Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Relations between methods for assessment of voluntary and involuntary muscle contractile properties.

dc.contributor.advisorDopsaj, Milivoj
dc.contributor.otherMirkov, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherStanković, Veroljub
dc.creatorToskić, Lazar
dc.description.abstractKontraktilne karakteristike mišića su izuzetan predmet interesovanja stručnjaka iz oblasti sporta i sportskih nauka, ali i drugih srodnih stručnih i naučnih oblasti. Mišićne kontrakcije mogu biti voljne ili nevoljne. Jedan od načina za procenu voljnih odnosno nevoljnih (evociranih) mišićnih kontrakcija jeste metoda izokinetičke dinamometrije odnosno tenziomiografije (TMG). Pregledom relevantne literature moţe se uočiti da je još uvek nedovoljno jasna relacija između ovih metoda čijim proučavanjem se mogu dobiti saznanja koja su od velikog značaja za sport, medicinu i kretanje uopšteno. U skladu sa tim, u ovom istraţivanju su ispitivane relacije između izokinetičke dinamometrije i tenziomiografije kod muškaraca i ţena različito utreniranih odnosno različitog nivoa ispoljavanja mišićne snage. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 159 osoba (84 muškaraca i 75 ţena) uzrasta 18 do 30 godina podeljenih u subgrupe prema dva kriterijuma; prema utreniranosti (fizički aktivni, fizički neaktivni, sportisti iz brzinsko-snaţne grupe sportova, sportisti iz sportova izdrţljivosti, sportisti iz grupe kolektivnih sportova) i prema nivou ispoljavanja mišićne snage (ispodprosečno snaţni, prosečno snaţni, nadprosečno snaţni). Voljne mišićne kontrakcije (prosečna snaga – Pavg, relativna prosečna snaga – RPavg, maksimalni moment sile – Tmax, prosečan rad – Wavg) su merene metodom izokinetičke dinamometrije na mišićima opruţačima i pregibačima zgloba kolena desne i leve noge u koncetričnom reţimu rada pri brzinama od 60 i 180 ˚/s. Nevoljne mišićne kontrakcije (vreme kontrakcije – Tc, odloţeno vreme kontrakcije – Td, vreme trajanja kontrakcije – Ts, maksimalno vertikalno pomeranje mišića – Dm, vreme relaksacije – Tr, brzina kontrakcije – RMTD) su merene metodom tenziomiografije (TMG) na mišićima rektus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), biceps femoris (BF) i semitendinozus (ST) desne i leve noge. Od statističkih procedura u radu je primenjena metoda deskriptivne statistike, Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije, višestruka (multipla) linearna regresiona analiza i faktorska
dc.description.abstractMuscle contractile properties are of great interest to experts from the field of sport and sports science, but also from other related professional and scientific fields. Muscle contractions can be voluntary or involuntary. One of the ways to measure voluntary and involuntary (evoked) muscle contractions are the methods of isokinetic dynamometry and tensiomyography (TMG). By reviewing the relevant literature, it can be noticed that the relationship between these methods is still unclear. Investigation of these relations can lead to information which is of great importance for sport, medicine, and movement in general. Accordingly, this study examined the relations between isokinetic dynamometry and tensiomyography in men and women differently trained and different muscle power manifestation level. The sample of participants consisted of 159 persons (84 men and 75 women) aged 18 to 30 divided into subgroups according to two criteria; according to training level (physically active, physically inactive, athletes from strength and power sports, athletes from endurance sports, athletes from team sports) and according to the muscle power manifestation level (below average power manifestation level, average power manifestation level, above average power manifestation level). Voluntary muscle contractions (average power – Pavg, relative average power – RPavg, peak torque/moment – Tmax, average work – Wavg) were measured by the method of isokinetic dynamometry on quadriceps and hamstring muscles of right and left leg in concentric work regime at angular speeds of 60 and 180 ˚/s. Involuntary muscle contractions (contraction time – Tc, delayed contraction time – Td, sustain time – Ts, maximal displacement – Dm, relaxation time – Tr, rate of muscle tension development – RMTD) were measured by the method of tensiomyography (TMG) on muscles rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST) of right and left leg. Of statistical analysis, a method of descriptive statistic, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression analysis, and factor analysis were used...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47015/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectizokinetička dinamometrijasr
dc.subjectisokinetic dynamometryen
dc.subjectnivo ispoljavanja mišićne snagesr
dc.subjecttraining levelen
dc.subjectmuscle power manifestation levelen
dc.titleRelacije između metoda za procenu voljnih i nevoljnih kontraktilnih karakteristika mišićasr
dc.title.alternativeRelations between methods for assessment of voluntary and involuntary muscle contractile properties.en

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