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Encounter with the dead theme in Serbian and Italian Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries (based on prose and drama narratives) ; Тема встречи с мертвыми в сербской и итальянской литературе XIX-XX вв. (в текстах прозы и драмы)

dc.contributor.advisorTodorović, Dušica
dc.contributor.otherĐurić, Željko
dc.contributor.otherNestorović, Zorica
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Zorana
dc.creatorJanković, Andrijana
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu stekli smo uvid u slicnosti i razlike izmedu srpske i italijanske književnosti u odnosu na temu susreta s mrtvima u periodu modernizma. Razgovori s mrtvima su se u opusu Luidija Pirandela, a sa njim i u modernistickoj epohi, preobrazili u razgovore naratora-autora sa likovima, odnosno, u razgovore sa sopstvenom svešcu, da bi, potom, bila predstavljena drama lica u potrazi za autorom u proslavljenom Pirandelovom komadu Šest lica traže pisca. U disertaciji smo se ogranicili na period stvaralackog rada Luidija Pirandela i njegovih srpskih i italijanskih savremenika (Ive Andrica, Isidore Sekulic, Sime Matavulja, Branislava Nušica, Eduarda de Filipa). Pored hronološkog okvira, postojao je i žanrovski jer smo analizirali prozne i dramske tekstove. U uvodnim napomenama se razmatra tema susreta uz isticanje znacaja koji ima pojam hronotopa u Bahtinovom smislu, kao i dijalog na pragu. Nezaobilazno je time i pitanje žanra menipeje kome pripadaju razgovori s mrtvima. Sledi kratak istorijski pregled dijaloga mrtvih i sa mrtvima koji u antici ima ideološku funkciju, buduci da mrtvi dobijaju ulogu glasnika. Dijahronijski prikaz je važan kako bismo istakli preokret koji nastupa sa Dakomom Leopardijem u XIX veku. Razmatrajuci odabrana dela analiza je bila usmerena i na interakciju autora, najcešce naratora u prvom licu u ulozi pisca, sa likovima, ali i na odnose izmedu likova. Važno mesto pripada otkrivanju metatekstualnih odlika dela (posebno kod Andrica), pracenih neretko humoristicnim obrisima svojstvenim Pirandelovoj poetici, što je prisutno i u delu Isidore Sekulic. Tematološki i komparativni pristup bio je od izuzetne važnosti za analizu proznih i dramskih tekstova, uz oslanjanje na principe citalacke saradnje Umberta Eka. U okviru komparativnih istraživanja uocili smo uticaj Pirandelovog modernistickog preobražaja motiva susreta sa mrtvima na srpsku književnost, a naznacili smo i tipološke slicnosti i razlike u bavljenju ovom temom izmedu srpskog i italijanskog književnog sistema (okretanje subjektivnom, pribegavanje fantasticnom žanru, nepouzdanim pripovedacima, ironiji, humor u pristupu temi susreta s mrtvima, metatekstualnost). Naznacili smo i osnovne crte postmodernistickih modifikacija koje u buducim radovima mogu da se obrade temeljnijom tekstualnom analizom pojedinih autorskih
dc.description.abstractIn this work we gained an insight into similarities and differences between Serbian and Italian literature related to encounter with the dead theme in modern epoch. Conversations with the dead, in Luigi Pirandello’s work, had converted into conversations between narrator-author with the characters, or dialogues with his own conscience, to later present drama of a character searching for an author in Pirandello’s well known play Six Characters in Search of an Author. The dissertation concentrates on a period of Luigi Pirandello’s creative work, and his Italian and Serbian contemporaries mostly (Ivo Andric, Isidora Sekulic, Simo Matavulj, Branislav Nusic, Eduardo de Filippo). As we analyzed prose and drama narratives, we used not only chronological, but also a genre-based framework. Introductory remarks study the theme of the encounter, highlighting the importance of a term “chronotope” in Bahtin’s sense, as well as a dialogue on a doorstep. Hence, it is inevitable to discuss menippean satire, to which the conversations with the dead belong. This is followed by a brief historical review of dialogues with and between the dead which have ideological purpose in the antiquity, since the dead convert into messengers. A diachronic approach is important to highlight the reversal that occurs with Giacomo Leopardi in the XIX century. Taking into consideration selected pieces, the subject of the analysis was interaction of the author, mostly narrator playing a role of a writer, with characters, but also relations between characters. Special place belongs to a discovery of metatextuality (especially in Andric’s work), often followed by humoristic notes that are typical for Pirandello’s poetics, and are present in Isidora Sekulic’s work too. Thematological and comparative approaches were extremely important in prose and drama analysis, relying on Umberto Eco’s reading cooperation principles. In comparative researches, we noticed an influence of Pirandello’s modernist transformation of the encounter with the dead motif on Serbian literature, and we also indicated typological similarities and differences between Serbian and Italian literary systems when handling this topic (focusing on subjective, using fantastic genre, unreliable narrators, irony, humoristic approach to encounter with the dead theme, metatextuality). We also indicated basic postmodernist modifications that could be further researched in future studies, using more thorough textual analysis of certain publications.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectencounter with the deaden
dc.subjectdialogue on a doorstepen
dc.subjectSerbian literatureen
dc.subjectItalian literatureen
dc.subjectsusret sa mrtvimasr
dc.subjectdijalog na pragusr
dc.subjectsrpska književnostsr
dc.subjectitalijanska književnostsr
dc.titleTema susreta sa mrtvima u srpskoj i italijanskoj književnosti devetnaestog i dvadesetog veka (na primerima proznih i dramskih tekstova)sr
dc.title.alternativeEncounter with the dead theme in Serbian and Italian Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries (based on prose and drama narratives) ; Тема встречи с мертвыми в сербской и итальянской литературе XIX-XX вв. (в текстах прозы и драмы)en

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