Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Legal Aspects of Bank Guarantee as a Mean of Securing Claims

dc.contributor.advisorPočuča, Milan
dc.contributor.otherŠarkić, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherMirković, Predrag
dc.creatorMinić, Savo
dc.description.abstractTema istraživanja doktorske disertacije jeste bankarska garancija kao obligacionopravno sredstvo obezbeđenja. Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije jeste analiza opštih i specifičnih pravnih obeležja bankarske garancije kao relevantnog obligacionopravnog sredstva obezbeđenja. Okvir istraživanja je podeljen na šest posebnih delova u kojima su razmatrano i analizirano sledeće : • teorijsko shvatanjem pojma i opštih obeležja bankarske garancije; • analiza relevantnih izvora prava, kako sa stanovišta pravnog sistema R. Srbije, tako i sa stanovišta međunarodne prakse; • razmatranje i analiza pravne prirode bankarske garacnije; • identifikovanje i analiza pravnih odnosa između učensika u garancijksom poslu, • identifikovanje i analiza fundamentalnih načela bankarske garancije; • razmatranje pravne prirode bankarske garancije u kontekstu obligatornih i fakultativnih elemenata koje bankarska garancija sadrži; • analiza opštih i specifičnih obeležja različitih vrsti bankarskih garancija; i • uporednopravna analiza bankarske garancije i drugih relevantnih obligacionopravni sredstava obezbeđenja. U radu su obrađena i druga relevantna pitanja od značaja, uz adekvatno korišćenje naučne i stručne literature. Sprovedeno empirijsko istraživanje je obavljeno kroz analizu sadržaja presuda i rešenja sudova u R. Srbiji. Ovi izvori su korišćeni u svim segmentima rada. Izvedeni zaključci na kraju istraživanja u potpunosti su potvrdili dve od tri definisane hipoteze istraživanja, dok je jedna hipoteza teorijski potvrđena, dok izvori sudske prakse kao deo empirije istu nisu potvrdilo. Doktorska disertacija predstavlja originalni doprinos nauci, jer ne samo da su sublimirana i analizirana dosadašnja pravna znanja u vezi sa predmetom istraživanja, već su otvorena mnogobrojna pitanja od značja u pogledu načina pravnog tretmana bankarske garancije i u pravu R. Srbije, i potrebe da se odredbe Zakona o obligacionim odnosima inoviraju, odnosno promene u svetlu međunarodnopravnih tendencija uređenja ovog insituta, koji je učinjen u publikaciji Jednoobraznih pravila za garancije na poziv od strane Međunarodne trgovinske
dc.description.abstractThe theme of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the bank guarantee as the obligatory legal means of security. The subject of doctoral dissertation research is the analysis of general and specific legal features of the banking guarantee as a relevant obligatory legal means of security. The research framework was divided into six specific sections in which the following were considered and analyzed: • theoretical understanding of the concept and general characteristics of the bank guarantee; • analysis of relevant sources of law, both from the point of view of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia, and from the point of view of international practice; • reading and analysis of the legal nature banking garacnije; • identification and analysis of legal relationships between participants in the guarantee work, • identifying and analyzing the fundamental principles of a bank guarantee; • consideration of the legal nature of the bank guarantee in the context of the obligatory and optional elements that a bank guarantee contains; • analysis of general and specific features of different types of bank guarantees; and • comparative analysis of the bank guarantee and other relevant security means of security. Other relevant issues of importance are also addressed in this paper, with adequate use of scientific and professional literature. The empirical research was conducted through an analysis of the content of judgments and court decisions in R. Serbia. These sources were used in all segments of work. The conclusions drawn at the end of the study were fully confirmed by two of the three defined hypotheses of the research, while one hypothesis was theoretically confirmed, while the sources of case-law as part of the empiricism did not confirm it. Doctoral dissertation is an original contribution to science, because not only the legal knowledge regarding the subject of research has been sublimated and analyzed, but many important questions have been raised regarding the manner of legal treatment of bank guarantees in the law of R. Serbia, and the need for the provisions of the Law on obligation, or changes in the light of the international legal tendencies of the organization of this institution, which is made in the publication of Uniform Rules for Guarantees on Call by the International Chamber of Commerceen
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет Привредна академија у Новом Саду, Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђеsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет Привредна академија у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectBankarska garancijasr
dc.subjectBank guaranteeen
dc.subjectmeans of securing claimsen
dc.subjectuser of guaranteeen
dc.subjectbank guarantoren
dc.subjectelements of a bank guaranteeen
dc.subjectthe legalnature of the bank guaranteeen
dc.subjectcontract on issuing bankguaranteesen
dc.subjectuniform rules for call guaranteesen
dc.subjectuniform rules forcontractual guaranteesen
dc.subjectconditional bank guaranteeen
dc.subjectunconditional bank guaranteeen
dc.subjectsredstva obezbeđenja potraživanjasr
dc.subjectbanka garantsr
dc.subjectelementi bankarskegarancijesr
dc.subjectpravna priroda bankarske garancijesr
dc.subjectugovor oizdavanju bankarske garancijesr
dc.subjectjednoobrazna pravila za garancijena pozivsr
dc.subjectjednoobrazna pravila za ugovorne garancijesr
dc.subjectuslovnabankarska garancijasr
dc.subjectbezuslovna bankarska garancijasr
dc.titlePravna obeležja bankarske garancije kao instituta obezbeđenja potraživanjasr
dc.title.alternativeLegal Aspects of Bank Guarantee as a Mean of Securing Claimsen

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