorijskih fenomena, posebno književnosti kao pre svega jezičke umetnosti. Na kraju disertacije su zaključna razmatranja i spisak
dc.description.abstractThe doctoral thesis entitled Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and German Literature of the 19th Century has as its main subject the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, as well as interpreting German literature of the 19th century on example of Goethe and Hölderlin based on the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer and contemporary hermeneutical theories. The purpose of the work is to show what and in which way as one of the main instances of „Wirkungsgeschichte“ influenced the formation of Gadamer’s way of thinking, as well as his entire hermeneutical edifice. The work also considers some of the basic terms of the tradition of humanities on which Gadamer builds his hermeneutical edifice, followed by the explication of ontology of work of art and its hermeneutical implications, as well as the place of literature in that ontology of art and hermeneutics. The question of literature, history and language is the central task of this doctoral work which begins with the explication of the prehistory of Gadamer’s new and contemporary hermeneutics, continues with questioning of some basic hermeneutical problems such as Heidegger’s discoveries of the prestructure of understanding, the principle of impact history and the merging of horizonts, and ends with the analysis of consciousness of impact history and the importance of Hegel’s and Plato’s dialectics for Gadamer’s hermeneutics in general and the answer of the central question of this doctoral work. The final chapter of the doctoral work first part is dedicated to the philosophy of language in the light of Gadamer’s hermeneutics, not only because of Gadamer’s defining the universality of hermeneutics in language, but also because, as we understand the issue, the language represents the most resilient appearance form of authority, which, if unexplicated in the preliminary phase of understanding, can decisively and unconceously impact the process of understanding and interpreting human-historical phenomena, especially literature as above all work of art made in language. The final chapter of the doctoral work consists of conclusions and list of used literature.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectnemačka književnost 19. vekasr
dc.subjectGerman literature of the 19th centuryen
dc.titleHermeneutika Hansa-Georga Gadamera i nemačka književnost 19. vekasr
dc.title.alternativeHermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and German Literature of the 19th Centuryen

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