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Bequests in the cultural policy of the republic of Serbia

dc.contributor.advisorMilenković, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherDragićević Šešić, Milena
dc.contributor.otherDanković Stepanović, Sanja
dc.creatorBožić, Jadranka
dc.description.abstractPredmet ove doktorske disertacije je istraživanje sadašnjeg statusa legata, njegove uloge i značaja u kulturnoj politici Republike Srbije. Kulturološki, društveni i pravni odnos prema legatorstvu posmatran je kao paradigmatičan za odnos prema kulturnom nasleđu uopšte. Istraživanje je nastojalo da klasifikuje, analizira i objasni prirodu teškoća koje prate sferu legatorstva kojoj je neophodna snažnija društvena podrška. Studija je fokusirana na objedinjavanje funkcionisanja legata u svim baštinskim ustanovama – muzejima, bibliotekama, arhivima i kinoteci. Ciljevi ovog rada su teorijske i praktične prirode. Na teorijskom planu bavili smo se kulturološkim, društvenim i pravnim položajem legata u Republici Srbiji i na osnovu ovih uvida predložen je model kvalitetnije zaštite, korišćenja i prezentacije (komunikacije) legata. Praktični ciljevi predstavljaju akcionu osnovu za izradu strategije građenja savremenog koncepta legata u okviru kulturne politike Republike Srbije. Legat u kulturi predstavlja značajno pitanje, kako s muzeološkog, tako i sa zakonodavnog i etičkog stanovišta. Posebno naglašavamo da se pod legatom u kulturološkom smislu podrazumevaju svi pokloni ostavljeni institucijama, pa i oni ostavljeni testamentom. I generalno, u bibliotekama, muzejima, arhivima, kinoteci – svugde se govoreći o legatima misli pre svega na poklonjenu građu. U svom radu nastojali smo da legate sagledamo kao važan segment kulturne baštine Republike Srbije kojem kulturna politika do sada nije davala dovoljan značaj. U procesu ovog istraživanja opšta hipoteza koju ćemo pokušati da dokažemo odnosi se na značaj unapređenja sfere legatorstva i zadužbinarske delatnosti uopšte kao vida kulturnog nasleđa za kulturnu politiku Republike Srbije. Glavna hipoteza biće potpomognuta pre svega tezom da legati nemaju adekvatnu sistemsku (zakonsku, društvenu, finansijsku) podršku budući da nema ni podzakonskih akata kojima bi se regulisalo funkcionisanje ustanova kulture (pre svega muzeja), odnosno da kulturna politika Republike Srbije u 21. veku ne poklanja dovoljno pažnje legatima. Ove teze propitivane su u radu analizom postojeće literature, koncepta filantropije i zadužbinarstva u Republici Srbiji, mnoštva komparativnih zakonskih i praktičnih rešanja problematike donatorstva u Evropskoj Uniji, svih relevantnih podzakonskih i drugih akata koji se tiču legatorstva, analiziranjem funkcionisanja legata u najznačajnijim nacionalnim institucijama. U radu se pruža originalna analiza podataka dobijenih intervjuisanjem stručnjaka i kulturnih poslenika (strukturisani, dubinski intervju) na temu legata. Metodu studije slučaja (Case Study) primenili smo na korpus legata Narodne biblioteke Srbije u okviru osnovnog istraživačkog problema koji je postavljen u radu. Teza bi trebalo da predstavlja originalan naučni doprinos proučavanju savremene kulturne politike u oblasti legatorstva u Srbiji. Predlažemo model kvalitetnije sistemske, celovite zaštite, korišćenja i prezentacije (komunikacije) legata u Srbiji, naročito u domenu zakonske regulative. Legatima nedostaje valjana pravna utemeljenost i jedinstvena politika tretiranja legata kao kulturnih vrednosti, dobara. Prvenstveni cilj funkcionisanja legatorstva i upravljanja legatima u Srbiji u kontekstu tranzicionih procesa je konstituisanje savremenih okvira za filantropiju i dobročinjenje. S obzirom na to da se legati danas nalaze u pravnom bespuću, da su kulturološki i društveno nedovoljno podržani i promovisani, mora se poraditi na podizanju njihovog društvenog značaja i ugleda. Tek uspostavljanje sistemske brige o legatima dovodi do pomaka u ovoj sferi kulturne politike i shvatanja legatorstva kao temelja muzeologije (biblioteke, arhivi). U Republici Srbiji legati nisu u dovoljnoj meri prepoznati kao značajan društveni faktor koji razvija dobre navike ali i obogaćuje muzejske, arhivske, bibliotečke zbirke. Ako taj faktor nije prepoznat, on ne može uticati na razvoj i podsticanje stvaralaštva. Smatramo da privatna inicijativa (otvaranje privatnih muzeja i biblioteka) predstavlja budućnost uspešne kulturne politike Republike Srbije. Budući da je čitava fizionomija kulturnog nasleđa kad su u pitanju pokretna pa čak i nepokretna kulturna dobra nastala zahvaljujući delovanju legatora, otuda je značaj unapređenja sfere legatorstva i zadužbinarske delatnosti uopšte za kulturnu politiku Republike Srbije nemerljiv.