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Derivatives of rhamnolipids and 4-aminoquinoline as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens virulence inhibitors

dc.contributor.advisorStanković, Slaviša
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Slaviša
dc.contributor.otherŠenerović, Lidija
dc.contributor.otherŠenerović, Lidija
dc.contributor.otherOpsenica, Dejan
dc.creatorAleksić, Ivana
dc.description.abstractRezistencija bakterija na antibiotike je rastući problem globalnih razmera tako da su pronalaženje i uvođenje novih terapijskih opcija u borbu protiv bakterijskih infekcija postali prioriteti i fundamentalnih i primenjenih istraživanja. U potrazi za jedinjenjima prirodnog porekla sa anti-virulentnom aktivnošću izdvojen je nepatogeni soj iz rizosfere biljke dobračice (Glechoma hederacea), Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1, čiji su metaboliti inhibirali formiranje biofilmova P. aeruginosa PAO1. Hemijske analize su pokazale da aktivnu komponentu etil acetatnog ekstrakta čini smeša ramnolipida. Uporednom analizom anti-biofilm aktivnosti utvrđeno je da su di-ramnolipidi soja Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 bolji inhibitori procesa formiranja biofilmova (adhezije i sazrevanja) kod P. aeruginosa PAO1 od komercijalno dostupnih ramnolipida, poreklom iz P. aeruginosa. Amidnom derivatizacijom di-ramnolipida poboljšana je njihova anti-biofilm aktivnost, gde je najaktivniji derivat di-ramnolipida iz Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 imao morfolinsku grupu i inhibirao je formiranje biofilmova P. aeruginosa PAO1 za 80% u koncentraciji od 100 μg/ml, a isti derivat u koncentraciji od 50 μg/ml inhibirao je formiranje biofilmova S. marcescens za 88%. Hinolini, jedinjenja sa širokim spektrom bioloških aktivnosti, a takođe i autoinduceri PQS signalnog puta međubakterijske komunikacije P. aeruginosa predstavljaju dobru osnovu za razvoj anti-virulentnih jedinjenja. Derivati aminohinolina sintetisani u ovoj studiji nisu pokazali značajnu antibakterijsku aktivnost prema Gram negativnim patogenima. Najveću inhibitornu aktivnost na formiranje biofilmova kod P. aeruginosa i S. marcescens imala su jedinjenja koja su sadržala atom hlora ili CF3 grupu na poziciji C(7) i alifatični lanac sa 12 C atoma na poziciji C(4) (jedinjenja 5 i 10), sa BFIC50 koncentracijama od 69 μM odnosno 63 μM. Ova jedinjenja su prvi derivati hinolina za koje je utvrđena sposobnost da inhibiraju biofilmove S. marcescens. Detaljnom analizom odnosa strukture i aktivnosti jedinjenja 5 i 10 je pokazano da dužina alifatičnog lanca i lipofilnost jedinjenja imaju najveći uticaj na formiranja biofilomova kod S. marcescens. Jedinjenje 10 je izdvojeno kao najpotentniji inhibitor proizvodnje piocijanina kod P. aeruginosa hinolinske prirode opisan do sada...sr
dc.description.abstractBacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem on a global scale, so finding and introducing new therapeutic options to combat bacterial infections has become a priority in both fundamental and applied research. In a search for structurally new compounds with anti-virulent activity, novel non-pathogenic strain was isolated from the rhizosphere of a Glechoma hederacea plant, named BV152.1, whose metabolites inhibited the formation of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. Chemical analyzes have shown that the active compound of ethyl acetate extract is a mixture of rhamnolipids. Comparative analysis of their anti-biofilm activity revealed that the di-rhamnolipids from the strain Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 are better inhibitors of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm adhesion and maturation, than commercially available rhamnolipids, originated from P. aeruginosa. The amide derivatization of di-rhamnolipids enhanced the anti-biofilm activity of these compounds, where the most active di-rhamnolipid derivative from Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 had a morpholine group and inhibited the formation of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms by 80% at a concentration at 100 μg/ml. The same derivative at 50 μg/ml inhibited formation of S. marcescens biofilm by 88%. Quinolines, compounds with a wide range of biological activities, and autoinducers of the quorum sensing PQS signaling pathway of P. aeruginosa represent a good basis for the development of compounds with anti-virulent activity. The aminoquinoline derivatives synthesized in this study did not show significant antibacterial activity against Gram-negative pathogens, making them suitable chemical structures for the development of anti-virulent agents. The highest inhibitory activity of P. aeruginosa and S. marcescens biofilm formation showed compounds containing a chlorine atom (compound 5) or CF3 group (compound 10) at position C(7) and an aliphatic chain of 12 C atoms at position C(4) with BFIC50 concentrations of 69 μM and 63 μM, respectively. These compounds are the first quinoline derivatives identified to have the ability to inhibit S. marcescens biofilms formation. Detailed analysis of the structure and activity relationships of compounds 5 and 10 showed that the aliphatic chain length and lipophilicity of the compounds had the greatest influence on inhibition of biofilm formation in S. marcescens...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173048/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectP. aeruginosasr
dc.subjectP. aeruginosaen
dc.subjectS. marcescenssr
dc.subjectLysinibacillus sp.sr
dc.subjectanti-viurulentna aktivnostsr
dc.subjectS. marcescensen
dc.subjectLysinibacillus sp.en
dc.subjectanti-virulent activityen
dc.titleDerivati ramnolipida i 4-aminohinolina kao inhibitori virulencije kod vrsta Pseudomonas aeruginosa i Serratia marcescenssr
dc.title.alternativeDerivatives of rhamnolipids and 4-aminoquinoline as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens virulence inhibitorsen

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