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Effects of goose age and production cycle phase on incubation characteristics of eggs and quality of newly hatched goslings

dc.contributor.advisorMitrović, Sreten
dc.contributor.otherĐermanović, Vladan
dc.contributor.otherJokić, Živan
dc.contributor.otherĐukić-Stojčić, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorMilojević, Milena
dc.description.abstractU cilju utvrđivanja uticaja starosti gusaka (godine) i faze (meseci) proizvodnog ciklusa u toku sezone nošenja jaja Italijanske bele guske na inkubacione osobine jaja i kvalitet izleženih guščića sprovedena su istraživanja na poljoprivrednoj zadruzi “Anser” koja su trajala četiri godine (2014. do 2017. godine). Ogledom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 1.200 jaja koja su u svakoj sezoni (od februara do jula) u toku proizvodnog ciklusa inkubirana. U svakom mesecu (fazi) u toku sezone inkubirano je po 50 jaja, odnosno 300 jaja u svakoj sezoni. Naime, u svakom proizvodnom ciklusu (godini) inkubirano je po 300 jaja, a za četiri godine 1.200 jaja. U toku istraživanja praćene su reproduktivne osobine, tj. oplođenost jaja i leženost guščića u svakom turnusu, odnosno pri svakom inkubiranju jaja (24 turnusa). Pored toga, u zavisnosti od kategorije jaja, individualno je utvrđena masa svih jaja pre inkubacije, apsolutni i relativni gubitak mase jaja do 25. dana inkubacije, dužina, širina i indeks oblika jaja (sva jaja, oplođena, neoplođena i jaja sa uginulim embrionom), dok je kod pete, najvažnije kategorije jaja (jaja iz kojih su se izlegli guščići), osim navedenih pokazatelja utvrđena i masa izleženih guščića, kao i relativni udeo guščeta u masi jajeta pre inkubacionog perioda. Posebna pažnja je posvećena kategoriji jaja iz kojih su se izlegli guščići i u cilju dobijanja što konkretnijih zaključaka, pored utvrđivanja navedenih pokazatelja, izračunata je fenotipska korelaciona povezanost između praćenih osobina, posebno između mase jaja pre inkubacije i ostalih osobina jaja i izleženih guščića. Posmatrano po proizvodnim ciklusima (godinama) prosečna masa jaja iz kojih su se izlegli guščići se povećavala, a u okviru sezone od februara do jula smanjivala. Naime, prosečna masa jaja pre inkubacije kretala se između 166,32 g (I ciklus) i 172,97 g (IV ciklus), odnosno između 178,59 g (februar) i 161,80 g (jul), tj. prosečna masa 943 jajeta iznosila je 170,35 g. U I proizvodnom ciklusu jaja su imala statistički značajno veću prosečnu masu (P<0,05) u odnosu na II, III i IV proizvodni ciklus. Ostale razlike u pogledu prosečne mase jaja između proizvodnih ciklusa nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0,05)
dc.description.abstractWith an aim to determine effects of goose age (years) and the phase (months) of the production cycle of the Italian White Goose during the laying season on incubation characteristics of eggs and the quality of newly hatched goslings, a research was carried out on the agricultural farm „Anser“ during a period of four years (2014 to 2017). The study covered a total of 1200 eggs which were incubated in each season (from February to July) during the production cycle. Fifty (50) eggs were incubated each month (phase) during the season, i.e. 300 eggs during each season, which gives a grand total of 1200 eggs in four years. During the study reproductive traits were observed, i.e. fertilization of eggs and gosling hatchability in each rotation and on the occasion of each egg incubation (24 rotations). Furthermore, depending on the egg category, egg mass of all eggs was determined before incubation, absolute and relative egg mass loss up to 25th day of incubation, length, width and egg shape index (all eggs, fertilized, non-fertilized and eggs with dead embryo). In the fifth, most important category (eggs from which goslings were hatched), apart from the above characteristics, mass of newly hatched goslings was also determined, as well as the relative percentage of gosling in the egg mass before the incubation period. Special attention was given to the egg category from which the goslings were hatched and for the purpose of reaching as accurate conclusions as possible, apart from establishing above indicators, phenotype correlation was calculated between the traits observed, particularly between egg mass before incubation and remaining egg traits and newly hatched goslings. In terms of production cycles (years) average egg mass of eggs from which goslings were hatched increased, while during the season, from February to July, egg mass decreased. Namely, average egg mass before incubation was between 166,32 g (Cycle I), and 172,97 g (Cycle IV), and between 178,59 g (February) and 161,80 g (July), i.e. average mass of 943 eggs was 170,35 g. In the first production cycle eggs had a statistically significantly larger average mass (P<0,05) in comparison to production cycles II, III and IV. Other differences in terms of average egg mass between production cycles were not statistically significant (P>0,05)...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectItalijanska bela guskasr
dc.subjectItalian White Gooseen
dc.subjectpriplodna jajasr
dc.subjectizleženi guščićisr
dc.subjectkorelaciona povezanostsr
dc.subjectproizvodni ciklussr
dc.subjectsezona nošenja
dc.subjecteggs for breedingen
dc.subjecthatched goslingsen
dc.subjectproduction cycleen
dc.subjectegg laying seasonen
dc.titleUticaj starosti gusaka i faze produktivnog ciklusa na inkubacione osobine jaja i kvalitet izleženih guščićasr
dc.title.alternativeEffects of goose age and production cycle phase on incubation characteristics of eggs and quality of newly hatched goslingsen

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