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Environmental factors in international relations - case study of Maghreb countries

dc.contributor.advisorNadić, Darko
dc.creatorDarduri, Zainab
dc.description.abstractPočetkom ovog veka mnoge zemlje Magreba suočavaju se sa sličnim problemima u vezi zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja. Prvo, one treba da se prilagode klimatskim promenama. Prije tri decenije, zabeleženo je povećanje temperature vazduha od skoro 2˚C u mnogim zemljama severne Afrike, što je uticalo i na druge ekološke činioce kao što su smanjenje padavina, povećanje nivoa mora i nestašice vode, zagađenje resursa, smanjenje biološke raznolikosti i obradivog zemljišta, širenje pustinja, itd. Zbog povećanja nestašice vode, kao i zagađenja vode, vazduha i drugih resursa, mnoge zemlje Magreba suočavaju se sa povećanim brojem bolesti i smrtnih slučajeva, posebno u Mauritaniji i Maroku. Zbog promena životne sredine, zemlje Magreba imaju ekonomske i političke posledice kao što su štete zbog prirodnih katastrofa, obnavljanje zagađenih vodnih resursa, sprovođenje politike zaštite životne sredine u skladu sa međunarodnim sporazumima i konvencijama, jačanje institucija i poboljšanje saradnje. Takođe, političke posledice uključuju ekološke migracije, kao i izbijanje sukoba za vodu i druge oskudne resurse u zemljama Magreba. Iako su neke zemlje Magreba preduzele određene mere zaštite životne sredine kao što su projekti za pošumljavanje da bi se sprečilo širenje pustinje u Mauritaniji i Maroku ili obnavljanje vegetacije u stepama Alžira, ističemo saradnju sa Evropskom unijom u okviru EUROMED-a. EUROMED predstavlja evro-mediteransko partnerstvo za projekte u različitim oblastima - ekonomije, životne sredine, energetike, zdravstva, migracija i kulture. Neki projekti EUROMED-a obuhvataju čišćenje zagađenja u Sredozemnom moru, uključujući priobalje i morska zaštićena područja; zajednički programi civilne zaštite za preveniju, pripremu i reagovanje na prirodne i katastrofe uzrokovane ljudskim aktivnostima; i drugi. Evropska unija i Sjedinjene Američke Države povećale su diplomatske aktivnosti u zemljama Magreba, nakon što su se demonstracije poznate kao arapsko proleće, prelile iz Tunisa tokom 2011. godine u druge zemlje i dovele do masovnih protesta u Alžiru ili promena vlada u Tunisu i Libiji, ali i do širenja nemira i nasilja u Egiptu i Bliskom Istoku. U ovom radu proučavali smo organizaciju Afričke unije i regionalne ekonomske zajednice kao što su zemlje Zajednice Sahel-Sahara (CEN-SAD), Zajedničko tržište za istočnu i južnu Afriku (COMESA), Ekonomska zajednica zapadnoafričkih država (ECOWAS), Međuvladina uprava za razvoj (IGAD) i druge, sa ciljem promovisnja regionalne integracije i saradnje u ekonomskom razvoju, zaštite životne sredine, bezbednosti hrane i održivog razvoja u Africi. U vezi programa i aktivnosti specijalizovanih agencija Ujedinjenih nacija u zemljama Magreba, ističemo brojne projekte, programe i godišnje izveštaje UNEP-a i FAO-a o zaštiti životne sredine i održivom razvoju ili jačanju institucija kao što su Odbor za bezbednost hrane i održivi razvoj i Afrički centar za klimu u okviru UN Ekonomske komisije za Afriku - UNECA, i mnoge druge.sr
dc.description.abstractAt the beginning of this century many Maghreb countries are dealing with similar problems regarding their environmental protection and sustainable development. First, they have to adopt to climate changes. Three decades ago, an increase in air temperature of almost 2˚C has been recorded in many countries in north Africa, and it has affected to other environmental factors such as drop in rainfall, increasing of sea level and water scarcity, pollution of resources, reduction of biodiversity and arable land, desertification, etc. Due to increased water scarcity, pollution of water, air and other resources many Maghreb countries are facing with increased number of illnesses and deaths especially in Mauritania and Morocco. According to those environmental changes, Maghreb countries have economic and political consequences such as damages caused by natural disasters, restoration of polluted water resources, implementation environmental policies due to international agreements and conventions, strengthening institutions and improving cooperation. Political consequences also include environmental migration, as well as the outbreak of conflicts for water and other scarce resources in the countries of the Maghreb. Although some Magreb countries have taken certain measures for environmental protection such as projects for reforestation to prevent desertification in Mauritania and Morocco, or restoring vegetation in the steppes of Algeria, we point out the cooperation with EU such as EUROMED. EUROMED represents Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Projects in different areas - economic, environmental, energy, health, migration, and culture. Some of the projects of EUROMED include cleaning the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, including coastal and marine protected areas; joint civil protection programs for the prevention, preparation and response to natural and disasters caused by human activities; and others. The European Union and the United States have increased diplomatic activities in the countries of the Maghreb, after the demonstrations known as the Arab Spring, has spilled over from Tunisia in 2011 to other countries and led to mass protests in Algeria, or a change of government in Tunisia and Libya, but also to spread unrest and violence in Egypt and the Middle East. In this work we have studied the organization of the African Union and regional economic communities such as the Community countries Sahel-Sahara (CEN-SAD), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Intergovernmental Authority for Development (Intergovernmental Authority on development - IGAD) and the other, with the aim of promoting regional integration and cooperation in economic development, environmental, food safety and sustainable development in Africa. Regarding programs and activities of the United Nations specialized agencies in the countries of the Maghreb, we pointed out many UNEP and FAO projects, programmes and annual reports regarding environmental protection and sustainable development, or capacity building such as Committee on Food Security and Sustainable Development, and The African Climate Policy Centre by UN Economic Commission for Africa – UNECA, and many others.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет политичких наукаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectzaštita životne sredinesr
dc.subjectenvironmental protectionen
dc.subjectodrživ razvojsr
dc.subjectregionalna integracijasr
dc.subjectUnija arapskog Magreba (AMU)sr
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten
dc.subjectregional integrationen
dc.subjectArab Maghreb Union (AMU)en
dc.titleEkološki činioci u međunarodnim odnosima - studija slučaja zemalja Magrebasr
dc.title.alternativeEnvironmental factors in international relations - case study of Maghreb countriesen

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