Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Leader ethical behavior of Leaders in Organization as a factor of individual and organizational performance

dc.contributor.advisorNikolić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherĐorđević, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherĆosić, Ilija
dc.contributor.otherLeković, Božidar
dc.contributor.otherĆoćkalo, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Milan
dc.creatorSajfert, Dragana
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja uticaja etiĉnog ponašanja lidera (EL) na pojedine individu- alne i organizacione performanse, u preduzećima u Srbiji. Konkretno, istraživanje obuhvata ispitivanje uticaja etiĉnog ponašanja lidera (EL) na zadovolj- stvo poslom (JS), organizacionu posvećenost (OCM), finansijske performanse (FP), zadovoljstvo komunikacijom CS) i organizaciono uĉenje (OL). Pored toga, ispitana su moderatorna dejstva ĉetiri moderatora: LMX4 - profesionalnog respekta prema lideru (LMX dimenzija), ITW4 poverenja u akcije menadžmenta (dimenzija meĊusobnog poverenja na poslu) pola ispitanika i godina starosti ispitanika, na odnos etiĉnog ponašanja lidera i posmatranih performansi. Podaci su dobijeni anketriranjem N = 380 srednjih menadžera iz 102 preduzeća u Srbiji. Od metoda statistiĉke obrade podataka korišćeni su: deskriptivna statistika, korelaciona analiza, regresi- ona analiza, i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za ispitivanje moderatornog dejstva. Osnovni zakljuĉci istraživanja uticaja etiĉnog pona- šanja lidera na zadovoljstvo poslom, organizacionu posvećenost i finansijske performanse su: 1. Dimenzije etiĉnog ponašanja lidera koje imaju najveći uticaj na posmatrane performanse su: Skala etiĉkog liderstva (EthicalLeadershipScale), kao generalna dimenzija, Podela moći, Orijentacija na ljude i poštenje (Power sharing, People orientation and Fairness). 2. Visoko etiĉno ponašanje lidera naj- više doprinosi sledećim dimenzijama zadovoljstva poslom: zadovoljstvo platom, šanse za napredovanje i dodatne privilegije. 3. Od finansijskih stavki (fina- ncial performance items), visoko etiĉno ponašanje lidera najviše utiĉe na produktivnost i profitabilnost. 4. Etiĉno ponašanje lidera ima snažniji pozitivan uticaj na organizacione performanse nego na finan- sijske performanse. 5. Kada su u pitanju moderatori LMX4 – profesionalni respekt prema lideru (LMX dimenzija) i ITW4 – poverenje u akcije menadž- menta (dimenzije meĊusobnog poverenja na poslu), zakljuĉak je da kod oba moderatora postoji sliĉan smer delovanja moderacije: u nepovoljnim uslovima (niska struĉnost lidera / nedostatak poverenja u strategijsko delovanje lidera) etiĉno ponašanje lidera ima znatno veći uticaj na posmatrane performanse. Osnovni zakljuĉci istraživanja uticaja etiĉnog ponašanja lidera na zadovoljstvo komunikacijom i organizaciono uĉenje su: 1. Etiĉno ponašanje lider- stva ima dvostruki uticaj: a) pojedinaĉni, liĉni, ljudski, koji više deluje na zadovoljstvo komuni- kacijom, i b) organizacioni, sistemski, koji više deluje na organizaciono uĉenje. 2. Postoji izraženo pozitivno prediktivno dejstvo dimenzija etiĉnog ponašanja liderana dimenzije zadovoljstva komunikacijom i dimenzije organizacionog uĉenja. 3. Moderatorno dejstvo pola ispitanika na posmat- rane odnose je veoma slabo. Kod žena postoji snažniji pozitivan uticaj dimenzija etiĉnog ponašanja lidera na posmatrane performanse, dok je kod muškaraca taj uticaj pozitivan, ali slabiji. 4. Moderatorno dejstvo godina starosti ispitanika na posmatrane odnose snažno je izraženo kod pojedinih dimenzija zadovoljstva komunikacijom, dok je kod dimenzija organizacionog uĉenja veoma slabo. Kod starijih srednjih menadžera postoji snažniji pozitivan uticaj dimenzija etiĉkog ponašanja lidera na posmatrane performanse, dok je kod mlaĊih srednjih menadžera ovaj uticaj pozitivan, ali
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the results of the study of the influence of the leader's ethical behavior on individual and organizational performance in enterprises in Serbia. Specifically, the study consists of the examination of the (EL) influence on job satisfaction (JS), organizational commitment (OCM), financial performance (FP), satisfaction with communication CS) and organizational learning (OL). In addition, best of theseaspects have been examined: (LMX dimension). ITW4 trust in the management actions (dimension of mutual trust at work), gender and age of examiness, ethical behavior of leaders to bserved performance ratio. The data were obtained by interviewing N = 380 middle managers from 102 companies in Serbia according to methods of statistical data processing that were used: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis for testing moderating facts. The main conclusions of research on the effect of ethical behavior of leaders in job satisfaction, organizational commitment and financial performance are: 1. The observeddimensi- ons of ethical behavior of leaders that have the greatest influence on performance are: Skala ethical leadership (Ethical Leadership Scale), as a general dimensions, division of power, Orientation to people and to honesty (Power sharing, People orientation and Fairness). 2. The high ethical behavior of the leader contributes most to the following dimensions of job satisfaction, satisfaction with salary, chances for advancement and additional privileges. 3. As for financial performance items, the high ethical behavior of the leader has the greatest influence on productivity and profitability. 4. The ethical behavior of a leader has a stronger positive impact on organizational performance than on financial one. 5. When it comes to moderators LMX4 - professional respect for the leader (LMX dimension) and ITW4 - confidence in management actions (the dimensions of mutual trust at work), the conclusion is that both moderators have a similar direction of moderation: under unfavorable conditions (low The competence of the leader / lack of confidence in the strategic performance of the leaders) the ethical behavior of the leader has a significantly greater impact on the observed performance. The basic conclusions of the study of the influence of the leaders' ethical behavior on communication satisfaction and organizational learning are: 1. Ethical leadership behavior has a twofold effect: a)individual, personal, human, which no longer improves the pleasure of communication, and b) organizational, systemic, which no longer works on organizational learning. 2. There is a strong positive predictive effect on the dimension of the ethical behavior of the leader on the dimensions of communication satisfaction and the dimension of organizational learning. 3. The moderate effect of half the respondents on the observed relationships is very poor. In women, there is a stronger positive impact on the dimensions of the ethical behavior of the leader on the observed performances, while in men this effect is positive, but weaker. 4. The moderate effect of the age of the examinees on the observed relationships is strongly expressed in certain dimensions of satisfaction with communication, while in the dimensions of organizational learning it is very weak. In older middle managers there is a stronger positive impact dimensions of ethical behavior of leaders on observed performance, while in the younger middle ones, the impact is positive, but weaker.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технички факултет Михајло Пупин, Зрењанинsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectEtika liderstvasr
dc.subjectzadovoljstvo poslomsr
dc.subjectorganizaciona posvećenostsr
dc.subjectzadovolstvo komunikacijomsr
dc.subjectorganizaciono uĉenjesr
dc.subjectJob satisfactionen
dc.subjectOrganizational commitmenten
dc.subjectSatisfaction with communicationen
dc.subjectOrganizational learningen
dc.titleEtično ponašanje lidera u organizacijama kao faktor individualnih i organizacionih performansisr
dc.title.alternativeLeader ethical behavior of Leaders in Organization as a factor of individual and organizational performanceen

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