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Gender socialization of boys in contemporary families in Serbia : exploring parental attitudes and upbringing practices.

dc.contributor.advisorTomanović, Smiljka
dc.contributor.otherBobić, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherIgnjatović, Suzana
dc.contributor.otherBodroški Spariosu, Biljana
dc.creatorĆeriman, Jelena
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja predstavlja rodna socijalizacija dečaka uzrasta od 2 do 12 godina, koja se ispituje preko vaspitnih praksi majki i očeva u savremenoj Srbiji. Opšti cilj istraživanja je sociološka analiza procesa rodne socijalizacije dečaka u savremenom društveno-kulturnom kontekstu Srbije. Dva posebna istraživačka cilja su: analitički (da se utvrde razlike u vaspitnim praksama očeva i majki, kao i društveno-kulturne i unutarporodične dimenzije koje dovode do ovih razlika) i interpretativni (da se stalnim uporednim metodom izdvoje obrasci rodne socijalizacije dečaka u okviru konteksta Srbije i da se pozicioniraju na kontinuumu od izrazito tradicionalnih do izrazito modernih vaspitnih praksi roditelja). Teorijski okvir istraživanja čine teorije refleksivne modernizacije i teorije patrijarhata. Teorije refleksivne modernizacije se koriste za objašnjenje procesa individualizacije roditeljstva, a teorije patrijarhata za objašnjenje normativnih rodnih režima i njihove transmisije kroz proces rodne socijalizacije. Korišćeni teorijski okvir kontekstualizuje predmet istraživanja i interpretaciju na kvalitativnoj analizi zasnovanih obrazaca rodne socijalizacije dečaka na kontinuumu tradicionalno-moderno. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su vaspitne prakse roditelja većinski tradicionalne. Od tri izdvojena obrasca rodne socijalizacije dečaka dva predstavljaju iskorak u pravcu individualizacije roditeljstva i egalitarnijih obrazaca rodne socijalizacije, a nastaju pre svega pod uticajem dinamike partnerskih odnosa koja je započeta refleksivnošću majki i transformacijom koncepta žrtvujućeg majčinstva. Dinamika partnerskog odnosa tako dobija preokret u pravcu „žrtvovanja“ oca, odnosno njegovog odricanja od jednog dela privilegija koje je uživao pre ulaska u zaduženja u domaćinstvu.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this research is gender socialization of boys aged 2 to 12, explored through parenting practices of mothers and fathers in modern-day Serbia. The general purpose of this research is a sociological analysis of the process of boys’ gender socialization within the contemporary Serbian socio-cultural context. Two particular research goals are singled out: analytical (to detect differences between upbringing practices of fathers and mothers, as well as socio-cultural and family dimensions that lead to these differences), and interpretative (to reconstruct boys’ gender socialization models within the context of Serbia, using continuous comparative method, as well as to position detected models on the continuum from the particularly traditional to the particularly modern upbringing practices of parents). The theoretical framework of this research is based on the theories of reflexive modernization and the theories of the patriarchy. The theories of reflexive modernization are used to explain the process of the individualization of parenting, while the theories of patriarchy explain the normative gender regimes and their transmission via the gender socialization process. The theoretical framework applied here contextualizes the subject of this study and enables the interpretation of the boys’ gender socialization models on a continuum ranging from traditional to modern upbringing practices of parents. The research show that parental practices are primarily traditional. Of the three distinct models of boys’ gender socialization, two represent a step forward in the direction of the individualization of parenthood and more egalitarian gender socialization patterns influenced primarily by partner relationships dynamics, initiated by mothers’ reflexiveness and the transformation of the concept of the “sacrificing 7 motherhood”. The dynamic of partner relationships thus shifts in the direction of “sacrificing fatherhood” that is a father’s renunciation of a part of the privileges he enjoyed before entering the responsibilities within the household.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectrodna socijalizacijasr
dc.subjectgender socializationen
dc.subjectvaspitne praksesr
dc.subjectupbringing practicesen
dc.titleRodna socijalizacija dečaka u porodicama u savremenoj Srbiji : istraživanje stavova i vaspitnih praksi roditeljasr
dc.title.alternativeGender socialization of boys in contemporary families in Serbia : exploring parental attitudes and upbringing practices.en

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