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dc.contributor.advisorTodorović, Violeta
dc.contributor.otherJakšić, Milena
dc.contributor.otherKalinić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherStankić, Rade
dc.creatorTomić, Nenad Z.
dc.description.abstractOblast elektronskih sistema plaćanja se u poslednje tri decenije nalazi u fokusu ekonomske teorije i prakse. Razvojem informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija mnoge faze poslovnih procesa prelaze na elektronske osnove, stvarajući potrebu za unapređenjem platnog prometa. Pod uticajem ovih promena, dolazi do niza inovacija u tehničkoj osnovi i organizacionoj strukturi platnog prometa, kako na institucionalnom nivou, tako i u odnosu sa krajnjim korisnicima. Imajući u vidu da je osnova svih inovacija intenzivna primena novih tehničkih rešenja, kao ključno pitanje se nameće njihova ekonomska opravdanost. Shodno prethodnom obrazloženju, predmet doktorske disertacije je preispitivanje mogućnosti unapređenja platnih usluga kroz ostvarenje ekonomije obima u primeni elektronskih sistema plaćanja. Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste da se kroz poređenje stavova korisnika dobijenih na osnovu izvedenog istraživanja i performansi odabranih elektronskih sistema plaćanja utvrdi kako funkcionalne karakteristike sistema utiču na mogućnost postizanja ekonomije obima. U doktorskoj disertaciji su najpre analizirane evolutivne promene organizacione strukture platnog prometa sa ciljem punog sagledavanja uzroka trenutnog stanja. Određeni su mesto i uloga elektronskih sistema plaćanja u platnom prometu, uz analizu faktora koji su doprineli njihovom nastanku i razvoju. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi reprezentativnih sistema, koje upotrebljava veliki broj korisnika. Izvršeno je poređenje operativnih performansi elektronskih sistema plaćanja i tradicionalnih metoda plaćanja, sa ciljem utvrđivanja ekonomske superiornosti jedne od ovih grupa. Pored teorijske, u disertaciji je izvršena i empirijska analiza ključnih faktora koji utiču na odluke potrošača o primeni elektronskih sistema plaćanja. Na primeru Republike Srbije ispitan je uticaj odabranih karakteristika sistema na namere korisnika i stvarnu upotrebu elektronskih plaćanja. Između većeg broja ponuđenih teorijskih modela odabran je UTAUT kao najkompletniji, nakon čega je izvršeno njegovo prilagođavanje konkretnim potrebama istraživanja. Generalno, rezultati empirijskog istraživanja su potvrdili validnost odabranog modela i statistički značaj najvećeg broja uključenih varijabli. Jedino iznenađenje predstavlja neuspeh potvrđivanja značajnosti varijable „očekivani napor“, za koju se pretpostavljalo da je jedna od najznačajnijih u modelu. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u stavovima ispitanika ženskog i muškog pola, ali da razlike postoje kada se kao kriterijum grupisanja koristi starost
dc.description.abstractThe domain of electronic payment systems has been in the focus of economic theory and practice for the last three decades. With the development of information and communication technologies, many stages of business processes are transferred to electronic bases, creating the need for improving payment transactions. Under the influence of these changes, a series of innovations in the technical basis and the organization of payment transactions arise, both at the institutional level and in relation to the end users. Taking into account that the basis of all innovations is the intensive application of new technical solutions, their economic justification becomes the most iomportant question. Therefore, the subject of the doctoral thesis is the examination of the possibilities for payment services improvement through the realization of economies of scale in the application of electronic payment systems. The basic aim of the research is to determine how the functional characteristics of the system affect the possibility of achieving economies os scale through the comparison of the users’ attitudes obtained on the basis of the performed research and performances of selected electronic payment systems. The evolutionary changes in the organization of payment transactions are firstly analyzed in the doctoral thesis, in order to obtain full representation of the causes of current state. The place and role of electronic payment systems in payment transactions are determined, along with the analysis of the factors that contributed to their occurence and development. Special attention is devoted to analysis of representative systems, which are used by a large number of individual clients. A comparison of the operational performances of electronic payment systems and traditional payments has been made, in order to determine the economic superiority of one of these groups. In addition to theoretical, an empirical analysis of key factors that influence the consumer's decision on the application of electronic payment systems has also been done in the thesis. The influence of selected characteristics both on users’ intentions to adopt electronic payments and on the actual use of electronic payments is tested on the example of the Republic of Serbia. Among other theoretical models, UTAUT was selected as the most complex, and was adapted to meet the specific needs of the research. Generally speaking, the results of the empirical research confirmed the validity of the selected model and the statistical significance for most of the applied variables. The only surprise is the failure to confirm the significance of the "expected effort" variable, which is presumed to be one of the most important in the model. The research showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the attitudes of female and male respondents, but the difference exists when the age of the respondents is used as a grouping criterion.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Економски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectelektronski sistemi plaćanjasr
dc.subjectelectronic payment systemsen
dc.subjectpayment systemen
dc.subjectdigital economyen
dc.subjectelectronic moneyen
dc.subjectUTAUT modelen
dc.subjectplatni prometsr
dc.subjectdigitalna ekonomijasr
dc.subjectelektronski novacsr
dc.subjectUTAUT modelsr
dc.titleValorizacija elektronskih sistema plaćanja u funkciji unapređenja platnog prometasr

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