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this doctoral dissertation is the research of the current status of bequests, as well as their role and importance, in the cultural policy of the Republic of Serbia. The cultural, social and legal attitude towards bequeathal is seen as paradigmatic for the general attitude towards cultural heritage. This study attempts to classify, analyze and explain the nature of difficulties that occur in the sphere of bequeathal, which demands stronger societal support. The study focuses on grouping together the ways of bequest functioning in all heritage institutions – museums, libraries, archives and the cinematheque (film archive). The objectives of this study are both theoretical and practical in nature. In terms of theory, it assesses the cultural, social and legal position of bequests in the Republic of Serbia and, based on these insights, proposes a model of more effective protection, use and presentation (communication) of bequests. Practical aims provide a basis for formulating a strategy of building a modern donorship program as part of the cultural policy of the Republic of Serbia. Bequests are an important aspect of culture in the museological, legislative and ethical sense. It should be noted that, in the cultural sense, bequests include all gifts to institutions, including those bequeathed in wills. Generally, when discussing bequests in the context of libraries, museums, archives and film archives, bequests primarily refer to donated material. 33 This study attempts to assess bequests as an important segment of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Serbia which has not been accorded adequate importance so far. The general premise that this research aims to prove refers to the importance of improving the sphere of bequeathal and donorship as a form of cultural heritage in Serbia’s cultural policy. The main hypothesis will be supported by the claim that bequeathals do not enjoy adequate systematic (legislative, social, financial) support since there is no subordinate legislation to regulate the functioning of cultural institutions (above all museums) – the claim that the cultural policy of the Republic of Serbia in the 21st century does not accord adequate attention to bequeathals. These premises were explored in the study by analyzing existing literature, philanthropy and donorship concepts in the Republic of Serbia, a range of comparative legal and practical solutions for donorship problems in the EU, all relevant subordinate legislation concerning bequeathal, and the functioning of bequests in leading national institutions. The paper offers an original analysis of data collected in interviews with experts and culture workers (in-depth interview) on the topic of bequests. The case study method was applied to the bequest corpus of the National Library of Serbia within the general research framework of this paper. This dissertation aspires to offer an original academic contribution to the study of modern cultural policy in the field of bequeathal in Serbia. It proposes a model of more effective, systematic and comprehensive protection, use and presentation (communication) of bequests in Serbia, particularly in the field of legislation. Bequests lack a sound legal basis and a cohesive policy of treating them as cultural assets. The prime objective of bequest functioning and management in Serbia, in the context of transitional processes, is the establishment of a modern framework for philanthropic and charitable activities. Since bequests are now stuck in a legal void and bereft of cultural and social support and promotion, their social status and importance needs to be improved. Only the introduction of systematic care of bequests could lead to advances in this sphere of cultural policy and to the understanding of donorship as a cornerstone of museology (libraries, archives). In Serbia, bequests are not seen as an important social factor that could foster good practices and enrich collections kept in museums, archives and libraries. Since this factor lacks recognition, it has little impact on the development and promotion of creative production. This study supports private initiative (the founding of privately owned museums and libraries) as the future of Serbia’s successful cultural policy. In view of the fact that the entire profile of cultural heritage – both in terms of movable assets and immovable property – was shaped by benefactor contributions, improving the field of bequeathal and donorship in general is of crucial importance for the cultural policy of the Republic of Serbia.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectkulturna politika Republike Srbijesr
dc.subjectkulturno nasleđesr
dc.subjectkulturna dobrasr
dc.subjectbaštinske ustanovesr
dc.subjectcultural policy of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectcultural heritageen
dc.subjectcultural asseten
dc.subjectheritage institutionsen
dc.titleLegati u kulturnoj politici Republike Srbijesr
dc.title.alternativeBequests in the cultural policy of the republic of Serbiaen

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