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Examination of influence of selected filters at concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in production of hot smoked common carp

dc.contributor.advisorTeodorović, Vlado
dc.contributor.advisorĆirković, Miroslav
dc.contributor.otherKarabasil, Neđeljko
dc.contributor.otherDimitrijević, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherOkanović, Đorđe
dc.creatorBabić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractDimlјena riba, uklјuţujuši hladno i toplo dimlјenu, ubraja se meŤu proizvode od riba ţija se potrošnja znatno povešala u svim evropskim zemljama ukljuţujuši i Srbiju. Znajuši za visoku nutritivnu vrednost koja se ogleda u bogatstvu polinezasišenih masnih kiselina, vitamina, minerala i proteina, kao i poţeljnih senzornih vrednosti, ovaj proizvod dobija znaţajno mesto na našoj trpezi. Uprkos pomenutom kvalitetu dimljene ribe, u ovakvom tipu proizvoda postoji rizik od karcinogenih svojstava zbog prisustva policikliţnih aromatiţnih uglјovodonika (PAH) poreklom iz dima. Ţinjenica da dimlјena riba moţe da sadrţi karcinogena PAH jedinjenja moţe imati znaţajan uticaj na prihvatanje ovih proizvoda od strane potrošaţa. Radi smanjenja karcinogenog uticaja sastojaka dima na zdravlјe potrošaţa raŤeni su ogledi u proizvodnji dimlјenog šarana primenom filtera sa zeolitom, aktivnim uglјem i šlјunkom. Dimlјenje je vršeno u komorama za toplo dimlјenje – TDK i „ATMOS― i tradicionalnoj zanatskoj pušnici na razliţitim temperaturama. Ogledi su pokazali da je koncentracija PAH jedinjenja u mesu šarana koje je dimlјeno sa primenom filtera statistiţki znaţajno manja nego u mesu šarana koje je dimlјeno u istim uslovima, ali bez primene filtera. Filteri sa zeolitom i aktivnim uglјem su se pokazali kao efikasniji u smanjenju koncentracije PAH jedinjenja u odnosu na šlјunţani filter. Prednost je data zeolitu jer su finalni proizvodi dobijeni primenom ovog filtera pokazali statistiţki manju vrednost sume svih 16 ispitanih PAH jedinjenja, kao i fluorena, antracena i pirena. Primenom razliţitih temperatura ustanovljeno je da u procesu toplog dimlјenja nije potrebno koristiti temperaturu višu od 63 °C sa aspekta senzornih svojstava i mikrobiološkog statusa. U sklopu ovog nauţnog rada, prašena je i odrţivost proizvoda toplo dimlјenog šarana upakovanog u modifikovanoj atmosferi sa argonom i u vakuumu tokom skladištenja na temperaturi od 4 °C. Pakovanja nisu pokazala razliţit uticaj na rok trajanja, ali se pakovanje u modifikovanoj atmosferi sa argonom pokazalo statistiţki bolјe u pogledu senzornih svojstava i mikrobiološkog statusa proizvoda...sr
dc.description.abstractSmoked fish, both cold and hot, is one of the fish product whose consumption significantly increased over the past few decades in all European countries, including Serbia, due to their desirable sensory properties, high nutritional value, reflected in the richness of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins. In spite of all qualities of smoked fish, there is a risk of carcinogenic properties in this type of fish product due to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from smoke. Fact that smoked fish may contain carcinogenic PAHs could have a significant impact on the acceptance of these products by consumers. In order to decrease the carcinogenic effects of smoke components on the health of consumers, experiments of smoked fish production were done by using zeolite filters, activated carbon and gravel. Smoking processes were done in the chambers for hot smoking – TDK and "ATMOS" and in traditional kiln at different temperatures. Our experiments have shown that the concentration of PAH compounds in hot smoked common carp meat is significantly lower than in hot smoked common carp meat under the same conditions, but without filters. Zeolite filters and activated carbon have been shown to be more effective in reducing the concentration of PAHs in relation to the gravel filter. The advantage was given to zeolite since the final products using this filter showed a significantly lower value of the sum of all 16 PAHs examinated, as well as fluorene, anthracene and pyrene. Using different temperatures it was found that in the process of hot smoke it is not needed to use a temperature higher than 63 ° C from the aspect of microbiological correctness and sensory properties. As part of this scientific paper, the sustainability of the products of hot smoked carp, packed in a modified atmosphere with argon and in a vacuum was monitored during storage at a temperature of 4 ° C. Packages did not show a different effect on the shelf life, but packaging in a modified atmosphere with argon was statistically better in terms of the sensory properties and microbiological status of the product...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет ветеринарске медицинеsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31011/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectaktivni ugalјsr
dc.subjectactivated carbonen
dc.titleIspitivanje uticaja odabranih filtera na koncentraciju policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika kod proizvodnje toplo dimljenog šaranasr
dc.title.alternativeExamination of influence of selected filters at concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in production of hot smoked common carpen

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