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dc.contributor.advisorMačužić, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherGračanin, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherErić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherStefanović, Miladin
dc.contributor.otherTadić, Danijela
dc.creatorVukadinović, Saveta
dc.description.abstractREZIME Osnovna svrha doktorske disertacije je da ukaže na dodatnu mogućnost za unapređenje načina na koji se tretira ljudski faktor u Lean industrijskim sistemima koristeći princip ranog menadžmenta u upravljanju ljudskim resursima. Kandidat je predstavio model i ideju Ranog upravljanja ljudskim resursima (EHRM model), osmišljenog kroz integraciju koncepata Ranog upravljanja i Razvoja ljudskih resursa (koncentrisan u pilaru Razvoj ljudi u WCM, odnosno Obrazovanje i obuka u TPM sistemima). Inovativan pristup problemu obezbeđivanja, razvoja i integracije ljudskih resursa u Lean industrijske sisteme i stvaranje novog, poboljšanog modela zasniva se na primeni osnovnih principa Lean proizvodne filozofije. Principi i ideje Lean-a korišteni su kao platforma za unapređenje procesa obrazovanja i obuke, kako bi se postigao racionalan i optimalan sistem, lišen svih oblika gubitaka, rasipanja i neracionalnog angažovanja ljudskog rada. Predloženi EHRM model neophodan je savremenim Lean (WCM/TPM) industrijskim sistemima da napuste svoj trenutni pasivan pristup i, intenziviranjem saradnje sa obrazovnim institucijama, aktivno se uključe u proces obezbeđivanja, razvoja i integracije inženjerskih ljudskih resursa potrebnog nivoa znanja i kompetencija. EHRM model koristi princip vertikalnog startovanja (VSU) kako bi omogućio drastično smanjenje vremena od početnog razvoja inženjerskih ljudskih resursa u obrazovnim institucijama do dostizanja njihovog punog potencijala i postizanja željenog nivoa kompetencija pre stvarnog zapošljavanja u Lean industrijskim sistemima. Na ovaj način će Lean preduzeća sprovoditi rano upravljanje ljudskim resursima kroz aktivno učešće u procesu obuke i obrazovanja ljudskog faktora u obrazovnim institucijama i omogućiti njihovu efektivnu i efikasnu tranziciju iz akademskog u industrijsko okruženje. Novozaposleni inženjeri će već pri dolasku u kompaniju početi da rade punim kapacitetom i neće biti potrebne nikakve dodatne obuke. Time će se rešiti aktuelan i urgentan problem neadekvatnog obrazovanja i neusklađenosti između znanja, veština i kompetencija koje zahteva industrija i onih koje poseduju inženjerski ljudski resursi nakon
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The main purpose of this PhD thesis was to point out at the additional possibility to improve the ways Human Factors are treated in Lean industrial systems using the Early Management principle in managing Human Resources. Therefore, the candidate has introduced the model and idea of Early Human Resources Management (EHRM model), which is designed through the integration of concepts of Early Management and Human Resources development (concentrated in the pillar of People Development in WCM and pillar Education and Training in TPM). An innovative approach to the problem of providing, developing and integrating human resources into Lean industrial systems and designing a new, improved model is based on the application of fundamental principles of Lean manufacturing philosophy. Principles and ideas of Lean were used as a platform for improving training and education process in order to achieve a rational and optimal system, deprived of all forms of losses, dissipation and irrational engagement of human work. The proposed EHRM model is a necessary for modern Lean (WCM/TPM) industrial systems to leave their current passive approach and, by intensifying cooperation with educational institutions, actively engage in the process of providing, developing and integrating engineering human resources of the required level of knowledge and competencies. EHRM model is using the Vertical start-up (VSU) principle to enable drastic reduction of time from initial development of engineering human resources at the educational institutions until reaching their full potential and achieving the desired level of competencies before actual employment in Lean industrial systems. Thus, Lean companies will conduct Early Management of human resources throughout active participation in the process of human factor training and education at educational institutions and empower their effective and efficient transition from academic to industrial environment. New engineering employees will start operating at full capacity and no additional training will be needed upon arrival in the company. That way, the current and urgent problem of inadequate preparation and mismatch between the knowledge, skills, and competencies required by the industry and those possessed by engineering human resources right after graduation will be solved.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Факултет инжењерских наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectLean sistemisr
dc.subjectLean systemsen
dc.subjectinženjerski ljudski resursisr
dc.subjectrano upravljanje ljudskim resursimasr
dc.subjectsaradnja obrazovanja i
dc.subjectEngineering Human Resourcesen
dc.subjectEarly Human Resources Managementen
dc.subjectEducation-Industry cooperation.en
dc.titleRazvoj modela ranog upravljanja inželjerskim ljudskim resursima u Lean industrijskim sistemimasr

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